Page 148 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 148
Thursday, March 30, 2000 - Page 12 COMMENTARY Quirks: Pub Standards Is WMC ready after recent article a few dorm fires at other colleges? Anne Butler discusses the new not always the best behaved people either. I SGA regulations about the call your attention to a Phoenix conditions of the Pub. years ago by Eric Barry about his experience as a Pub worker. Matt Hurff examines the recent I have been told that this is due to the You probably have all seen it if not read He clearly states that the patrons where fires that have plagued dorms in many steam pipes that encase the basement, it by now. I'm talking about the SGA's inva- the worst part of his job; they were consis- the country. supplying hot water and heat to rooms and sive poster set up outside of the Pub listing tently rude to him, and treated him as if he bathrooms. the "Pub Standards and Quality Act" that were a servant. These people are NOT ser- Is Western Maryland College prepared This heat makes the basement very hot apparently the SGA voted on. vants, they are just trying to get their job done fora fire? and dry, creating a potential tinderbox. Pos- I have fully read through that poster and in the best way they can. 1n light ofrecent fires at a Seton Hall Uni- sibly. an improved ventilation system could frankly Iam shocked and appalled at the au- The Pub is a popular place to eat as evi- versity dorm, and a frat house fire at ameliorate this-situation. dacity of the SGA in posting the document. denced by the crowds in there at night and Bloomsburg University, I feel this is a topic Fortunately, Western Maryland College I do not understand precisely where these during meal times. People from outside the which should be discussed to a greater ex- has not major fire for abo~t 10 years n~w. complaints are coming from as I have never college even routinely visit the Pub in order tent ar Western Maryland College, especially However, I reason to believe that neither had any problems with the pub and find it a to eat and relax. since some existing conditions here could be Seton Hall nor Bloomsburg Universities have wonderful and inviting place to have a meal. One man from this group has written a problematic. had to deal with the issue of fire until just However, I guess other people have had letter to the president of the SGA (it is also As I dispose of my garbage, I notice that recently either. trouble and wrote to the SGA. posted near the cash register in the Pub) and there are some major deficiencies in the trash In my mind, this laissez faire attitude is Even if they had received complaints I states that he finds the Pub staff courteous, rooms. dangerous. still find the SGA's actions abominable. Did the place clean, bright, friendly and the food While there is a smoke detector, the trash In the February 10 edition of the Phoe- they attempt to contact the head of the Pub excellent. If so many people outside of this rooms do not contain sprinklers. In addition, nix, Lisa Dale Van Auken discussed the cur- and bining Services and present their com- campus enjoy the Pub's atmosphere and fare trash tends to be strewn throughout the small, rent fire prevention measures in tact at West- plaints? how' can it do anything but reflect well on poorly ventilated room. ern Maryland College. I would suspect they did, but nothing on the college? Yes, I realize that the trash on the floor In this article, it was said that only Daniel their Act indicates that this was done. Have It's also worth noting that the Pub does the SGA investigated the instances of these ~~~:~~~ac~r~~~~~::~~~~s~~::a:~e:~~a:~This situation at Rouzer seems like a dangerous complaints to the full extent of their capac- that could lead to a fire, especially if ity? Again there is no evidence that they that loses money fer the college. and per- combination have. What is the volume and nature of com- ~:;:I~tC:~::~I:eS::;t::~e~'~~: :~:;:;':o:t someone inadvertently dumps cigarettes that have not plaints that caused the SGA to act in the manner they have? By damagingthe Pub's reputationand post- been completely extinguished into a room laden with Did the SGA get any feedback from the Pub staff themselves? I doubt they have. In ~~~i~;~~t~cu~~~~~~~~~~~:s~~~::;:~r~~ paper and cardboard. my own discussions I have found the Pub whole enterprise down. Do we truly wish a can be directly attributed to the residents of MacLea hall currently has sprinklers in- staff to always be friendly and amiable and campus without any other dining options but Rouzer Hall. However, unless there is a mas- stalled because it does not have two exits for they do not deserve to be credited with the Glar? ter plumber in our midst, Idoubt that it would it's residents. unruly behavior that the Act implies they If the SGA truly wishes to improve con- . be possible to improve the sprinkler situa- To be proactive on this issue, I think it have committed. ditions at the Pub they should look into get- tion. would be wise to consider further sprinkler As a journalist and as a person it is im- ting Fourth Meal hours extended so that large This situation at Rouzer seems like a dan- installation plans. crowds would be more evenly spread gerous combination that could lead to a fire. If sprinklers were installed, then costly portant to get both sides of the story. I do not throughout the night. I recommend they also especially if someone inadvertently dumps repairs could be avoided by the system feel the SGA has gotten the side of the story into helping the to recruit more cigarettes that have not been