Page 72 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 72
Thursday, December 7, 2000 - Page 8 FEATURES SHAUNA DoMINGUEZ AND KATE ESPOSITO one needs, and most people don't get enough FealuresEdilQromlSeniorWriler of it. Hint: this item can be found in the pub, picture of you that also happens to have your sports team. It's the best way to spend 100 With the holidays approaching, Hanuk- packaged in attractive gift bottles. And hey, ex with his/her arm around you. million dollars. Cheesy gift idea: Take them kah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, Bath- you can get flavored water too! Bad gift idea: out to play their favorite sport. Don't actu- tub Party Day, etc. it is time to think again something they already have. For yobr incompetent ex- ally play, just offer to, It's free and you get of what the holiday season means to you and Good Gift Idea: Why would you be giv- to spend "quality" time with them. Bad gift what you will get for those you care about. For your roommate- ing them a gift anyway? Cheesy Gift Idea: idea: Season tickets to the games of their Bad Gift Idea: How do you wrap a grenade? Here are some "inexpensive" holiday gift Good gift idea: For one day, promise to A picture of yourself with a heart drdwri least favorite team, and sport for that matter. 'm)~ ideas: '(! A) Pick your dirty clothes up off the-floor B) around it. I,' :lU limn 'F8dlie-iMusic fanatic- Turn the music DOWN C) Wash your dishes For the environmentalist - and/or D) Remove the large animal from the For the vegetarian-. Good gift idea: Tickets to every concert Good gift ideas: A $1000 donation to a room. Hey, what could be bettertn~n giving on their favorite band's tour. They'll be your save the rain forest fund. several subscrip- a gift that is free of cost? Cheesy gift idea: Good gift idea: A $1000 donation to an best friend forever, and it'll get them out of This gift may be tions to an adopt-an-animal program. or an Return everything you ever "borrowed" from animal rights organization. animals happy. your hair. Cheesy gift idea: A subscription it makes but expensive electric car. These gifts may be expensive, them (hint: don't mention that it was already Cheesy gift idea: A box of animal crackers. to Tiger Beat. They can get monthly pin-ups but they make the Earth happy. Cheesy gift theirs). You know they'll like it because they Vegetarians can eat these without feeling of those teen'idols everyone loves. Bad gift idea: A bag of dirt. This is actually a very had it before. Bad gift idea: Give them some- guilty. Bad gift idea: a side' of beef. This idea: A $1 gift certIficate to a music store. useful gift. It can be used to grow plants in _thing you would rather have for yourself (so would be a bad gift foranyone. the spring, to create yummy mud pies, and you can steal it back-later). For your parents- to track on the carpet and irritate your room- For the golfer- Good gift idea: Send them on that long mate. Bad gift idea: Stock in an oil com- For your significant other- cruisefhey keep saying they're going to take gift idea: A new set of balls and Good pany. Good gift idea: Tickets for a romantic clubs. If your golfer is like. the golfer I know, when you graduate. They deserve it after getaway for two to their favorite place. If they they will need them. Cheesy gift idea: Those raising you 10 be the nice, responsible adult For the person who has every thing- feel as strongly for you as you for them, silly chocolates that look like golf balls. Ev- that you are. Cheesy gift idea: Offer to move Good gift ideas: gift certificates to their maybe they'll actually take you with them. Out without their financial support. They favorite restaurants and stores. These are Cheesy gift idea: What do they need a present eryone could use a little chocolate. Bad gift might actually like this one. Bad gift idea: good because people need to eat and they for? They have you in all of your idea: A bowling ball. Move them out while they are not at home, can pick their own gift this way. Cheesy gift amazingness! If they can't appreciate that, you know, while they are on that cruise idea: Water. This is that every- who needs them? So there! Bad i A you're going to send them on. Oh and don't forget to change the locks. For your professors- Good gift idea: Tell them you won't ever be in their class again. But wait, if they teach in your major, you probably will. So instead get them a new red pen because they'll need it with' you in their class again. Cheesy gift idea-Give them a great review on semester- end evaluations or apple- from- the pub. The first will be appreciated greatly and the second, well, teachers love apples . . Duh. Bad gift idea-Gtve tliem your 2oo-page senior sem paper, eyen if you aren't a se- For your pet- Good gift idea: Their favorite treats. Thcy'lilove you for. it, even if they already love you. Cheesy gift idea: Reindeer antlers . or some other degrading pet e1othes. They don't want to be dressed up even if you think it's cute. If you happen to have a bird or fish, get them food. What else are you ~,.., get them? Bad gift ide~_.L ez, ··r.'I";''7;',,,,,,:+.',,,":,:;,,·t-''ocl_a~~UI_,b"sea- ~u: really expect us to give you all r.".~_;d"
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