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FEATURES Thursday, November 16, 2000 - Page 9 Students spending Semester At Sea on S.S. Universe Explorer SHAUNA DOMINGUEZ ing and faxing is possible. How- have generally had resident expe- staying with local families, visits Fealure£Ediwr similar, but includes Croatia, ever, the calls can cost more that rience abroad. Also, while in port, to the universities in the area, his- Egypt, Turkey, and Morocco in- This semester there are two $10 for a single minute. torical trips, or students stead of the Spring's Brazil, South WMC students involved in the Se- The ship that Aleya, r-"~------------,can venture out on their Africa, and Kenya. mester At Sea program, sponsored Jamie, and the other stu- own. All classes require Now, in addition to the two se- by the Institute for Shipboard Edu- dents sail on is the S.S. the students to do some mester programs, Semester At Sea cation and the University of Pitts- Universe Explorer, which sort of field component offers a summer program that lasts burgh. The IWO students from is a 23,500 ton ship boast- while at port, which is about two months. WMC are Aleya Horn and Jamie ing closed-circuit televi- usually from four to six Morris. sion, a library, computer days in length. Students who go on the summer So far this semester, the ship has lab, theater, student union, Semester At Sea voyage will most likely visit places taken students to places across the and two dining halls. goes on two voyages per such as Spain, Norway, Belgium, Each and Egypt. Portugal, Italy, globe such as Japan, China, Malay- There is also a swimming year, one being Spring year more and more students are sia, Vietnam and India. Before the pool, basketball and vot- semester and the second ship returns to'port in New Orleans leyball courts, and a fit- being in the Fall. Typical utilizing the opportunity to see the on December 22, they will visit ness center. Cabins areei- places the ship visits dur- world. If interested, write an e-mail to Turkey, Croatia, Spain, and Cuba. therdoubleortripleoccu- ing the Spring include shipboard@sas.ise.pitLedu for According to Paul Watson, the pancy. Cuba, Brazil, South Af- Director of Enrollment Manage- more information on the Semester There are over 70 rica, Kenya, India, Viet- At Sea program. Or pick up a phone ment, it is not possible to e-mail the courses for the students to choose there are many activities the stu- nam, Malaysia, China, and Japan. and call 1-800-854-0195, or visit students aboard the ship, but call- from, taught by professors who dents can choose to do, including In the fall, the typical places are WMC's Chamber Music on the h>~----~--~,.--,.----~ Myers to study abroad Hill celebrated 10th anniversary at Oxford University Chamber Music on the Hit! Carroll Community College. Also "It will be quite a good show brought out the musical equivalent participating in this anniversary with all of these players and voices. KATE ESPOSITO to get used to living in a city. of "the heavy arul- It's a concert fit for a SeniorWriler This will be a dramatic change lery" for its 10th an- special anniversary," Few students are looking for- from Westminster. "I'm afraid it niversary gala con- added Kreider. ward to the beginning of January will take me a while to adapt to cert. And his predic- more than junior Stacey Myers. city living. I'm not much of a city The concert was tion couldn't have Instead of repacking her bags for person," she admitted. held at 7 p.m. on been more right. Jan Term, she will be boarding a However, one of the greatest the for plane Sunday, November differences she The program in- UK. She will 5 in (Big) Baker will have to cluded pieces such as be the first Memorial Chapel. adapt to will be Robert Schumann's WMC student Pan ofa series in the course "Piano Concerto in A to spend a se- in residence at the minor.'~ mester at 01\- work. college, the armi- Ant 0 n i 0 ford University. Classes at Ox- versllryconcertfea- Vivaldi's "Bassoon Myers will ford are very tured an orehe.~ Concerto in 0 mi- different from of student and com- nor" was also in- be attending the program at munity players, as cluded. Hertford Col- WMC, well as The College lege, one of 45 According to Choir. their And last but not colleges affili- the university's only other Featured WMC ated with the web site, "Ox- musicians included piece, John Ritter's university. ford is different T!When--..