Page 69 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 69
COMMENTARY Thursday, December 7, 2000 - Page 5 A student's call to peace on campus Election matters to Lately it seems as if there has Brandi Crawford explains to them about it, or go speak with a some WMC students been an increase in crime on this why students should be counselor. This is college. It's lime campus. A PA Avenue house is more wary around campus. to grow up. It amazes me how many robbed. Students are found with people think that they are mature Joan Faulkner explains have gotten more and more ri- drugs. A girl is pushed to the they have. So instead of taking it enough to drink alcohol and have why WMC students are diculous as Gore drags things out. ground and mugged. Vandalism-is from someone else, get off your sex. but yet when they are con- interested in the election We are witnessing history," she ~ennt~~o~e~a:r:~Se~~i~~~ne~J~'~h~~(jit~rtr.'I~~~:jd~isa;~i~~~!t~~~~~~~:~~~I~~;:t~ns;e~~~~h~~~h:~WC~~~: said. Most people think young Senior Jeremy LignelIi says there are probably many more in- yOD.revery wi1sh on a silver platter, even control and vent their emo- people, such as college students, that he's '.'tired off seeing the elec- cidents that were never even re- and people don't always get what tions properly. Yes, we all get an- don't care very much about the tion a lot," but thinks, "l'd rather ported. So, the question in my mind they Want. The earlier in life we all gry, but there comes a time in your politics. them take time to find out the is, what's going on here? realize that, the happier we all will life when you need to stand up and But with the recent historic right way and who won the This is my third year here at be with what we have. take responsibility for your words election, one would think that VOles." Western Maryland College, and I Second, everybody is different. and actions, and there's no time like college students must care at least Many care about the election have never heard of so many This campus is full of people from the present. a little about what's going on in because they realize that this elec- crimes and illegal activity incidents every walk of life, diverse in na- My final word goes out to those our country and how this could tion could mean future changes in as I have this year. So I write this tionality, religion, sexual orienta- who are filled with naivety and affect their future. our government. as not only a letter of warning, but ' tton, education, background, and trust. Watch out! Be careful of who After sending 40+ surveys, Sophomore biology major also as a reminder of ethics and" creed. And you certainly don't you put your total. trust in. I'm not asking students how they view Amber Loverock says one of morality. Please heed what I am have to agree with anybody else's encouraging paranoia; certainly not the election, I got only five back. these problems is "the laws gov- about to say, as I have had enough life decisions, but you do need to everyone is out 10 get you. But if then I asked another 15 students erning the way elections are run of the crime here in our small com- have enough courtesy, maturity, something seems suspicious or too their views. and the methods fOJ: collecting munity and am ready to see a and self-control to refrain from . good to be true, then it probably is. 1have come to the conclusion votes are antiquated and need to change. spray-painting your opinion on a We all have some degree of intu- that the perception that young- be revamped." First of all, to any past, present, wall. I personally love to discuss ition, so use that to your advantage. sters don't care about politics. Boyle says the election is or future violators of others rights: and debate my own personal views Also, be careful of where you walk though slightly true, may he "horrible for American political Get alife! Have respect for others. with that of others, but I still re- after dark. Ask a friend to walk with changing, Out of the 20 srudenrs, prowess. 11 delegitimitizes the l think that the Golden Rule should speer their opinions, even if! don't you, or call Campus Safety. It's 12 said they cared aJxlut politics. process. We're going to have a still apply to our lives today. Think agree, with them. better to be too safe than not safe ,.But more ~atfantly. when lame-duck presidency. Our presi- about it-what a better world this In fact, I respect someone just enough. a~i1'$eY'"tared about this dent isn't going to get anything would be if everyone would try to for having enough guts to stand up . Let's try (0 be each oth~rs aljies presidential election. all but one done in the next four years unless said they did. treat other people in the same way and be different, because it's too I,· n,'wte"ada,o,',~eai,ngenocnhr~r~;~~~: they find something to legitima- that they themselves would like 10 easy to be like everybody else. But '" ,. To many, this election is im- tize their being in office." be treated. Nobody likes to be we have to remember thai this spect andcommVITCourtesy, as well portant and vote-worthy because Senior biology and environ- called names, and nobody likes CO place belongs to all of us, and to as mootcrmg and examining our it may have an effect on our lives mental major Jon Bearr believes have things taken from them. I'm the generations that will come af- 0"'''' words and behaviors, then in the future. Junior political sci- the "whole election process needs sure that most people are like me, ter us. If you have a personal _pro~ maybe. these crimes and acts of ha- ence major, Kate Boyle, believes to be looked at. In a statistical and work hard for the thini£s' that Iem with someone, (hen f5' .,,";'(alk (red WIll cease. peopJe. ""don', have a reason to sense, no one won this election." vole. Bearr said not much will happen Reflections 'ofa Phoenix editor complain based if [they] things don't are de- over the next four years with ei- important Really on who is or isn't cided ther president and that "neither It's hard to believe th~ Jenijer D. Sirkis says election of Joan Coley. elected. Those votes count." feels will be able to carry the next eight a junior, Jones, Trevor years sue ends my term as co_efl;..vr-in- goodbye as co-editor-in- Laura- It was fun working with Ihat "it's important that people Whatever outcomes present chief of the Phoenix. chief you. Despite computer crashes and make the decisions that affect our It is with a c~,se of pride, yet stolen scanners, we made it. Good lives;" themselves in the presidential fu- the erratic computers, which some- luck next.semester in the "real ture of our country, it is safe to relieL~r:iltl [.