Page 142 - Phoenix1999-2000
P. 142
Thursday. March 30, 2000 - Page 6 FEATURES Don't be a fool on April Fool's Day-read your horoscope CATHY PENDORF ANO lieving they are blenders. TRY to be support- to skip town. But think twice before you go If a friend invite's you to a ratly that involves LISA DAI_E VAN AUKEN ive! chase rain- credit cards, dynamite, and a vast supply of StaffWriten bow s. mountain climbing equipment, it might be a Aries (Mar. 2 I-Apr. 20) Leo (July 24- There's good to pass! Happy Birthday you April Foo!!! Don't let Aug.23) pie n t y anyone tell you your shoes are untied. Wear This month t re a sure Scorpio (Oct.24-Nov.22) Velcro! your love life where you You might be getting spring fever, but stick will be your are. Just Taurus (April 21-May 21) mane event. So I 0 0 k to the routine and it will payoff in good Remember you are tough, talented, and to- get going! around. grades, happy parents, and a windfall. tally in control. Don't let anyone give you Jump head first Bull! You are NOT a kitchen appliance! into everything Libra Sagittarius (Nov.23-Dec.21) that there are little green Are you imagining you do. Carpe (Sept.24- gemini (May 22-June 21) Diem. Oct.23) men living in your underwear drawer? You Whoa was that your twin?!?! No! April Beware of need to start seeing things more clearly. It's checked. time to have your prescription Fools! Don't be confused, everyone thought Virgo (Aug.24- a mysteri- it would be funny to dress like you for the Sept.23) o s day! You will tend to Capricorn (Dec.22-Jan.20) stranger Seek exotic places; look under your bed for be discontent com i n g once and clean up that mess. Just steer clear Cancer (June 24-July 23) this month.You into your of anything that glows green. Tomorrow a friend will call you and ask you hate the rain, life. Look for advice. A massive identity crisis is un- flowers make out for sus- Pisces (Jan. 21-March W) derway and people are walking around be- you sneeze, and finals are making you want picious people with dark hair, eyes, and legs. Okay, so you are a flsh- what do we care? Classified many years of teaching physical education tion for those who live with disabilities ev- Staff Writer courses and coaching the women's field ery day. She wanted to make us aware of the hockey and tennis teams, she "inherited" the disabilities that exist, but at the same time For ten years, physical education profes- Adapted PE. course from fanner trainer Fern show us that they don't necessarily have to Adoption sor Joan Weyers made each of her students Hitchcock. slow you down." handicapped. 'She put them in wheelchairs, Dr. Carol Fritz, WMC physical education Students were also put to the test each Devotedhappilymaniedeouple very much robbed them of their sight, and made them professor and Associate Director of Athlet- semester by competing against the Maryland wishes We will give your to adopt newborn baby a warm amputees. ics explained that Weyers used her Adapted Rayens Wheelchair Basketball Team. "It loving home with strong family But this was only for one hour, three days P.E. class as a vehicle for her own interest in gives them a great awareness and they gain values and financial security. a week during her Adapted P.E. class, where volunteering. a great appreciation for disabled athletes," Medical and legal expcnsespaid Call Susan and Petcr collecr she showed them what it is like to be a dis- "She got deeper and deeper into helping said Weyers. 410·336·0250 abled athlete. physically challenged people because of the For the past 12 years, Weyers and other Weyers, a resident of Lutherville, MD, class, and was always looking to show stu- WMC professors, along with Carroll County Help Wanted has recently retired from teaching full time dents how to get involved," said Fritz. schoolteachers, have worked together to but still devotes a large amount of time to Weyers explained her motives by saying, form a day of athletic events for children BEST SUMMER JOB YOU'LI_ EVER HAVE! Top·notch Maine helping others, from assisting physically dis- "My main goal was to teach the students that with physical disabilities, called the "Tour- summer camp for boys seeks abled chi\d~",.. in ",_h\",,_\cs..... ._u'_onng at .. people with disabilities can have just as much nament of Champions." counselors to instruct either local women's prison. fun playing sports as able-bodied athletes.", lacrosse, baseball, of young Each spring a crowd athletes "I like to take on the cause of the under- Until she retired in 1999, Weyers put her gathers on campus along with WMC students hockey,golf,hiking.ropeseourse, dog," Weyers explained, "especially if the students in the shoes of disabled athletes for a day of competition and fun. And each archery,swimming,boating,water. underdog does not have the ability or the through a myriad of classroom activities. For year Weyers is found smiling as she coordi- skiing, arts & crafts. photography, means to help him or herself." example, students were challenged to play nates and takes part in the tournament. video,music. camp June 23.-August 16 Highest salaries plus travel, Weyers, a graduate of LaCrosse State sports such as basketball in a wheelchair and She explained that the most rewarding room,board,laundryservice, University in Wisconsin, joined the WMC golfblindfolded. part of the day for her has been, "watching internship credit. Great facilities. staff just after earning a masters degree in Sophomore Mami Schlenker explained, the faces of the athletes as they participated beautifullake·frontSelling. responsible Wescek role- fun. dynamic, physical education from the University of "We were actually thrown into the situation and again when they received their medals." models whocnjoy working with North Carolina-Greensboro in 1963. After in class, which gives you a greater apprecia- Now, as a part-time faculty member, children. Call 410-337-9697 or Weyers has even more time to devote to help- Art show gets face lift ing others. course, "Reading Methods in the Mountains to the Shenandoah Escape This past fall, she enrolled of West Virginia. and graduate Strategies" so she could teach others to read. coed. TIMBER RIDGE CAMPS, fun-loving energetic, seeking When people need help Joan is usually statTtowork wnb chlldrcn this JEN DENZER Graphics and Computer Design: In- one of the first to volunteer," said Fritz. coming summer. 90 miles from Wash. ComribUlingWriter cluding graphic arts and design projects, Since October, Weyers has volunteered oe. Top salaries. travel allowance Each April the Art Department holds computer design, mix
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