Page 75 - Phoenix2000-01
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SPORTS Thursday, December 7,2000 - Page 11 ornner players Winter Sports of having alumni on the coaching staff Schedule AMY BIlTINGER therefore, can better express what is that when the alumnus is young Hannible hopes to continue Men's Basketball StaffWriler those aspects of the school are like. it is hard to establish a good rap- At this year's annual alumni Hannible agrees with port with parents. Similarly, for coaching in the future. hockey game, there was only one Manalovich that because she "had some it is difficult to make the Eggers on the other hand, coach on the sideline. . such a good experience here and change from student- athlete to added that she feels comfortable helping with players problems That is because both assistant can honestly convey it" to recruits. coach. with classes and professors be- coaches were participating in the However, there are more ben- In the case of assistant coach cause she knows many first hand. game as alumni. Assistant coach efits than just recruiting. Hannible, she began coaching at Similarly, she commented, that Natalie Hannible graduated in 1999 Manalovich often referred to WMC just two semesters after the common experience of sport while Amy Eggers graduated in the assistants when there were con- graduating from the college. and school adds an element of fa- 1997. flicts with practice to determine She was coaching three classes their validity. of players with whom she played. For example, room draw and Although, for all three of those student scheduling may conflict classes she was a captain. with practice time. Also, Hannible, This set the tone for her chang- an exercise science major and ing role. Eggers, a chemistry major, realize As a captain she was well re- that lab times cannot always be al- spected and taken seriously. In her tered to accommodate practices . first season coaching she had little . Furthermore, the alumni add an problem being a coach except that understanding of the school and she "wanted to go out and play." program's history. Because the Standing on the sidelines was hard- alumni have played in the big est for her. However, what made up games they can sometimes better for it was "seeing the girls with "Understand the. 'importance of the whom I played grow and get bet- rivalry. ':. rer." miliarity to the team. Manalovich is quick {Q add thai Former teammate and present Eggers has the same situation and disadvantages to having there can be problems with a recent player for Hannible, Lisa Weber by coaching lacrosse at her alma alumni on the sidelines coaching. graduate changing roles' from a explained that the transition from mater. Eggers, a 1992 graduated of Manolovich explains that the player 10',<1 toach.· . teammate to coach of Hannible was biggest advantage to having alumni ~ For-example, when she was-at "good because she acted profes- North Carroll High School also . at the school. teaches on the coaching staff is recruiting. Oberli"n;eoUege in Ohio, she had a sionally, like a coach." She says that she liked being a "Because they have been students, -.graduate coach who would not re- Weber also explained that she player and now coaching because and know what it is like to be a stu- frain from partying and hanging out was a great coach to have on the it gives her an insight to what her dent-athlete at WMC, it is easier to with the team. \, sideline' because "she knows the player's schedules and daily lives sell the school and the program," . rvia~alovich"said 'that this chemistry of the team, she knows are like. she says. caused "players to lack respect for each individual'S strengths and Eggers enjoys this coachingl alumni Manolovich also adds, her and for the team." weaknesses, -----:O:L:~·:~~~:tji~:::e~::~r~~[~;:tot:~e:r~~ss~:h~:~SI:i~:!~~~~: and she.knows the op- , teaching ManoJovich equally en- situation hand." . ponentsfirsl And Hannible admits having life at wMt." For example, the or her what his or her role is as a had her first coaching that experience joys Eggers and Hannible coach- Maryland Colo' ing here at Western alumni have lived in the dorms and, . coach. Another problem th~tsome: 'in tfie familiar setting of her cot- lege. have eaten in the dining room and 'times occurs with alumni coaches lege has made it easier. Steinbrenner buys former Oriole Mussina: Can small market teams compete? MATTHEW E. HURFF Baltimore's ace barnng any Free !heir t:-ams ~Iairn that they are le~v- attitude though. Sports Edilor .agent signings. " ridiculous. 109 because they want to play tor '1 also can't believe the players Well, Baseball's best team, the Ponson shows promise given time, contenders, not because of the, who want to leave because they Yankees, just became even better, but he is still young and has not money: want to go to a winning team. as they exploited the financial dis- shown the prowess that an ace I~S this true? Maybe in some How can they have so little faith parities in the game once again. needs. Erickson is coming off an cases, but in others, money seems that their team will get better given That's because this past week they injury plagued season and is unre- to be the main motivation. Alex time. When a marquee player signed former Orioles ace Mike liable at best. However, even when Rodriguez wants to leave the Mari- leaves citing this "desire to win," Mussina for a whopping six-year, he was in prime form, he was not ners despite the fact that they had they are just making it even more $88.5 million contract. ace materiaL He certainly was able an outstanding season last year, difficult for a team to lure riew tal- This means that the Yankees to absorb many inning pitched, but winning the AL West. Manny em. now boast a starting rotation that at the same time, he let up a high Ramirez wants to depart from the Maybe I am just being unreal- contains Roger Clemens, Mussina, number or earned runs and losses. Indians; a team that has been sue- istic, but I'm certain that I'm not Orlando Hernandez, and Andy' Ideally, he would be a third starter cessful for most of the 90s and the only one who would like to Pettitte, while having an outstand- in an average rotation. So, with- should not be counted out in 200 I know that their favorite player will ing bullpen led by Mariano Rivera out an off-season acquisition, fans by any means. still be on the same team for most to back them up. How is this fair? will basically see a AAA pitching Looking overall of these trans- of their career. Most teams in the league can- staff at Camden Yards in 200 I. actions I was very depressed. At Can you imagine trading Joe not afford one pitcher of this cali- This trend is happening all over least until I read over the contract DiMaggio, Cal Ripken, Mike ber. So how can other teams corn- basebalL Justlastyear,thePhillies proposal of former Met relief Schmidt ... etc in their prime years. pete? The answer is simple: they lost their marquee player, Curt pitcher Turk Wendell. Wendell Absolutely not. cannot. Schilling to Arizona. Likewise, • says that if any team signs him to a But it seems to happen almost Wanted: The Orioles have now lost their this off-season, the Cubs will lose three-year-contract, he will play the every off-season for the past five ace and heart of their team. Sammy Sosa, the Mariners will fourth year for free. If the team or six seasons. Another problem is Sports Writ- Mussina has been stellar for the lose Alex Rodriguez,. and Tony must, by law, pay him, he says that the lack of economic equality. past 10 years in service of the O's, Gwynn may depart from the Pa- he will donate the salary to char- Obviously, a team in the city compiling a 147-81 record, and dres. iry, the size of New York will have a ers andPho- sadly, they do not have anyone of All of whom will be going to Wendell is by far not one of the larger fan and economic base than his caliber to step up and fill his the greener pastures of New York, high paid players in the game, but tographers. the Montreal Expos. Bud Selig is shoes. Atlanta or Boston among other 10- this is still an encouraging sign. trying to fix this, but most players This means that Sidney Ponson cales. It is doubtful that any of the don't seem to care about equality, Call x8600 or Scott Erickson will now be Many of the players departing other big name free agents have this they just care about their wallets.
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