completely ex- promptly extinguishing any flames {hat may from the Pub sta.ffthemselve~. Indeed. I don't look Pub lh-lIlk the members of the SGA are even staff. tinguished into a room laden with paper and arise. aware of just how much pressure is on these Anything would have been better than cardboard (call me crazy). This initiative would certainly help con- poor souls. that hastily and badly chosen idea to put that In addition, as I walk through the base- tain any future fire, and keep Western Mary- During the Fourth Meal hours as many poster outside of the Pub. Even now as I pass ment of Daniel MacLea...hall to the Phoenix land College from receiving any bad, fire as a hundred or so students can be in the Pub the thing I feel a surge of anger and disgust office, it is impossible to ignore the stifling related publicity. I hope that I haven't jinxed and there is generally only four or more staff at the rude and distasteful actions our gov- heat. WMC with this article. to handle all of them. Working food service ernment has taken. Please, let this obnox- A boring 2000 election? is not fun, as anyone who has done it can tell ious piece of cardboard be removed from you. It's even worse if there is a large crowd outside the Pub with all do haste. (as exists every nearly every night in the Despite my strong opinions on this mat: Chris Anastasia towards the No, actually I believe the solution to our Pub). Add in the fact that there is few staff ter I wish to be fair and consider the other upcoming elections with boredom problems is hidden within the Russian elec- available and the combination of all three can side, therefore, I am calling on the SGA to and disgust over the system. toral system. tum even the best worker into a babbling use this forum here in the Phoenix to answer It seems that the Russian presidential wreck. the questions and issues I have raised in this When confronted with the rather depress- ballot has, along with a list of Presidential There's also the fact that the patrons are piece. ing news that the two major parties in the candidates, a box that is marked "none of US were nominating Republican George W. the above." If the majority of the votes are Toilets: A place to read could only think about AI Gore respectively, this I - tallied for "none'of'the above," than the elec- Bush and Democrat out and the parties must se- how uninspired non is thrown election for president will be. lect new candidates to run in a new election. Eric Barry discusses his problems It sort of locks, but it still opens when It is safe to assume that this election will What a great concept! A system in which with public bathrooms and the someone pushes on it. l've already walked garner the lowest voter turnout in our his- you do not have to vote for the lesser of two writing found on the walls. in on two people going to the bathroom (not tory. Whatever hope of an exiting or well evils. together). appointed election day was scraped when a Often in our political system, we cast Who thought up putting those signs with I can't believe some people don't layer hopelessly trailing John McCain withdrew votes not for our favorite candidate but to HIV statistics in the bathroom. The last thing the seat with paper before they sit down. from the campaign. prevent the other candidate from winning. anyone wants to read when sitting on a bac- I'm so paranoid. I stand up while going With this maverick gone from the scene, This is not a good system by any reason. teria ridden toilet seat is something about a to the bathroom. And 1 mean standing up on disease. top of the toilet seat. This entails removing With this maverick gone from the scene, we as a Also, I think they could find a more ef- one's pants. People in the neighboring stalls country are subject to a spoiled, smirking rich kid and fective place to put these signs. No one thinks get nervous when they see my head above about sex white they're on the toilet. These the stall wall. an incredibly lifelike android to choose from as the signs belong ijllhe dorms where all the booty I usually pretend I am cleaning the ceil- leader of the free world. shaking takes place. Better yet in the lowest ing, so they don't get scared. It was about w~ as a country are subject lO a spoiled, This year in particular, Wit need a "none level of the library where my booty shaking time someone wrote an article about toilets. smirking rich kid and an incredibly lifelike of the above" box on the ballot more than takes place. Last issue there was an article entitled android to choose from as the leader of the ever. Better signs to possibly put in the bath- "Escort Service Introduced." I called expect- free world. If we do not like the major parties candi- room could be - statistics on how many ing to talk to a pimp but instead it was some This has me thinking off our former Cold dates, then lets throw them off the ballot and people contract herpes or crabs from toilet buff guy wanting to walk me across cam- War sparing 'partner, Russia. Now, I know get two new candidates. Maybe this is the seats. pus. what you are thinking, but a KGB hit squad only way that we will get an actual candi- Speaking of bathrooms, someoue please It wasn't what I expected but I think it's fix the lock on the bathroom door of the com- a good idea. Students should take advantage is not the recommendation I would give to date that is actuaily worth our time and more importantly, our vote. (as tempting fix this situation as that COIl- mon room in the library. of the service. Good Night. cept may actually be).
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