Page 62 - Phoenix2000-01
P. 62
SPORTS Terror wrestling: another championship season? RANDALL JUSTICE The strength ofWMC wrestling has long SlafJWriter been the ability of each individual to com- LOADED. pete and contribute to the team's overall sue- That may be the only word to describe cess. This season promises to be no differ- the 2000-200 Iedition of Green Terror Wres- ent, as there are a number of additional wres- tling. The team returns a number of quality tiers anxiously awaiting the opportunity to starters from last year's Centennial Confer- prove themselves. ence Championship effort that also finished The Green Terror open their season No- ranked 17th in the country. vember 1·1in Wilkes- Barre, PA at the King's Preseason polls place this year's team as Monarch Invitational. high as 12th and early indications are that On December 5th, captains McNally, the Terror will defend their conference title Macey, and Pedalino will lead the team to while breaking the top len nationally by Muhlenberg for their conference opener season's end. Muhlenberg is ranked second in the Cen- Head Coach John Lowe makes an even tennial Conference behind Western Mary- Terror Cross Country bolder prediction concerning grapplers, "With land and while the match occurs early in the the not-so-dis- it will go a long way toward de- schedule. tant future of the WMC everyone on the team that has eligibility next to- tennining who will finish the year at num- ber one. year, we could 'conceivably be putting competes in Centennial gether a learn that could challenge for an The Terror schedule also features two NCAA title." home matches, on January 20 against Wilkes, and Cheyney, success was a tremendous The off-season Conference Championships for the Terror as well. Division 1 transfers Delaware State, Howard, conference rival and 31 against January (Rutgers) Andy Chencharik and Levi McVey (Washington & Lee) join a lineup that al- .Genysburg. , by returning Coach John Lowe is joined MATTHEW E. Hunrs The top runner for Western Maryland ready features four previous conference assistant Steve Smiddy and new additions sports Editor was freshman Jimmy Thayer who carne in placewtnaers in Mike Macey, Eric Bartczak, Sam Gardner and Andre Kelley in preparing On Saturday, October 28, 2000, the Cen- 51st with a time of 30: 15.31. Also placing Bill B~J~pit, and Josh Galemore and three for the season. _ tenuial Conference Cross Country Cham- for the Terror were Ryan Melhorn (56th defehdin$ conference champions in Chris Expectationsand talent level are high in pionships were held at Western Maryland place), John Reagan (65th place). Calvin I Mcjcally.Rob Johns, and Vinny Pedalino. the room as Chris .McNally reveals, "I be- College. Woodward (67th place) and Dave Profili '·Seni'l~sToddBuzbyandJOshK~ljanalso, l.ieve, y;e will bring home a trophy the first Jcko Agunloyeof Swarthmore College (78th place). promise strong contributions on the, mat in weekend in March [National Championships apil-.)n leadership lowal.:imq came in first in the 3.1 mile women's race The Terror came in eighth place in Ibis d:'Volle~ball'seasoiien~om~g;?t(ra Waterloo, ,,<)-(f(Wjo0li~ their invaluable ,) . l>::: .tf;;:1 ,j. ~~~=~~~:;;~;':~:f~!~:~~'~~v::~~~~,;:,2:~h1~:~~:;~; set~eJ~~='etoPfjnjSher~ortbeTer_ lj!y..e-W!.~Uti1izedastr~~~of '.J....,., _" ... ~.' I:' '.1'1, 1,;1 " fnerrfopnverunners.al1o w om placed 'close as two-players named: 'dim 1.,I;n ., ~rl).r, .~ r .• 'il .f:">!I!' ror,comple';ng,hecoorrsc;n5,hplacew;,b ;n'hetop';X,ThayersaY'th¥';n'her.ce~ ~,,:~:';2~;wc:c~::;:::t~:::; "we allranbadly.noone had a good race. 'J . ,_",,~ lt place), Ja)'n. Kallow (56,h ploce), Amy a:;raj~cejUoS~Dba'h"Pe~samtl~e·~.,~!~~n~h~6~t-o~'all-conl!er''e'nee' t-ea'm .-V'- Herin (59th place) and Jessica Miller (6Stb v..u '""f.} 1.1 place).OveraD,$ gave tbe women's cross TheTerrorlooktomakea:;trongshOw~ ~ _ ~;~ -- country team a sixth place finish with a lug at the NCAA Mid- east Regional MATTHEW E. HURFF" University of Scranton. scareof18S, Championship on November Hth. where _ Sports Edilor This past week, several players on the Krebs adds, "Conferences wasn't a good the Terror will showcase their top seven .