Page 141 - Phoenix1999-2000
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NEWS Thursday, March 30. 2000 - Page 5 Recycling: the big mystery on the Western Maryland College campus continuedfrom page J pers and magazines from the li- should be more receptacles around brary." campus. Out of nine students who stalled by various obstacles, such, in them sometimes, but that most cycling going." But Biggus adds that "in certain were asked what should be done to as course loads and conflicting of the time, they're taken to be re- One of the major efforts of a dorms we have recycling cans, but make students more aware of re- schedules. in cycled. Also, if there's a trash can previous campus group was to move the recycling says, responsibility with some cans in it, Bowers David Seydel, who graduated there's trash mixed in with the cans cycling, seven said there should be 1999 as an environmental science "We usually pull [the cans) and over to the Physical Plant which [so we] just have 10 get rid of it, more recycling cans. major, was the last' president of make sure they get put in the recy- Whelan, "very graciously picked instead of sorting through it." Jeff Grever, a sophomore, SEAC before it dissolved a year cling bins." up ... several years ago," according In the residence hall trash thinks that having a recycling re- "just rooms, Biggus says, there used to ceptacle next to each trash can age. The main problem with the "We need student participation to Iglich. Because of groups and ev- bins is that there are not be boxes for plastic, bottles, or would help promote recycling recycling of them, he says. "Recy- and it's just not there," says Whelan. dumping garbage, vomit, boxes," and "If students would get together erything in the recycling enough glass, but people would come into awareness. When there is both a cling without economic backing is start a recycling group, then myself Iglich says, "1 couldn't blame the the dorms and ruin the boxes by trash can and a recycling can in filling them with trash. front of me, I recycle," he said. pretty much a voluntary thing, es- and others would join them." physical plant people if they didn't The Student Government As- Nicole Novotny, also a sopho- pecially on campus," Seydel adds. Whelan points out that ifpeople have the time or energy to clear it sembly is trying to gel students in- more, is dismayed by the whole Seydel also thinks that the would notice the dumpster near the all out." terested in recycling again, accord- situation. "I try to recycle when I housekeeping staff doesn't recycle water tower for recyclables, and the Not only should another group ing to secretary Dana Jacobson, a can, but the low availability and the material. "I remember last year black-and-white bags around cam- form, Iglich believes, but it should senior biology -major. Their goal inconvenience of recycling often doing a petition for recycling," says pus that separate trash and extend beyond recycling to other is to get special bins for recycling, discourages me from going out of Seydel. "The largest student com- recyclables, they would see that environmental issues such as hu- make an incentive program forcer- my way to recycle a can or boule," ment is that they thought that the WMC does indeed recycle. And man environmental health issues, tain organizations, and in general, she said. school was not doing any thing with sure enough, after noticing the endangered species loss, and loss Jacobson says, "make people more Sophomore Alison Rupert says, the material in the recycling bins many white bags with paper and the of wild spaces in general aware of [the bins] and restart re- "They should have one thing for so why should they bother." abundance of cardboard, paper, "We tend to only deal with top- One administration staff person, cycling." cans on each floor, or if least who wished to remain anonymous, bottles, and tin in the dumpster, does it ics that impact us directly on cam- "If is safe to say that this campus she says. pus," Nonetheless, Depending on student interest, at every resident building. For a new club may be organized to people that do want to recycle it said that another staff member does recycle, students are interested enough to the bags do something the envi- to support Dr. Esther M. Iglich thinks, very anymore, not separate promote and protect the environ- would be more convenient." even though they separate paper highly of Whelan's efforts to pro- ronment I'm willing to support ment. Several colleges near WMC However, Rupert thinks the pa- and trash. mote recycling on campus. Iglich, their efforts as much as I can," already have some sort of recycling per receptacles at the library and Despite these accusations about who has taught in the biology de- Iglich affirms. organization organized. For ex- post office are very useful because lack of recycling, Mel Whelan is pertment for 20 years, believes that Mike Weilbacher, host of an en- ample, at Goucher College the