Page 74 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 74
Thursday, December 7, 2000 - Page 10 SPORTS Men's Basketball starts out strong, defeats Swarthmore Gib:G LEm;RER Terror with 13 points and Larson had nine AssislWII SporlJ EdilQr points and six rebounds, but they couldn't It has been a strong start for the Western match Gibb's 21 points and game high I I Maryland College men's basketball team this rebounds in a 77- 68 loss. year as the team has a positive '3-2, 1- 0 In one of the greatest offensive games in record to begin the season. the team's history; WMC broke out against The team has been very surprising given non-conference toe, Galluadet. 'With a nome that it lias gone through back to back four crowd cheering them on, the Green Terror Will seasons. went on a scoring binge with 67 points in On December I, the Green Terror opened the second half to take a blazing 108-87 win. up their conference season with a home game The 108 point total was just seven points shy against Swarthmore. from the Green Terror record for points For a team winless in their first five scored in one game. games, Swarthmore came out firing and Senior guard Jack Kowalik poured in a dominated the boards to a 23-8 advantage in career high 23 points and Sam Anstead the firsthalf. but WMC held on and found played another solid game with !6pointsand themselves only down 43-40 at the half. In very aggressive defense effort. the second stanza, the horne team responded WMC guards Greg Hill and junior with aggressive defense and incredible long Desmond Bsteves-atso played well 'with 12 range shooting. and I I points respectively in the high seer- The Green Terror defense held the oppo- ing affair. sition to a poor shooting percentage (11-33 "We are playing better offensively and from the floor) and used a balanced attack defensively this year," says senior guard Jack to take a come from behind 87-76 win. Kowalik. "We're playing much better at the Sophomore guard Greg Hill led WMC defensive end and that is something that with 18 points and senior forward Mike Coach is really stressing that we do." Furey had 16 and eight rebounds pace Earlier in the season, the Green Terror the team. Freshman Alan Hoyt and junior kicked off their season with the 19th annual Erik Larson both contributed with 14 and 10 WMC Tip-Off Tournament. In their first points respectively. The Green Terror made game, WMC played a very strong Villa Julie an amazing nine three-point shots on the team. night and have already tied their conference In a high scoring affair, the opposition win total of last season. was very hot from the outside throughout the The team is very optimistic and positive game and didn't relinquish the early lead in about how the season is going. "We are very taking a 98-80 victory. positive, undefeated in the conference so The loss spoiled the head coaching 'de- far," says senior forward Matt McVey. but ofWMC coach Darrell Brooks, but the Junior Erik Larson sets up althefree throw line in during the 87-67 Western Maryland win Playing well early in the season, the game was closer than the score indicated as against Swarthmore. Larson would score 10 points in the effort. This conlest was the first Green Terror welcomed very tough Otterbein the Green Terror were able to close the gap Centennial Conference action the team has faced thus for in the season College of Ohio, on November 28. This was to eight in the middle of the second half. aggressive defense and timely offense down points and five rebounds to get the first win to be a mismatch for WMC as the opposi- Anstead led the team with 15 points and Sean the stretch to secure the team's first victory of Coach Darrell Brook's head coaching ca- tion is led by tough center Jeff Gibbs, the Pond chipped in 12 to pace the Green Terror of the season. reer. best rehounder in division m last year. attack. In the closing minutes of the game, fresh- After posting back to back four win sea- WMC played tough throughout, hitting WMC was looking to get back on the man Alan Hoyt hit a three point shot and sons, this year's basketball team looks ready six three-point shots in the contest, but were winning track in the consolation game of the buried a couple free throws to help WMC to make a positive improvement and progress overmatched on the boards 36 to 18 by the tournament against North Carolina take the 67-59 win. Hoyt and Hill had 1I towards a strong program in the future. invaders. Wesleyan. points for the Green Terror, and sophomore- While the season is very young, the team-is Freshman Sam Anstead paced the Green In a close game, the Green Terror played center Jon Pearson stepped up with a big I2 rof!!.f!!!toc:!a-""~ro!!!n~"a,,rt~. ---, Phoenix spotlight on wrestler Levi McVey Sports Trivia Levi "focuses on staying relaxed and hav- athlete has little to do with his strength or hat is the team mascot of U SwjfWriler ing fun, just using his quickness." .. speed. Levi emphasized his ability to "Santa Cruz? The success of the Green Terror Wres- It also doesn't hurt that McVey continually "wrestle all his life without letting it become tling team this season hinges, in large part, stays after practice to do additional training his life." Submitted by Alex Lendrim on the efforts of several new additions to the and drilling, pro'viding the confident feeling Too often a talented, athlete .devetops a:" n's~er from 11116: Olden Polynic lineup. that he "is more prepared tha~ tunnel vision approach to life. He or she be- One of the grapplers' excelling early on comes defined purely within the parameters Web Design is Washington and Lee transfer Levi McVey. of the chosen sport. .', . Workshop W( fbs, the sophomore has Levi has found_a.'unique balance, dedicating wrestle-d into the finals in his first three out- himsel(to his sport while cultiv~ling other ings with the Green Terror. finishing second interests. ',' . " January 8- January 10 each time., i l1e and a friend joined forces 10 garner a McVey's arrival on campus is due in large founding charter for a new chapter Of ~'abi- 7-9 p.m. in [he Writing Center part to his interaction with WMC wrestling t;t fo~ Humanit~ in bG~~nGountY,Ne~ ~~r- coach )o~_mL"ow)!a{ last year's Petrofes In- ยท'sFy.:,Ncyey also pa,nicIRa.te~.~~).?,\~ ..Q1~1~tj~1 vitational. . .. .ball and" s?ccer at. the varsll.Y.lrv~rw~j19a~~ ~e'arn front your peers how to Lowe, a Washington and Lee alum, knew lending Pineland Regional HIgh, School. '" nl~k"ea web page during Jan term. about Mcvey's unhappiness at W & Land While his passion' for wrestling, coupled ' The three-session workshop will promised beuerthlngs on The Hill. . wi'th a series of knee' injuri'es, forced him Ito teach you how to: So the two-time District Champ out of give up these-other competitive outlets, he Tuckerton, New Jersey made the move to stilj enjoys tbem both as a casual participant Western Maryland College 'and appears to ~--~=~==~==d .and a fan. ' -Make a web page using be glad he did so. McVey says he is "hap- Atpresent, McVey remains focused on' Dreamweaver pier as a wrestler and a student," following winning the Centennial Conference title in -Scan images and use Photoshop his transfer. He enjoys "the team atmosphere the 174 Ibs. weight class and giving his best -Upload and download files in the room." He admits that, while he is very comfortable effort at nationals while helping the team The criminal justice student has certainly on his feet, his work on both top and bottom break the top ten in national rankings. doled out his fair'sbare of punishment" since needImprovemeru. However, with his work Levi McVey does a number of things and You'll also get your own account joining the Green Terror and attributes much ethic, the desired progress cannot be far be- he seems to do them all remarkably well. on the WMC student web server. of his recent prowess to his unique approach. hind ' With him on the mat, similar success for the For more infoonation, email Rather than seeking to hit particular moves, Yet the most remarkable thing about this Green Terror cannot be far behind. fact@terroren
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