Page 66 - Phoenix2000-01
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Thursday, December 7, 2000 ~Page 2 NEWS College evaluates current residence hall situation and the development of a new one continued from page J room occupancy in other dorms and also In October, the Buildings and Grounds Albert Norman Ward Hall. dent body. based on increase social and common areas committee recruited three architectural firms The Committee is not only discussing It was brought up at a recent All College in other dorms. A small portion of the num- to analyze the needs and possibilities for a location, but also what type of housing they Council Meeting in November; however ber estimated would allow for a modest resi- new dorm. want to build. The "mini village" of houses, time ran out before the subject could be dis- dential population growth. According to Sayre, the consensus is that and a traditional dorm building are two styles cussed in full detail, Sayre noted. This modest growth would result for two there are three possible locations. they are addressing. Before reasons: the College's Long Range Plan calls The first location would be located near Seidel said another idea is one that would that he asked Thanksgiving break, Sayre said the Student Government As- for 1600 students, and there are previous resi- the water tower, where a building or series offer a "more suite-style living as opposed sociation to form a committee to help with dential students who live off campus for a of buildings could form a "mini village" with to the traditional dorms." the planning. while but then decide to move back on cam- the nearby PA Avenue houses'. Both Seidel and Sayre inferred that there Surveys are one way for the student voice pus, Sayre said. Seidel feels that this location is ideal for:. is a consensus to get away from the idea of a to be heard, and Seidel said that it is likely The second conclusion, he said, was that the construction of new houses, where there traditional dorm and thus opt for a building that, like in the past, this will be one way to this idea of more housing is fairly urgent. is "enough room in the vicinity of the water or house that accommodates social space. find out what the students want and need in "The thrust here is to accommodate the tower to build enough houses to facilitate "To me by the time you get to junior and a residence building. number of students we have now," remarked 100 students." senior year, you are ready for a different type Right now, Sayre says there are two big Ethan Seidel, vice president of Administra- Sayre said the second location is between of housing," commented Seidel. issues: getting students involved, and nar- tion and Finance. Blanche Ward Hall and Whiteford, and the Sayre explained the issue of additional rowing down on. what we want. Possible locations for the new facility third possible location is the current faculty housing should not only involve the admin- "We are sort of in the idea stage. We need were discussed by the subcommittee. parking lot between Hoover library and istration and the trustees, but also the stu- to solidify our ideas," said Seidel. At the present time, there has been little Coley moves ahead with plans for her presidency discussion of funding this project that will cost several million dollars, said Sayre. continued from page J Seidel confirmed, "We have not gotten that cordial relationship and I think it can al- educate herself on her new position. This college president held by the Andrew far yet." ways be Improved, ,. month, Coley will attend a seminar for new Mellon Foundation. The seminar, taught Once the student voice is heard and "we She plans to encour- by veteran college have narrowed down what we want ," said age both faculty and stu- presidents, she ex- Sayre, the Building and Grounds Commit- dents to become more plained. is for a very tee and the subcommittee can discuss the involved with commu- select group issue with the three architectural firms and nity groups.In the up- "I heard about the accept proposals. coming semester, Coley seminar, but never Later, "they can select one firm to carry will be focusing more on thought I'd get in- out the project based on the Trustee's deci- students .by holding vited;' she said. sion to fund the new housing facilities. monthly luncheons. Coley will also attend It is important to stress that although it is She explained that a two similar seminars likely that additional housing will be built group of students will be in January. in the near future, nothing is definite yet, randomly selected to A formal inaugura- Sayre said. have lunch in the tion will be held on Therefore, the question of "when will President's Dining April 21,2001, which ground breaking take place and when will Room, and eventually in students. alumni, fac- the project be finished" cannot be answered the President's House. ulty and staff will be with anticipated dates at this time. ' ''! would like to hear invited to attend. With the discussion of the possible hous- from the 'real' people." "1 don't want to make ing