Page 145 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 145
satisfy appetites for music Poor attendance, positive reviews mar RBF concert LAURA BETH KnLEY head of security. concert matched the others as Co-editor in chief Bhargava said the "typi- far as intensity is concerned. Reel Big Fish played to a cal moshing and crowd surf- "The charisma [of the crowd of over 500 people at ing" took place but com- group] was energizing. The Western Maryland College on mended those that helped whole group had a grip on the Saturday, March 25 and they were very attentive and did crowd," Stanley said. received stellar reviews. their tour of duty to their Sinclair said, "Reel Big "They rock," said Emily fullest. Fish were extremely friendly Scott Parizer, a ju~ior psy- Sinclair added that the and were good with the au- chology major. Reel Big Fish concert went dience." She had a great time at the off without many hitches Amanda Cameron, a jun- concert, but was disappointed that occurred during past ior English major, said her by the small turnout. concerts. favorite part of the concert "They came all the way This concert also had the was the audience participa- from California and took time quickest setup and clean up tion. out of their East Coast tour to in her four years. "The lead singer [of Reel Fans in the front row cheer enthusiastically as Reel Big Fish performs "Everything play at our school and the "This concert definitely Big Fish] actually came karaoke of their song "All I said. from the opening band (Beat crowd was mostly Westmin- went off the best," said down and talked to us after want is More." The highlight of the Soup)." ster High School students," Sinclair. the show," she said. The lucky participant was evening for Cameron was Cameron summed the said Scott Parizer. Lisa Stanley has at- During the concert, Reel Eric Krause, a student at when she and her roommate show up the best by saying, Nicole Sinclair, vice presi- tended several Reel Big Fish Big Fish chose an audience dent of CAPBoard, who has Villa Julie College. got their picture taken I with "Awesome. They were awe- been involved in planning the concert all four years here, felt the concert was a success but also noticed the atten- dance was lower than ex- pected. "It was a little below the average amount," said Sinclair. She didn't know the exact number, but knew a couple hundred more people usually attend the campus concert. With the smaller crowd, fewer problems with the crowd would be expected. This was the case. Only one person was asked to leave the concert, but four warnings were issued, according to Jason Bhargava. With lead singer Aaron Barrett masoueruding as Superman, the members of ReI'! Big Fish Pllt on an energetic show The dish about the Fish: Bios of the band members Tavis Dan Scott Matt Carlos De Aaron, Werts Regan Klopfenstein Wong laGarza He has a tattoo on his He began his career He is the backup vocalist The bassist and oldest Barrett He is a new addition upper right arm of a playing trombone while in for the band and also sporadi- member of the group, he the band; having just joined to He enjoys wearing tow- trumpet, which he also the high school band. He catty plays trumpet. He en- hails from Westminster, CA. els on his head and Hawai- plays (the trumpet-not his says that he and Tavis joined joys singing, scratching his That's California-so don't in the fall of 1999. He was ian shirts. His favorite color arm). He is also skilled at the band after seeing an ad head, twitching his right leg scour Main Street trying to previously the drummer for is plaid. His idol is the singer the flugal hom. He collects in a local music store. As a while playing the trumpet, find his house. His favorite the bands Suburban Rhythm Morrissey. He spends thirty memorabilia of the Quik member of Party Inc., he is and watching the movie "Ur- bands include 311, The and Action League. The minutes a day modelling his Bunny and also enjoys the known as "Woo" and Tavis ban Cowboy" with John members of Reel Big Fish hairstyle after him. He com- chocolate beverage. He as "Ha!" He communicates Travolta which is his all -time Deftones, tatoos and Korn He has agree that he is a "hettie," mented, "I gotta get it just he "got which many hates being called "Travis". using grunts and whistles. favorite. out of Cracker Jack boxes." however he is currently en- right. It's very important to gaged. me."
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