~ Ted Dix on harpsi- Hang," a choral piece .Oxford is from most other chord and David Kreider playing event was Julie Gregorian, a bas- based on the works of William located about universities in the piano. soonist with the Baltimore Sym- Shakespeare, was performed. 50 miles north- the way we Margaret Boudreaux was the phony Orchestra. An anniversary reception was west of Lon- teach." choir conductor for this specracu- "l'm not sure we've ever done held following the concert. don, England. Each week students meet with lar concen. anything like this," Dr. Kreider Part of the reason why few stu- a tutor for one hour to discuss any Other professional performers said, confident that the show would -Information Courtesy of the dents have explored opportunities essays or research. There are usu- were baritone Evan Paul Walker of be a success. Public Information Office. at Oxford is that a student here can ally only two students in a tuto- not apply directly. lec- rial. There are no mandatory [Q But- Myers said, "1 applied Classified Room 403G mystery continued ler University's Study Abroad pro- tures, making education very self- directed. , more and more worked up about our courage, we venture out into gram, and then they forwarded my Also, a student takes only two our ghost while Cat snickers at us the dark. application to Oxford. Western courses per session. from behind her hot- chocolate. The sounds get louder as we Maryland does not have an affili- SPRING BREAK 2001! Itell Karen Imight have seen a creep closer. ation with Oxford. That was the Myers described the course it would "Basically, CANCUN & BAHAMAS. nebulous figure in the shower Suddenly Karen laughs and only way I could go." format, to taking an independent 'be similar EAT DRINK, steam. She says she's started leav- throws open the door. There's a ste- She is also very proud of her TRAVEL FOR FREE, ing the bathroom door open in the reo on the floor. academic achievement: gaining study course here, where you have WANTED CAMPUS REPS! middle of the night, just in case. She pushes stop and the sound admission to a very prestigious write a five to ten page essay ev- ery week." Call USA SPRING BREAK, We decide to form a game plan cuts off. college. According to the university, toll free '(877)460.6077 to deal with our visitor, but we fall Inside the tape player is a black "Oxford is a big-name school." "Tutorials show you new possi- for trip information and rates. asleep instead. It can wait. and orange Halloween tape. explained Myers. "I wanted to see bilities for thinking." 2S Continuous At 3 a.m., I wake up. Back in her bed, Cat is giggling if I could get in." Due to the trimester system in Years of Student Travel! There are faint sounds drifting like a mad woman while Karen and As an English major, Myers is use at Oxford, Myers will attend through the bedroom wall. Think- I hit her with every pillow we can especially enthused with the idea two full sessions, for a total of four ing them my imagination, I try to get our hands on. PREGNANT? go back to sleep, but they persist. It's a leftover-from October- of heading to the alma mater of courses. She will not be returning home until early July. and Swift Johnathan Thomas FREE CONFIDENTIAL Low groans. (Was that really a from Halloween!" she explains be- Hobbes. Myers sees this extended PREGNANCY TESTING & groan?) And distant laughter. (It tween breaths. She commented, "Studying in amount of time as overwhelm- CARING COUNSELING HELP must be coming from the parking I go back to bed. the UK [will] give me the oppor- ingly positive as it will allow for (800) 521-5530 lct.) Then, creaking floorboards. tunity to see where many great au- CONTINUE EDUCATION (Isn't the bathroom tile?) Editor's Note: This is a new col- thors lived, and also give me the a visit from her family, along with time to explore giving her more AND CAREER- "Karen," I nearly shout across umn that will be appearing in each opportunity to better understand Europe. The Nurturing Network: the room. Slowly she wakes up, issue about the lives ofa fewWMC the culture-thereby better under- "1 am really excited about all . (800) 866-4666 telling me I am not imagining it. students and how they cope with standing the literature." the opportunities I'll have to see We both hear it. It's what we've the different elements of college! In addition to adjusting to cul- been waiting for. After gathering dorm life. tural differences M ers will have new places and meet new people," -- she said enthusiasticall .
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