Page 73 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 73
Thursday, December 7) 2000 - Page 9 Room 403G: What's up with F*·**? an expression 60 SECONDS ... at night) the profanity. We need fuck.It's Staff Writer That means, on average, we that comes right from our gut. It Welcome to room 403G. It's" hear a stranger screaming the ob- pushes off our lips with ffff, then small, cramped, cluttered; and five seenity outside OUf window 45 bubbles up out of our viscera with are you going to flights above Rouzer parking lot. times a semester, 90 times a year. uhhhh, then finally explodes with We call it home. No wonder r wear earplugs to kkkk. over winter break? sleep. Striking a primitive chord, it an- I don't blame you if you've got In the beginning, fuck was a chors us for an instant to our unre- a problem with the F-bomb. I my- perfectly acceptable word. Most fined, instlnctualsetves. -Complled by Brad Widner self drop it from time to time, but ,,~kf1IY,)h1! word derivates from the So, whether we like it or not, jfyou don't like it, it's understand- Old German word fucken: "to fuck is a staple in language for lots able, strike or penetrate," later meaning, of people. '. !t's been crammedso densely ''to copulate." You can hear it in buses, bars, "Sleeping and regu- into conversation that taking it out The first recorded fuck was in . movies, and, yes, even class rooms. lating the 4th floor would cut our vocabulary in half. 1503, but in the 18th century, dur- Many-a-time, I've heard the F- But time after time, there's just ing Queen Victoria's reign, the word slip from a teacher's lips. of McDaniel." something that always makes us word was censured. .In fact, I have one teacher who fall back on that most profane of Interestingly, Victoria also de- thinks that fuck is so overused that Josh Bronson '01 al! profanities, that most offensive creed that saying table limb's was it will be a worthless, insipid word Sociology of obscenities, the queen mother- more appropriate than saying table in another few generations, like the f**ker of all curse words (don't say legs because legs was too sexual. way cool has become a little less I didn't warn you): fuck. . ' So, fuck became a dirty word exciting than it was in the 60s. Idecided recently to start docu- because of one woman's sexual 'Til then, fuck can be very ef- menting the number of times that hang-ups. fective for emphasis, even though my roommates and I hear fuck It wasn't until a 1960courtcase it's taboo. It's grabs people's atten- "Working, working shouted outside our fifth-floor in America that fuck was legally tion, makes them listen more care- widow. printable. Lucky for me, huh? fully to what you're saying. When and working ..." And after a month, the empiri- So what's the big deal? The it's used sparingly, a well-placed Andrew White '03 cal evidence points us to one con- word fuck is really just a bunch of swear is worth 10, or even more Business elusion: fuck is unavoidable. sounds, right? The only reason it's than 10, other words. In two weeks, we documented dirty is because we think of it thai But don't go test this theory too a total of six different occasions way. enthusiastically; 'Cause I'm really (usually weekends) that someone Well, the truth is, we need an fucking tired of hearing it outside (usually a malej-shouted (usually arsenal of curses at our disposal. my window. "Two words -- Road trips!" especially for any young kids in the sweet potatoes and your lucky Emily Perry '02(left) extended family. Your best food is numbers are 10, 16 and 28. Business SAGITTARIUS apple pie and your lucky numbers Christina Walter '03 (Nov 23- Dec 21) are 1, 17 and 33. LEO Happy Birthday Sagittarius! (July 24- Aug 23) Sociology/Social Work Party extra hardy. Those Scorpios TAURUS All right Leo it's time to let you know how to have a good time, so (Apr21-May21) big heart roar, show people how meet up with one and them you'll This-season put aside your pes- loud-it can be. Spend some lime this "Fretting over what both have entirely too much fun. simistic tendencies and really en- year at a soup kitchen or helping Your best food is Turkey, and your joy this time of year with an open your community in some way, it I'm going to do lucky numbers are 2, 21 and 34. mind and an eye on your family. will lighten your heart and bring Doing this, Taurus, will make your smiles to faces that need them. Your with an English CAPRICORN holiday the best ever. Your best best food is Pineapple upside-down (Dec 22- Jan 20) food is honey baked ham and your cake and your lucky numbers are degree." This Holiday season let some- lucky numbers are 5, 19 and 26. 12,22 and 32. Kris Sevillena '01 one know how much they mean to English you (no, family doesn't count,) and VIRGO just watch their face light up. Your (Aug 24- Sep 23) best food is some cranberries any Make some time and get to- way you like them and your lucky gerber with Grandma and bake her nte n w at goes on numbers are 9, 27 and 31. best cookies this break and recon- nect with-the older generation. Your at WMC? Want to be one AQUARIUS best fuods are Shortbread cookies (Jan 21- Feb 19) and your best numbers are 8, 24 and Hey you beautiful people! 30. of the first to know about Show the Scorpio in your life what you call fun; keep their party jump- LIDRA something? Then you ing, and of course a gift from an (Sep 24- Oct 23) Aquarien is not necessary. Your' Hang some mistletoe in a high best food is Pineapple Stufflng-uf traffic area-and everyone will have should write for ... you've never heard of it you don't •J: GEMINI fun. with it including you Libra, know what you are misslngj-and (lVifY 22- June 21) keep an eye on the plant good your lucky numbers are 4, 18 and .(1 Make sure to put lots of time things may come out of it. Your 29. aside this special time of year for, best food is pea!1u! butter balls (you your family Gemini, they all won"i ' bave n'O idea what you are missing The Phoenix!!! PISCES (Feb 20- Mar 20) , be around for long so cherish them if you've never had one) and your while they're able to reciprocate best numbers are 3,14 and 35. Watch out who you spend the their love. Your best food is Holidays with; remember the Set- applesauce and your lucky num- SCORPIO tlers were nothing but liars, so just .•bers are 6, .20 and 36. (Oct 24- Nov 22) keep that in mind. Your best food Happy belated Birthday Scor- Call x8600 right away for is com on the cob and your lucky CANCER pio! You wonderful people are not numbers are II, 15 and 23. (June 22- July 23) ready to stop that wild birthday cel- more information on how you Keep an eye on your younger ebration - so go ahead and let loose, ARIES cousins, nieces, and nephews and hit the clubs, whatever you want; can become a part of the (Mar 21- Apr 20) relearn the joy and wonder of the you'll have a blast. Your best food Start some new traditions this holiday season, it will do your heart is pumpkin pic, your lucky num- Phoenix staff next semester. Holiqay.~,~~~~n,,!haqsJ~lwjln f~n, g,qP9; y.o)Jf best food are some bers are 7, '13 and 25. Jf~·~·f!·~·!·==£!-~':.·'_!_:'.:-'.;-' .. __.... _
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