Page 64 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 64
emeOSpor,S mffilr Volume XXII Number 5 Western Maryland College Thursday, November 16,2000 Terror on a roll, defeats Hopkins MICHAEL JENKINSON nes was the 41-7 destruction of most team rushing yards inagame, Staff Writer Baltimore area foe Johns Hopkins. with 41 I. The Green Terror football team The Terror defense dominated, and Although IOn-yard games from recorded three victories in as many the offense was consistent in put- QB Jamie Harris and RB Joe weeks to close out the season with ting up their 34 points. Kendorski did most of the damage, a 9-1 mark. These victories came. Highlights of this victory in- the play that put this team in the over rival Johns Hopkins, elude senior placekicker Brent history books was a fake punt Swarthmore, and Widener. All Sandrock topping his fanner best turned run by punter Kevin three victories were fairly one for field goal length of 39 twice Culbertson. sided, and a testament tohow well with kicks of 41 and 42 yards. The game also featured Harris the Terror have played in the sec- On the kicks, Sandrock said that breaking a new conference record ond half of the season. "the last few weeks J have been for rushing yards by a QB in a sea- really well." __-:.._-=_=-----------,..., The most recent of these victo- He feels that ~--;~--.,__- r+ Oll-Cootballplayoffs be at home? kicking competition with Chris son with . one game left on the schedule the • 11 1: Patterson practice more like a game has ber Harris has now raised that num- at job foe 'he kicking performance his made with situation, thus relieving pressure in Hopkins as he has accumulated923 MICHAEL JENKINSON is that one of their loses came to esting game possibilities for the real game situations. yards rushing. Suif[Wriler Ddl school, which doesn't fully Terror. Trinity, the team that has The most exciting play of the Kendorski, meanwhile, has ac- It's now mid November. And count against them because the op~ knocked the Terror out of the day came from the shortest man on cumulated 583 yards on the season with this time of year comes yet ponent was more difficult that your playoffs the past two seasons, is the team, freshman punt returner along with four TDs and 4.6 yards another Terror run in the NCAA average D~III learn. in the playoffs once again. French Pope. per rushing. 0-111 Football playoffs. This is If the Green Terror is victorious Also, Widener is in the play- The ITUly amazing return effort The week previous to that was the learn's fourth consecutive trip against the Wasps they'll head back offs creating a potential re-match featured "Frenchie" (Pope's nick- a very- big challenge that the Ter- to the playoffs. Only Mount to Texas, where each of the past from three weeks ago. Perhaps the name) leaping over the Blue Jays ror answered with flyJng colors. Union and Trinity University have two seasons have ended. However, most interesting is a potential punter after he had slipped directly The team traveled to Chester, PA accomplished that same feat. they won't be playing Trinity again. match up in the third round. If in front 0"( Pope. to meet the undefeated MAC con- Coaches. fans, staff, and play" This year they would play Hardin both teams play welJ, the Terror Pope has been outstanding in ference champion Widener Pic- ers were all surprised tc Jearn on Simmons. However, all eyes are could host Bridgewater again in the role of punt returner, as he has neers. the afternoon of November 12, looking toward Emory and Henry the third round of the playoffs. returned for 386 yards and 11.4 . Both teams were ranked in the that the Terror willbe rravebng in this weekend. For those who might not rc- yards per return. top 20 nationally going into the the fl,fst round of the playoffs this The D-J11 playoffs consist of28 member, Bridgewater is the team Overall, the fact that Hopkins' contest. c year. teams, with four receiving byes. that defeated the Terror in the home field is madeofastro-turfhad After turnovers early in the On Saturday the team heads The reason for including 28 teams opening week of the season end- very little effect upon the Terror, game. and excellent offensive ex- down the Virginia to take on as compared to a more tournament ing their 30 game regular season as exemplified by the score. ecuticn, the Terror opened up a 24 ODAC champs Emory and Henry. friendly 32 is that the NCAA has winning: streak. The week before the Terror point lead early on the Pioneers. Emory and Henry finished their rules limiting the percentage of The playoffs will last five hosted their last game of the sea- Widener was able to post three season 8-2. but still host the Ter- teams for any sport that can com- rounds, with the final two teams son with a 41-21 trouncing of scores, but the Terror was much ror. The