Page 63 - Phoenix2000-01
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SPORTS Thursday, November 16, 2000 - Page 11 Men's Soccer enters Wmter Sports ECA C playoffs with a Schedule four game win streak @Kings College Wrestling CRAIG P; JOHNSO~'" found his way into the scoring col- 1I/Il,9:30AM Staff Writer umn of an assist from Pedalino. When the WMC Men's soc- Pedalino then closed the scoring with @SUNYOneota cer team walked off [he field for a penalty kick two minutes later. This 11I18,10:30AM the last time this season, it was game marked Western Maryland's not on the terms that they had first NCAA men's soccer victory at wanted. Dickinson since 1982. @Petrofes Invitational After putting together a late· With three straight wins under Chris Smith prepares to maneuver around a Washington cU"w,u,,,,,,,,. 12/1-12/2 season surge in which they com- their bell, two in Centennial Confer- back of the net. An additional 30 half, Penn State-Behrend gained a piled a 4-0-1 record, the 2000 ence play, the Green Terror looked to minutes of overtime, which were 2-0 lead when Ohl found Mike Fry. Women's Basketball campaign ended in a 4-1 loss to continue the momentum as they faced played at even strength due to Jason Falkadded a goal in the 64th Penn State-Behrend in the first Ursinus at home on October 28. Vinny Pedalino's red card near the minute, which was followed by a @Greensboro Tournament round of the ECAC men's soc- Western Marylandjumpedon the endofregulation, also produced no strike 15 minutes later from Dan 11/18-11/19 cer tournament. Bears early, scoring three times in goals. Falk. This undesirable result can- Saturday'S opening period. Darren Before the game, WMC hon- The Green Terror got on the Dickinson not, however. overshadow the Wolf tallied the Terror's first goal 15 ored seniors Dan 0'Agostino and board in the 82nd minute when 11122,7 PM enormous success enjoyed by the minutes into the game on a pass from Darren Wolf, who have helped lead sophomore Chris Wineke bear Green Terror this year en route Chris Smith. the Green Terror from a three- win goalkeeper Tommy Sieg on an as- to a 10-7-2 mark, their best sea- Dan 0' Agostino's unassisted goal season as freshmen to 10 wins in sisr from sophomore Steve Lennox. Alvernia son in more than a decade. with 21 minutes left in the half 2000. Sieg had five saves for Penn State- 1212,2 PM On October 25, Western brought the lead to 2-0. Michael Thanks to those four wins in Behrend, while Western Maryland Maryland traveled to Carlisle, Okoye, the team's newest acquisition, their last five games, the Western goalkeeper Ryan Defibaugh Franklin and Marshall Pennsylvania to take on the Red gave WMC a three goal cushion six Maryland men's soccer team was stopped six shots. Devils of Dickinson minutes later with a skillful shot off rewarded Monday with a berth in Granted, the season ended on a 12/5,7 PM David Filo registered the as- of his heal. Ursinus struck twice in the Eastern College Athletic Con- losing note, but the WMC men's sist on the first at the 27 minute the second half to make the game in- ference postseason tournament. soccer team could hold their heads Indoor Track and mark. with Tom Long assisting teresting, but Okoye's second goal of The Green Terror received the third high as they boarded the bus for the Field on the second just five minutes the contest with 16 minutes remain- seed in the six- team Mid-Atlantic long ride back from Erie, Pa. later. ing iced the victory. region. After struggling through an up- @Bucknell Invitational WMC scored a pair of.geals .....- On November 4, in the final game In the contest against sixth- and-down spell earlier in the year, 12/2 Time:TBA in each half and posted its sec- ofthe regular season, Western Mary- seeded Penn State-Behrend, the the Green Terror pulled it together ond shutout Of the season. Both land battled visiting Washington Col- Lio~ opened the scoring 25 min- when it counted to notch a second Swimming ,first-haJ,f goals were taIlied by lege to a scoreless draw. utes in as James Martin found the consecutive winning season. Vinny Pedalino. Despite having a man advantage. net on the first of two assists from _With a corc_of young talent re- @Swarthmore Eleven minutes into the sec- for most of the