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FEATURES Thursday, December 7. 2000 - Page 7 ASAP and Allies hosted annual World AIDS Day program There are now 42,000 panels ways to prevent themselves from "I'd like to see a world where we "People don't think it can hap- Assistalll Commentary EdilOr total; that is enough to stretch over becoming infected, she said, "it's don't walk down the street and pass pen to them, but it can," said Cathy "AIDS isn't over." 25 football fields. ASAP, through a gift of life we are trying to people who are infected with Pendorf, housing manager for This is the message Ron Baker the National Youth Education Pro- spread." AIDS." His interest in AIDS ASAP. wanted to send to students, as he gram, acquired the panels for a fee Ron Baker works along side awareness is why he joined ASAP. Observing the quilt panels, gave his personal testimony of-liv- of $465. The money raised by the Culver as he goes into area schools Culver, too, would like more Pendorf added, "each person has a ing with AIDS, at the World AIDS quilt rentals will go toward AIDS testifying to what his life with than anything for this to be the last story, a story that was cut Day program held in Ensor Lounge research. AIDS is like. commemoration of World AIDS hurts inside to think about." on Thursday, November 30, 2000 The program opened with a Upon finding .out that he had Day. Another part of the 'program at 7:00p.m. song from RENT, performed by tested positive for AIDS, he re- However, the numbers show was a the raffling off of the Ty The program was cosponsored five members of WMC's Madri- membered not being able to think otherwise. She said that just last Beanie Baby Bear named Ariel. by two student organizations: gals. about anything but the-clock. . year; 2.8 million people died of Ariel's design was drawn by a little ASAP(AIDS Support, Awareness, Then, members of ASAP per- He also recalled seeing parts of AIDS, and another six million be- girl who died of AIDS. The bear is and Prevention) and Allies. formed a skit. The skit was written his life flash before him. He was came infected. also named after the girl. Founded in 1994, ASAP has by co-Vice President of ASAP, Lisa ridiculed and lost all of his friends, Every hour, two people under ASAP raised $81.91 with the been holding World Aids Day pro- Dale Van Auken. The skit illus- except for his best friend, who is the age of 25 become infected, she raffle, which will also go towards grams for approximately four trated how easily AIDS can travel now his wife. added. a local AI DS research organization. years. through sexual activity. He wants to make young people Since Ron Baker has been Culver ended her talk by mak- On the two large panels of the _ Bernice Culver, from the aware of his life, so that they never counseling individuals who have ing several statements about what AIDS Quilt displayed in Ensor Carroll County Health Department, have to experience it. HIV is some- AJDS, he has seen people becom- each person can do to support Lounge. there were 16 names of spoke about the AIDS Quilt and the thing that affects everyone. "We ing infected at extremely young people who have AIDS. AIDS victims. The panels are made existence of this disease, not only will all know someone with it in ages. In fact, Baker is currently Her final statement sums it up by the loved ones of the individu- in the world, but in Carroll County. our lifetime," Culver said. counseling an ll-year-old girl who in the best possible way as indi- als to symbolize who they were and By making people aware of Michael Baker, the president of contracted AIDS because of her viduals and as a community, "we how the will be remembered. AIDS and educatin them about Allies and a member of ASAP, said, unsafe sexual behavior. need to care." Are you in need of some Cathy Pendorf and good advice? Ask Kitty Matt Winner played Do you ever have those press- Further information is avail- ing problems to which you wished able at Smith House x700 and also Lydia and Jack, respec- you had a quick answer? at Carroll County Health Services tively, in the skit per- Well, there may not be a quick in Westminster. answer, but Kitty will read your Another suggestion is to talk formed at Thursday problems and give you her advice. to your partner about your con- night's program. Maybe she'Il even give you afew cems. this is a situation that in- options you hadn't thought of yet. votves both of you. He may be If you have u qnestion, aprob- worried about it too, and unsure lem, or just a situation you would whether to talk to you about it. like an opinion on. write a letter Remember, if you are mature and send it to Kitty. Send it enough to have sex, you should through campus mail to box 797, be mature enough to talk about it. Discillimer:-The author ls a This is a high-risk behavior WMC psychology major, and not and if you decide to, AIDS test- ::!~:~::~~~~e!S~~~~~~:;l~S~~n!i!~ f~e:u:~da~~o~in~~~:o~~ Co-vice president of ASAP, Lisa ~o:~~if~kr:~~ ~:~ at their issues CO~~~~:~~n~el~;~:'for writ- Dale Van Auken, introduces the first speaker at the World AIDS ing! ;'~l;:~:d.I'm usually vel)' Dear Kitty, Day Program, with sections of the resp~lblev.~ltcomestosafe'" ~-...Dude' My buds keep taking AIDS Quilt behind her. Lisa is sex ~ -.-: my BiTdS'1f\ starting to-make me JIot "guy and I have been really mad! also the author of the skit per- together fO~~nll:l~o!" Idon t usually care, but I'm a just not so easy to slow things httleroW"ur.",_--.:.1. -eaend of the formed by ASAP. down so we can get a condom. I semester stress makes this sttua- ------. mean to use one, but then, I just don VERY important! don't. Idon't want to be an ass about I feel really bad about it after- it. what do I do? ward. What should I do11 know -Bud Dude birth control could work. but I don't know how to getiLAre there Dear Dude. any other alternatives? It sounds like this is really -Swept Away bothering you, should think about From Left to right are talking to your Buds. Let them Dear Swept Away, knowhow you feel. that you don't Cathy Pendorf, Matt It's a positive step that you are usually care but you are low on concerned about it. There are sev- funds. Winner, Lisa Van era! things you can do now. Maybe suggest that they chip Auken, Libby Liu, Pat One thing would be to learn in or take turns buying the refresh- more information. ments for the evening. Dougherty, Shauna Some facts are that the pill and From the information you some other forms of birth control have given me, it does sound like Dominguez, Jennie do not protect you from STD's, an unfair situation and there is Callos, Karen HIV, and AIDS, definitely a diplomatic way to ad- Condoms are only 85% effec- dress it. Pizzolato, Mohindra live, and yes there are alternatives Don't hold things in. in birth control and protection. The bottom line is that com- Ramphal, Joan some more effective then others. munication is key. Your buds just Faulkner, Dan though abstinence from sex is the might not realize how you feel. only 100% effective way to pro- So take this advice and take Mueller, and Allison tect yourself. control of your situation. Rupert." ,
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