--- TheWestemMarylandCollegeWomen's volleyball team have received individual race for all of'us", and that "there were some runners against schools from throughout Volleyball team finished up their 2000 regu- honors. things that shouldn't have happened." the region. lar season campaign on the road in For the second time in their respective Dickinson came in first with a strong of Freshman Ryan Melhorn says that in Elizabethtown, Pa for the yearly Halloween careers, seniors Brianne Bray and Honesty five runners in the top 14, giving them a preparation for this race, "we have put the classic vs. Moravain, Salisbury, Drumgoole have been named to the All-Cen- score of 34. In the wake of this race, Krebs past week behind us. We will run better at Susquehanna, and the host Elizabethtown. tennial Conference first team. was named to the All· Centennial Center- regionals and we can't worry about last The Terror lost 0-3 and 1-3 matches to Dromgoole was a selection to this team ence team. This will be Krebs third con- week DOW." Salisbury and Moravain respectively. in the 1999 campaign for an outstanding secutive nomination to this team. Despite what happens at the Mid-East In the match against Moravain, sopho- overall perfonnance, while she made the sec- 1beteamlookstopreparefortheNCAA Regional Championship, the men's team more Kate Wall played a vital role with 16 ond team during the 1998 season. Mid-East Regionals this week. Krebs says bas a brigbt future, as four of the five top kills and II digs. Bray was a nomination to the first team that they will, ''try to forgel about confer- finishers at the conference championships On the season, Wall leads the team with during the 1998 season, and was a member ences," and "not stress about regionals." were freshman. 390 kills and 341 digs, along with 22 blocks of the second team a year ago. In men', action, J.B. Hagluno of Profili feels that "it takes experience to and 45 aces. Drumgoole was outstanding this season, HaverfordCoJlegecame in first on the 4,97- learn bow to run the race." Certainly, this Against Salisbury, senior Brianne Bray as she participated in 98 games in which she mile COW'Sewith a time of 26:15.15. This, yOWlg group of runners will benefit next supplied the power in a losing cause had 360 kills and 259 digs to go along with time broke chc previous record!lf 26:30.5 year from the experience gained this sea- The terror rallied back with a 3-2 victory 35 blocks. lise;':.:b:l;Y~Jeff~O~Ieoi~·c;.k;;or:..;G~D~uc!::b~er...;Co~ue~e''''!!;~l!;n.~..... ~~~"":",,, .......... 9 over Susquehanna and in a resounding 3-0 Brianne Bray was also a very powerful Ii' S t Tr· . shutout of the host Elizabelhtown Blue Jays, force in her senior year. ..error 'T" por S IVla she had 12 digs. brought the Terror over- she racked up 209 kills 246 blocks and a team in 105 gall)es in which She participated This tournament all record to a respectable 17-15 mark for leading 88 blocks. Who is the only NBA player to order a pizza from the season, while the squad recorded a 6-4 Vital freshman support came from Alice tally in Centennial Conference action. Osborne, who participated in 114 games, the bench during a game? Answer: Next Edition The Green Terror was also named to the which is second only to Kate,Wall's 115 Eastern College Athletic Conference South games played. postseason tournament as a #5 seed. Osborne added 125 kills, 59 digs and 40 They will face off against To promote a more interactive sports section, each City College to move further #4 seed Grove ac- blocks to the 2000 campaign. has also has been in- in playoff Senior Jen Martin edition we will be asking a sports trivia question. If lion. valuable this season, providing 188 digs to The aclion will take place on November the effort. you would like tp submit a question to be used in the 10-11 at Carnegie Mellon University in Pitts- C;..'1er standouts of the season. include jun- next edition, please send a campus mail note to Box burgh, PA. iors Jessica Rouse and Abby Barnett. The other colleges participating in this Rouse was particularly solid in provid- 501 or call x 8600. tournament are #1 seed Carnegie Mellon ing a team leading 55 aces. University, #2 seed Johns Hopkins Univer- Meanwhile, Barnett had 95 kills a?d II~, ,-' ). lb===============~="","_="""=;;.!l ':'SilY'\~~~~"_Kea_IJ;:1"~~Y~~~'~Y~~~I1t~,~ed," ~'1SA?yer~e,cou.~.oftJ;te ~ea,son.'
   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67