reasoning for giving the pete in post season play. playing in the Stagg Bowl in Sa- Swarthmore. In the game the Ter- more dominant than the 35- 21 Wasps the home field advantage Looking ahead. there arc inter- lem, Virginia in December. rcr offense set a school record for score would indicate. Women's Soccer defeats Lebanon Valley in ECAC playoff GREG LEDER);R offensive punch in a 2-0 win. scoreboard at the 32:33 mark. scored a goal at the 60:00 minute WMC women's soccer was Assistant Sports Editor Ending their regular season, the The offense continued to attack mark to give the team a 1-0 lead honored after the season with many With many records and honors, Green Terror played a emotional the opposition and cashed in when that wouldn't relinquish. The play players selected to all conference this has been a tremendous season game against conference rival Melissa Merson found freshman of senior goalie Becca Lyter Was recognition. for the Western Maryland's College Gettysburg. Behind a packed Heidi Hurtt who pushed in a goal key as she stopped five shots to Medill 's conference records for women's soccer team. The team crowd at Gill Field for Senior Day, to even up the contest at two. preserve the slim 1-0 victory. points, assists, and goals were rec- broke a school record this season the contest would live up to its bill- From there, the Green Terror With their narrow win, WMC ognized as she was selected to the with 17 regular season wins and ing. In a one-sided series, would put the game away when ventured into the championship All-Centennial Conference first many players received all confer- Gettysburg has won 12 games in a Merson scored her first goal of the game against number one seeded team, but she narrowly missed out ence honors. row against the Terror; a streak game to put the team ahead 3- 2. and tough rival, Johns Hopkins. on the conference player of the year The team fell short of their first which has spanned 13 years. WMC would make history by hold- Earlier in the year, Johns Hopkins award. league title, but received a bid to The Bullet's started out fast to, ing off their rival and registering a had handed the Green Terror a Senior Tracy Castor was named the Eastern Cotlege Athletlc Con- scoring two goals in the first half 3-2 victory. For the first time since heartbreaking 2-1 defeat and the second team all conference, and ference Tournament (ECAC) and to take a 2-0 halftime lead. 1987, the Green Terror had de- team was looking to redeem them- Melissa Merson, Becca Lyter. and advanced to the championship To make matters worse for the feated Gettysburg. selves. Jessie Stickles all received honor- game. home team, conference scoring Boosted by their huge home Unfortunately for WMC fans, able mentions. Trying to end their regular sea- leader Medill was hampered with win, WMC gained a invitation to the day belonged to the Bluejays. It was a great season for the son on a good note, the Green Ter- a hamstring problem and couldn't the Eastern College Athletic Con- Riding into the contest with a ten- Western Maryland College ror played road games at Widener play much in the second half. With ference tournament (ECAC) in game winning streak, the opposi- Women's soccer team as they broke and Haverford. In a 3- 1 win at the obstacles, history and injuries Baltimore, MD. Seeded second out tion jumped on WMC early with new ground with a school record Widener, freshman Carah Medill piling up against them, the Green of a six team bracket, the team three goals in the first half to take 17 wins. scored two first half goals and "Terror fought back in the game. played their first round game a 3-0 lead at intermission. Despite not reaching their goal sophomore Melissa Merson added WMC gained a spark when against Lebanon Valley College. In the second half, the Terror of the school's first conference title, another goal. At Haverford. Medill Gettysburg drew a penalty deep in The game was very hard fought still could not muster any offense, the future looks bright for a team added to her conference records in their territory, giving the Green and points were difficult to come as Johns Hopkins punched in an- that loses only three seniors. This points, assists, and goals with two Terror a penalty shot. by as the first half ended in a score- other goal and played tight.defense time next season, it is very possible more goals to give her 30 on the Freshman Nikki Lepson less tie. The second stanza brought to shutout the Green Terror and that with more experience, this season. knocked the ball past the Bullet's more of the same, until Green Ter- leading to the ECAC title for the team can finally bring home the Her two goals also provided the goalie to put the home team on the ror freshman Christine Mayne Bluejays. championship.
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