Page 68 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 68
Thursday, Dece~ber 7,2000 - Page 4 COMMENTARY Staff Letters to 'tile edi'fbr about campus issues Editors-in-Chief Dear Editor, Laura Beth Kelley '01 I am writing to the Phoenix as a very ner- always have the luxury of having someone me because anyone can climb in through Jenifer D. Sirkis '01 with them. those low windows and be waiting for me vous and concerned student of Western Another area that is poorly lit is the park- behind the door as I enter the room. Maryland College. It is now my senior year News Editors ing lot behind Harrison House and the Art I also frequently observe students c1imb- Claire Adams '02 here, and I find myself dealing with a prob- Studio. I am an art major and frequently go ing in through common room and bathroom Staci George '03 lem that has never worried me before; my to the art studio by myself, late at night, in windows on the first floor, in order to get to safety. order to finish my projects. Until recently, I their friends in the building. If resident stu- Assistant News Editor Within the last month or two, there have have never felt nervous visiting my "second dents are eaSil,Y,~?le to access the ins_ide of Joan Faulkner '02 been two incidents involving suspicious home." Now, Ijump at every shadow th~t "J~Tb~ildingl~hads preventing a suspicious people, one resulting in an attempted rob- moves. And, it is not just the parking lot person from doing the same? After asking Features Editor bery and assault. Though I feel that r have Shauna Dominguez '02 that is dimly lit, but the areas in between the about the installation of the screens, I was always acted intelligently and safely when buildings and even the buildings themselves. told that it is "not in the budget for this year." Assistant Features Editor travelling across campus, I do think that there I understand that the school has a very tight Again, I ask, why not spend the money to Matt McGowan '04 are many other things that the administra- budget that it hasto follow; but what is it prevent the crime instead of waiting for more tion should do to help lessen the chances of going to take before they use money to in- money and allowing other incidences to hap- Commentary Editor incidents like this happening. stall new light posts? A rape, a hospitalized pen? Edward Schultheis '03 First of all, though most of the campus student, or heaven forbid, a fatality? I am sure that there are other safety is- has plenty of lighting located on pathways Secondly, though not an issue with all of sues that I have not even addressed in this Assistant Commentary Editor and parking 101 areas, there are a few key 81 Shorb '02 the dormitories, safety screens are absent letter, and 1 urge every student to voice their places that could use more. One of those from at least one building, Albert Nonn'a~ concerns to the proper people, Talk to your places is the parking area behind PELC. This Sports Editor Ward Hall. The scariest thing for those of us Residence Life Coordinator, your SGA rep- Matthew Hurff'03 parking lot, in addition to the alley that who live in the building is the fact that the resenrattves, or even go to the SGA meet- stretches behind the Pennsylvania Avenue two recent incidents occurred very close to ings, Thursday nights at 8 pm in Hill Hall. If Assistant Saorts Editor Houses, where at least one of the incidents our home. That would not be as big an issue you haven't read the campus emails about Greg Lederer '03 took place, has barely enough light to illu- if it was not for the fact that there are no either of the incidents, be sure to take notice minate a student's path. Students who live metal safety screens in the downstairs laun- of Campus Safety's advice and be safe. Copy Editor in the houses have no choice but to walk dry rooms or the first floor rooms. Doing Sincerely, Stacey Welch '04 down that path every day, and they do not laundry has become an intimidating task for len Denzer Photographers Is Marijuana a Problem? Kelley Diamond '04 amounts of drugs, then what was the point? with pot smoking here. I guarantee it in- Brad Widner '03 "Drug use is an issue at WMC, though I would venture to say that most of them creases business at the Pub and the food at use seems limited only to marijuana." This would probably smoke again. Glar almost passes as genuine when stoned. Distribution Manager line, lifted from the November 16, 20.00 Many of my friends, when released from So, Mr. Assistant Features Editor, what Zsanett Borsos '02 Phoenix raises a vital and fundamental ques- police custody after arrest, ran immediately is the issue? tion in my head. to friends in order to smoke up and forget Are students jumping out of their win- Student Government Reporter Is marijuana use, as the assistant features about the laughable B.S .. they had to put up dows because of the "crazy reefer?" Is ev- Megan K. Martin '01 editor states it, "an issue"? I can't find any with that night. eryone who tokes failing out of school at this reasonable answer to conclude yes. The only In a strange way, I feel sorry for Mike moment? There is an issue Mr. Editor, and Senior Writer answer I can muster is that marijuana is ille- Kale Esposito '0 I Webster an all of the Campus Safety Offic- that issue is pretending marijuana use is an gal. ers. Busting eighteen-year-olds for pot is issue. Staff Writers The