contest, the Green Ryan Ohl. turning next year, the future looks 1212,2 PM end half, freshman Chris Smith Terror were simply unable to find the Just 50 seconds into the second bright in Westminster. Field I!q~ey concludes (ts season with Elizabethtown 12/5,6PM overtime loss against Washington College Men's Basketball Villa Julie AMY Bl'lTlNGER eight to three in overtime. Staff Writer 11/17,6PM Unfortunately, it was not enough. The Western Maryland Field Freshman Kristin Barrick had four of Hockey Team concluded its 2000 the team's eight shots in the two over- N.C. Wesleyan Season in a heartbreaking fash- time periods, but none could be fin- 11/l8,6PM ion versus visiting conference ished, which lead to the loss. foe Washington College. The season, however, was highly The game, dedicated to the successful for the Terror. Kings four seniors, gave them an oppor- The team's powerful attack 11/18,8PM tunity to shine. But the shine smashed two former school scoring wasn't bright enough as five records. ln the beginning of the sea- minutes into the second over- son, the Terror recorded 18 goals in Gallaudet time, Washington capitalized on the shutout win over Salem College 11/21,7 PM its second shot of the period to to double the old record set in 1952, take the game 2 - 1.. 1972, and 1996. Otterbein Before the game there were Also, the Terror accumulated 55 JON 11128,7:30 PM tears from coaches, players. and goals, which is a 19-9oal improve- Shauna Oplinger scores off a Tracy Kessler pass in the season finale, parents as the four seniors were men! of the old record of 36 set in Kesster s.assist matches the school record for assists in a season (7). saluted. 1994. washington loss that the team had The Terror-will lose four impor- Swarthmore Fifteen minutes into 'the first Even if the Salem game is omit- a highly successful season point- taut players to graduation. Attacker 12/1 7:30PM half, senior Shauna Oplinger ted from the statistics, the Terror still ing out the broken.records, signifl- and mid fielder Shauna Oplinger showed them that she had more broke the old record. cantly improved record from the finished her career with eight goals Wanted: offense left by tapping the ball In spite of streaks of defeats and 1999 season, and the development and three assists. into the goal off of a Tracy victories, the team made significant of the team through the season. Midfielder Sarah Fogler fin- Sports Writ- Kessler pass to put the Terror up improvements over last year's record Manolovich expressed regrets ished her career with eight goals one to nothing. 'including doubling the number of vic- for losing the four seniors to gradu- and eight assists. Striker Steph With that assist, Kessler tcries (from five to 10) and cutting ation, but is enthused for the next Peery finished her career with ersandPho- matched the school's record for the number of defeats from II to nine. year. seven goals and five assists. assists in a season with seven. Moreover, six of nine losses were Many Terror players were also And defensive stalwart Heather tographers. Senior Heather Arnold by one goal. '. recognized with awards. Seniors Arnold contributed a goal and five showed prowess on defense as This demonstrates tremendous Shauna Oplinger and Sarah Fogler, assists in her career. she repeatedly stripped the improvement over the 1999 season junior Lauren Cernak, and sophc- However, the Terror are left Pl"a~" U•.. -..~ who will with 15 freshman strong Washington attackers, prevent- because of the' eleven losses only more Sara Hansen were honored by under their belt for next year and a mrmr ing them from getting shots off three were by one goal. the Centennial Conference's Aca- now have collegiate experience and preventing them from scor- On the defensive end, the Terror demic Honor Roll while Fogler and mg. held its opposition to only 31 goals. freshman Kim Camponelli were strong core of sophomores and a . The 'Terror attack outshot Coach Mindy Mfinolovich ac- named to the All Conference Sec- juniors that will be a solid base to -. Washington 26'to 16 Including "1ct\6wledgedtCi!het'edm t0116~ingt:tle' "ohdTeam. ~,J. '._..- ••• , ~ _~ "_Ad(HC'ctri'it~:-'-_'·.·" •• i '.' "'" ,-•• , ., •• '. '" I
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