Page 143 - Phoenix1999-2000
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FEATURES Thursday, March 30, 2000 - Page 7 Rat's Web: Trojans & Worms II cos CO) §® ~ CIDlID cdl § ANNE BUTLER have such a policy (such as an FTP post even more frequently, so keep SlaffWrifer site,) be careful. You may be gam- on top of them. The members of Reel Big Fish com- After an issue hiatus I'm back bling with your computer's life! Anti-virus software is one area to present my wealth of Web wis- Finally, warez are extremely where I recommend that you do not ment on their favorite Muppets: dam to you. Last time I explained dangerous (also illegal) and have a use freeware or shareware. Pay the what Trojans, Virii, and Worms are; high chance of containing a virus full money for a good current copy Words and pictures by Trang Dam now I am going to tell you how to or Trojan. Only accept files from of Norton or MacAfee'sAnti-virus. guard against them. those you know and trust. This in- I have Norton's myself, but I also _ Trojans, worms, and most vi- eludes files sent as email attach- use a free program called ruses are transmitted through files ments or sent by programs such as InnoculatelT as a backup. I keep passed via the Internet or taken AOL Instant Messenger or ICQ. both up to date. from another computer. For the Even if you know the person, "Animal" most part they can only be passed they could unwittingly send you an Some links to anti-virus programs Carlos De la Garza in files that end in .zip, .com, .bat, email attachment that contains a and other resources: Drums or .exe. Picture files (.jpg, .tif, virus. A new trick of viruses and Norton's Antivirus - informa- .bmp, .gif) are safe as are most text an old trick of worms are that they tion on the Norton product and its files (.txt). Word documents (.doc) send an email to everyone in your updates: can possibly help spread macro vi- address book and attach copies of ruses (which screws up Word) so it themselves as attachments. It is indexA.html is best to be careful with them. best to check all attachments with MacA fee's Antivirus Centre - So how can you protect your- an updated anti-virus program. info On the McAfee product and self? First and foremost, know Speaking of anti-virus pro- updates: where you are getting your files grams, these should be your stron-!centers! from. Don't download files from gest defense for your computer. anti-virus! just any site on the Internet. Gen- These programs can be set to scan InnoculatelT Homepage - a free "Doctor Teeth-keyboardist erally downloading from the ma- frequently for viruses, Trojans, and anti-virus program best used with for the band Dr. Teeth and jor company sites is alright (such worms. They can also "clean" a file one of the others: http:// the Electric Mayhem" as or,) if they find it infected or, if all else Dan Regan as they are very careful about vi- fails, they delete the file. Trombone rus contamination. lt is imperative that you keep Weird-Ass Site or the Issue If the site is not a from a major these programs updated with the Ah, Americans and their politicians company, check 10 see if they states latest virus definitions. In many are ever so stupid. Don't believe that their files are virus-free before cases this is as easy as clicking the me? Check out some of these uploading them. Sites that have mouse a few times. To find out Dumb Laws http:// such a guarantee include precisely how to update your virus!Hmmm ... and definitions, check the help file that It's illegal to throw bales of hay comes with your program. Most from a second story window in If you are going after shareware anti-virus companies post new defi- Baltimore. Damn, there goes my or freeware from a site that doesn't nitions every two weeks and some weekend plans! "Crazy Harry is great. " Scott Klopfenstein Tumpet & Vocals "!like Grover. I've always liked Grover. " Matt Wong Bass "Kermit-me and my brother used to have the whole 'Mavin' Right Along' song and dance down. He was Fozrie and! was Kermit." Tavis Wertz Trumpet Hyoudidn't sign up for ROTC as a fresh- By the time you have gtaduated from man or sophomore, YOU can stW catch college, you'll have the credentials of uptoyourclassrnatesbyanending .ian Army officer. You'll also have Army ROTC Camp Challenge, a the self-confidenee and discipline paid six-week summer course in it takes to succeed in college leadershiptraining. and beyond. "Rizzo the rat" HLf • Aaron Barrett ARMY ROTC Vocals &Guitar THE SMAIlTEST COLLEGE COIJIISE1OU WlTAKE.
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