issue, in my eyes, is the incredible probably not what they went through exten- It is a false one, created only by the au- EmmanuellcBednarek waste of time spent dealing with minor of- sive training for. Well, at least they can pat thorities at this campus, who most smokers Amy Bittinger '01 fenses such as pot smoking, both by Cam- themselves on the back for taking danger- take very uri-seriously anyway and by your Brandi Crawford '02 pus authorities and by your newspaper. Un- ous criminals off the streets. newspaper, which thinks a pot bust of some Rasheeda George '01 less these six people (some students, some Think of the man-hours, physical re- freshmen students deserves a spot on your Michael Jenkinson '02 not) caught in Rouzer Hall on October 29 sources and salary money the school wastes front page and the line "drug use is an is- Craig P. Johnson '03 were operating a sophisticated and brutal to deal with such trivial and minor incidents, sue." Randall Justice '01 syndicate involved in the trafficking of large Joe Lucas '(}() If anything, the school should be pleased -Unsigned Lisa Stanley '02 Lisa Dale Van Auken '02 Gore should concede for good of the country the grocery stores or maybe about the food election night to today where the only news Adviser Edward K. Schultheis in Englar Dining Hail, perhaps even Thurs- I get about it is when I catch it after starting Terry Dalton --;;;;;:::::~--w. day nights 0' fun ...but wait...1 got it. The elec- up AOL But I did manage to catch the news- jjj When I tion! Yes, the topic of discussion that has cast that showed a Ryder truck driving along first sat down to dominated airwaves since people voted on a Florida highway ... It kind of reminded me start typing, I November 7. of a stower Or Simpson chase. The Phoenix is published biweekly. The ~inions expressed do not necessarily represent was already In the beginning, Iwas watching the elec- All I am saying is that Al Gore is draw- !toose of The Phoenix staff, the faculty, or the sure of what I tion coverage all the time, finding out if Gore ing out this process like a young kid draws ~inistrdtors ofWMC. gained any ground, or if George W. finally out the situation when it is rime to take a The paper welcomes free-lance submissions finished him off. Now, Ijust want it all to be bath or brush their teeth. After a month of n Macintosh disks in most word processor for- over. To be honest. I just want Gore to con- point and 'counterpoint, it is time for (he Vice ~. The editors reserve the right to edit fo President to take a bow and exit stage left larity, length, and libel and to publish as space AliI am saying' is that Al Meanwhile his sidekick, Joe Lieberman, can permits. All submissions (excluding self-ad- Gore is drawing out this . go back to his Senate seat and live happily ~ diskeues) become the property of The pro sport play- ever after. It is just time to end this drama !Phoenix and cannot be returned. ers that I was prepared to go off about Mussina's 6 years, $88.5 million dollar con- process like a y~uttg .ki1.!j. 'J~~t~~~~:~~s:di~h~h~!~~:e~:.ndjUstabout P~ include a name and phone numbe orverification. Names will be withheld only by tract. I then talked to my friend, Matt Hurff, draws out the sttuation " JIJ)may.'hearother.people say that they care, and found that he was writing a similar story !the discretion of the Editors-in-Chief when it is time to take a :::~;t:!~~~~ftdi~nl~il::7fi~:ilt~:ei~:~~ The Phoenix does not discriminate based on for the sports section. Even though I knew I ge, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, wanted to write about Messina's recent de- bath or brush their teeth, cause Gore just won't back down. Florida's rowona! origin, condition of handicap, or mari- parture from the Orioles, I knew that- Matt votes have been certified, what more could WSfatus. was more than up to the challenge when it cede and finish this election with just a tad you want? Does he want a re-vote, or why comes to commenting about Major League of dignity. Not that! am being biased, I ac- don't we just throw Florida's votes out, heck Baseball, and especially (he New York Yan- wally voted for Gore and still just want him maybe Bush will get so tired of this that he Mail to: ThePhoe;,.u kees. to-finish all of this and not be a sore loser will just concede to Gore's superior intel- But now that the Mussina story was of It's not that I do not like him as a person, WMC 2 College Hill lect. Of course that is just ridiculous, but so Westminster, MD 21157 limits what was I going to write about now? and! do think he would make a good presi- are Gore's chances of pulling out a squeaker. (410)751-8600 "Oh drat," I thought to myself," what am I dent, but this is like watching a hero in a I'm sorry Mr. Vice President, it's time for FAlC (410) 857-2729 going to write about now since I can't write movie slowly deteriorate before your eyes- you just to go upstairs, brush your teeth, take E-Mail: about the Moose." I pondered for a bit about - it just isn't fun anymore. your bath, and get into bed. Stalling-time is what was upsetting me in the world. !fyou were to look at my election-watch- over, and it is time for you to face the facts Well, there are those pesky high prices at ing, you would see a steady decline from -You lost. •• ·.I..; . .J "llJ.J .','..) ........ .1'1.
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