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Thursday, March 30, 2000 - Page 14 SPORTS The Sports View: NCAA basketball tournament troubles and insights into the upcoming baseball season CHRIS ANASTASIA perhuman game of three-point Paul Byrd. a great addition to an already dominance that helped him Sports Editor shooting. Ashby is in the final year of his stacked lineup that also features throw a 20 strikeout gem against All right, be honest, who else . They did. Good-bye Temple. contract, so a big season from him Bob Abreau and Doug Glandville . the Astros his rookie season. got screwed on their NCAA Tour- Well, with that traumatic expe- would be great for the Phillies play- If everything comes together for As much as Iam a huge Cubs nament bracket? I am not going to rience out of the way, lets look at off chances as much as to his bank this club, like staff ace Curt Fan, I think waiting for a fully. lie to you, I really got burned. the spring training of the majors. account. Schilling returning healthy to the healthy Wood is the best bet. This seemed to be the year of Many teams retooled this sea- This is in conjunction with the team by the end of May, then the There is no need to rush him major upsets throughout the brack- son, while some major favorites bullpen add of Mike Jackson (no, Phillies may give the Mets and back without the proper time for ets. like the Yankees and the Braves not the king of pop, the one who Braves a run for their money in the his elbow to heal after surgery. It seemed that anything that played it safe and made few real wears the one glove ... .I mean ...oh National League. If Wood makes a full recovery, could have happened did happen changes. never mind) to a solid, if unspec- Speaking of Major League .in- he could very well be one of the this year. One team to keep your eye out tacular relief staff. juries, it seems Cubs strikeout king most dominant pitchers this Some believe that this is the for this year is the Philadelphia The Phillies have made big Kerry Wood is making a tremen- game has ever seen. beauty of college basketball in gen- Phillies. steps in their minor league system dous recovery from serious elbow Well, thai about does it for an- eral and isjust an anomaly that ex- This young team nearly had a too. If Scott Rolen and Mike surgery. other Sports View. Remember to ists in team sports like basketball. wild card berth and a few key ac- Lieberthal were not enough of an Wood, who is still not due back keep your feedback, facts and In reality, two major factors quisitions may make them a force example of this fact, then maybe in Chicago until mid-June, has been questions coming to have contributed to this most inter- in the 2000 season. The biggest of newcomer Pat Burrell may con- phenomenal in recent spring train-, and I will esting, if not a slight bit irritating the adds was that of Andy Ashby vince you. ing work. . answer them in my next column. tournament. to a pitching staff that already in- Burrell, a big-time slugger can Throwing just fastballs and Until then, I will see you in First, with early defections to cludes All-Stars Curt Schilling and hit the ball a long way and will be change-ups, Wood has shown the the cheap seats. the pro's by some of the best col- lege basketball hoopsters has led to a narrower margin between the great teams and the also-rans. Another big reason is that the structure of the tournament, a suc- cession of one game playoffs, fa- vors disciplined and hard working. clubs as opposed to those less or- ganized or motivated. This is the reaSOn that a teaTll like Wisconsin (the only thing on my bracket Ihit on was Wisconsin in the Final Four, and f have the bracket if you don't believe me) can make a big splash in the tourney /' with a disciplined defensive game plan. Congrats to Coach Dick Bennett and his Badgers club for a really exiting time so far and con- unued success. And, on that note, I should give a shout out to the "Final Four" big- cover your butt. gest disappointments. They are, in no real order: 1. Indiana: Bobby Knights club better yet, help cover your was obviously rattled by the reports of a violent episode between Knight and former player Neil [tuition]s Ried. How else can anyone explain why a team once considered the most talented and balanced in a lot of different things, but tuition payments Knight's tenure could fall as easily CQllege can mean maneuvering through as they did? shouldn't be one of them. That's where Army ROTC comes in. Here, you'll develop 2. Maryland: The Terp's got trashed in a game against the hot skills that'll last a lifetime. Meet friends you can count on. And have a shot at and cold UCLA squad that was getting a 2~or a-year scholarship. an Army ROTC advisor.loday. and find out ugly. I do not know of many that more about our scholarship program, We've got yeti covered. thought Gary William's team was Final Four bound, but I don't think anybody could have foreseen this ARM Y ROTe Unlike any other college course you can take. athletic a team just being man- handled. 3. Duke: A talented but young team simply just wore'down after a hard fought regular season and ACC Tournament. Maybe next year for this tal- ented group; that is, if they stay in school. 4. Temple: John Chaney'S Owl's did not do anything wrong in their losing effort. With their suffocating match-up Visit Gill Gym or call (410) 857-2720 zone, second round opponent Se- ton Hall would have to have a su-
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