~~~:~i~j~:-~:I~~:ta~ times made layout virtually impos- world." Some students were very in- say that many college students do .~~~hip with this paper. sible. To all the editors and staff- terested at first, but their interest care somewhat about what hap- For the past year, the Phoenix On a more positive note, edit- Thanks for your hard work and has somewhat died. Junior Cathy pens in this country; it will affect has involuntarily come before ing the Phoenix also has its ben- dedication over the past year. Pendorf says there were "times them. schoolwork and sleep. efits, such as being among the first It is because of you that we have when r wanted [the election] to With student comments such I'm not going to miss the long to hear the latest news and happen- put out some of the best issues of drop off. but wanted a fair end- as, "Bush is too dumb to be presi- mg hours spent in the hot and dirty of- ings on campus. the Phoenix to date. Haria Brun del Re, a junior, dent" from an anonymous stu- fice (where the temperature can't It has been exciting to cover Laura and I now leave the Phoe- said "rill getting to the point in dent, and "lt is a disgusting dis- seem to be regulated with neither some of the most monumental nix to the next co-editors Claire which I don't care." play of Democnnic dirty tactics an air conditioner nor a heater,) giv- events to occur in WMC's history Adams and Ed Schultheis. However. some students' in- at their worst" from Nicole ing up weekends to hang out with such as the Defining Moment cam- Both experienced Phoenix sec- terest has remained big, such as Novotny, there are at least a few very who have the roaches (cohabitants of the of- paign celebration, the resignation lion editors, the paper is in good junior economics and business WMC students about this once in fice) on Saturday layout nights, or of President Chambers, and the hands. Good luck, guys! rnaior Nicole Novotny. "Thin s strong feelings election. a lifetime Compared to Europe,Glar has a larger variety of food Thanks to Alan Dolid and the open your mind to other cultures, Emmanuelle Bednarek GLAR Team! I really want to con- and to dare to taste new dishes gives a thumbs up to Glar yogurt or (not and) an apple).. people who are really hungry, they gratulate and thank Alan Dolid and Students want more diversity. can just ask them what they think his team. ~~:. ~~~~~~::v~~~~~e~~~;:~ for their food selection. Okay, for thanksgiving, there was about this slice of pizza that some Actually, I had the opportunity this unique experience as much as 'different kind of meat and veg- students took for lunch and that to discover the "Adventures in Din- I have. all the hot and cold beverages and etable, so good and so different. I they threw away ... because it was the desert So much choice, buffet. ing" program on November 13. I Moreover, as a French person, so many possible combinations, looked around me, a lot of students not good enough for them or may had a great time and a unique I have to say that I am amazed by with very little imagination I have were rushing on their favorite piz- bejusrnor "diverse" enough. Now, chance of discovering food that the quantity of food served every- succeeded in eating each time dif- zas or French fries - that they usu- I understand. maybe I will never eat again. day in the Dining Hall (and three ferent things for three months. ally criticized- ignoring the new All students have to pay a lot We had four different and ex- times a day!). I am flabbergasted food, or looking at it with a strange for this food and want to be satis- like that, I wish I had a "Glar" traordinary dishes, including very by the way some students waste in Paris, with so much food and so face as if it was poison. Why not fied but, trust me, you pay twice as rare and expensive food (such as this food. They complain about much choice. There you have to try it? much as a European student here white truffle or "fois gras"). I know food, about the lack of diversity. take the metro to reach the closest I think there should be an honor but you sure get 10 times the that in France, only two of these However, just open your eyes and university cafeteria (not so easy code to respect food, just to remind amount of food and services! dishes would have cost more than observe. Everyday, we have at least when you have only 10 minutes for people that it should not be taken I would like to thank and en- $100 in a regular restaurant. I was five different types of bread, three eating). Sure, it is cheap (just un- for granted. courage all the staff of the dining amazed by those dishes that Alan different kinds of pizzas, hamburg- der $2) but you have only one plate To remind them to look around hall, always smiling and available, Dolid was preparing just in front ers, a salad bar, a vegetarian meal, of food you take it or you leave it them. They just have to go, not so to lake care of all our wishes; by of 30 WMC students, like in the tacos and wraps, rice, pasta, soups, (typically, a small salad, no choice far away, not in an underdeveloped the way, did you notice that almost best restaurants. It is so good to cereals ... 1 do not even speak about in dressing, one hot plate, and a country, but just on the streets of everyday, there are fresh flowers on Westminster. Here. they can meer. ,ea.cJl.Iable? , • , • ~ .... ~ .... _" ............ .,_.
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