plans, Marty O'Connell, dean of Admis- she said with a laugh, ex- the inauguration fo- sions said, "J" certainly thinkthat any attempt plaining that she wants cus not just Oll the to upgrade the residence facility to relieve 1 to discuss students' con- pres-idem of the col- overcrowding is welcomed." cerns, ideas, and ques- ROf\n~Hll.L lege. but wants the " In addition, the more modern the facil- tions. Junior Michael Boker and senior M('gJulII Hum/len congramuue President Juan focus 10 be broader," ity, the easier it is for WMC to compete with Coley also plans 10 Cl)ley during a celebration held ill Red Square after she announced her election, she said. other colleges and universities, "she added. Students and faculty react to bill of rights SEOR voting MEGAN K. MARTIN Schlossberg said, "[the SGA has] included Sharkey commented, "What we are ask- continued from page I Siudent Government Reporler things not in the Student Guide and ing for here are students' rights .... Weencour- document of eleven points the SGA would Datebook that should be there." He also age students to uphold [their] respcnsibih- like to see added to the Student Guide and As the Student Government Assembly pointed out, "It is important to have an out- ties." He also stated that the SGA will dis- Datebook. These points, so far just goals continues LO seek student support for the stu- line to protect [the students]." cuss students' responsibilities if that is what for negotiation, seek to assure and delin- dent bill of rights, members of the adminis- Both Coley and Schlossberg declined to the faculty and administration want. eate students' rights on campus. tration and faculty were presented with the comment on specific problems with the stu- Since the SGA has expressed desire to If the'SGA's goal of 200 students is document last month in preparation for ne- dent bill of rights' II points. They did, how- work with faculty and administration on the not met this semester, voting on the stu- gotiation on the II points. ever, mention students' responsibilities. student bill of rights, both Coley and dent-bill of rights will likely be heldagain. Joan Devlin Coley, president-elect of the "It is interesting that we are focused in Schlossberg are positive about the outcome "We will probably keep opening up the college, declined to speak on specific points this document only on what the students of negotiations. votes until we get about 200, " Mitchell within the document but commented on the should get and not their role in helping -to "I am sure ... that we can all work together said. idea of a student bill of rights earlier last create the kind of campus where we build to craft something good," Coley said. She asked students to vote on the stu- month. "In general.i. I think a student Bill an ideal community," Coley said. Schlossberg agreed, "These are really dent bill of rights or ask an SGA officer of Rights is fine," she said. Schlossberg explained, "What [the stu- good points. At the same time, WMC is small or representative about it. "There are things in here that make. a dent bill ofrights] should do is give students enough and humane enough where we can Dr. Simeon Schlossberg, chair of the great deal of sense to me," said Dr. Simeon clear and concise expectations of what the work it out." Faculty-Student relations committee; af- Schlossberg, chair of the faculty-student re- college can and cannot do." However, stu- Coley said, "I look forward to playing my finned the importance of the student ref- lations committee. ''The committee is all for dent responsibility is an "important con- part in reacting to the suggestions and mak- erendum. the students' creation of a student bill of cept," he added. The Bill of Rights is also ing suggestions of my own. I think the con- "It is important to know students are rights," he continued. about responsibilities of United States citi- versation will be an important one for all of on board with this." The number of stu- "In looking at the rough draft," zens. he explained. us involved." dents supporting the student bill of rights Important SGA issues during fall semester could affect the importance of the effort, he said. ·Plus/Minus System -investigating contractual cap agreement -Multicultural committee Sharkey hoped the voting would gather -wcrking to change it with students, faculty, administration, and -linle response from campus organiza- more support for the points of the student -lnformation gathering for options Board of Trustees tions bill of rights. Of Tues-day and -conrlnue to meet with administrators -working on new format for spring Wednesday's vote, Sharkey is confident -Sefery on Campus that the SGA will come close to reaching -Admissions Cap -inquiring about more lights, locks. and -New meeting time the goal of 200 votes. - looking at other schools' admission phones around campus -will change to Tuesday nights at 8 pm The results of all voting will be avail- caps -continuing to meet with DoCS in Hill J 10 next semester able next semester.
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