there's a lot of paper put in them. group EARTH (Environmentalism "A lot of people would throw it in adamant that the school recycles many people on campus do not vironmental radio show in Phila- and Animal Rights Together in the trash if it wasn't there," she everywhere except in the residence know what is really being recycled. delphia, describes environmental Harmony) is dedicated to cleaning said. "I'm not a devoted recyclist. halls where there is "almost no re- "[Whelan] has always been a great education programs like WMC's in up the planet as well as making it a I don't think about it too often so cycling being done," As Whelan supporter of recycling on campus," Researcher Environmental Educa- safe place for living creatures, ac- the [recycling bins] help." said earlier, this is because of lack Iglich says. tion magazine as "rare when stu- decide, such courses Teaching plan, cording to their website. The club Senior Rich Suchoski is one of of student interest. Kelly Bowers ogy, environmental biology, as ecol- dents actually the action themselves." and implement envi- Housekeepers, sponsors campus cleaning, com- the few devoted recyclers on cam- and Kay Glaken, said that they al- ronmentat health, and botany over Jon Bearr thinks that, "A group munity-service projects, and cam- pus. He will gladly move paper ways recycle the paper on campus, the years, Iglich has been support- on campus would put environmen- pus tree plantings. from the trash to a green recycling and try to recycle the cans when ing student environmental groups tal issues back into the minds of At Villa Julie College, there is bin, which is often right next to the that an Environmental Club that pro- trash can. Suchoski will also lug ever possible. Glaken says plant to for two decades. five She's been in- students." If this happens, students she's going to the physical valved that the school does might realize ecology major with motes awareness of environmental paper from his room to the post issues as well as health-related is- office boxes. The biggest problem "have [the bins] better marked and groups during that time. However, strive to recycle, but it needs their sues. with recycling on campus, he says, more clear;" Iglich st...eases IhM "Ir take.~ (he full support to push the recycling Also at Juniata College, located is that "people are just lazy. The G~eeks';~it~iiii~;'a;;~d~"'~~re~ony in Huntingdon, PA., there are col- recycling bins are there, but lection sites for all types of paper, [people] just put [recycJables] in cardboard, aluminum cans, glass, the trash anyway. A lot of students GINGER PARK~; ber deserving of recognition and will be announced at the ceremony. and plastic. The college tries to just aren't aware because they COlllribulinK Writer honorable mention for their com- The awards will be presented at the improve recycling on campus by didn't grow up with it." The Mu Omicron Chapter of the mitment to education and the stu- Senior Investiture. placing more paper and plastic bins Jon Bearr, a junior biology and National Order of Omega and the dents of Western Maryland College. Chapter Scholarship, Gamma on each residence floor and putting environment major, agrees with Epsilon Zeta Chapter of Gamma Outstanding Chapter Advisor Sigma Alpha GPA Award CertiJi- more bins in the academic build- Suchoski but sees other reasons Sigma Alpha at Western Maryland Presented to one fraternity and cates, and Outstanding Academic ings. why students don't recycle. Bearr College cordially invite you to at- one sorority chapter advisor deserv- New Member Class will also be All these clubs were found on says recycling needs to be made tend the 4th Annual Greek Awards ing of recognition and honorable awarded. their college's web page. WMC, more accessible in not only the resi- Ceremony to be held on Wednes- mention for their commitment to The WMC campus community however, has nothing on their web dence halls, but also in Glar and the day, April 12, 2000 in McDaniel chapter advising. is invited to auend this event. Door site about campus recycling except Pub. Lounge at 7:30 pm. Please join us Outstanding Greek Athlete prizes will be awarded. for a section about the Honors re- "Recycling programs need to be to salute the outstanding accom- Presented to that male and fe- Come out and support the cycling effort at Daniel Mac Lea run by students to encourage the plishments of fruternity and soror- male individual who have achieved Greek community at Western Hall. In this program recyclables practice," he says, "A concentrated ity life. Dress is business attire. the highest standards in WMC ath- Maryland College • are collected from each suite every movement with good support Wine, cheese, and desserts will be letics. Thursday and taken to the recycling should encourage aid from the served. Distinguished Service Award Cer- Wanna write? dumpster, says junior Jon Bearr. school [and] hopefully generate co- The following awards will be tificates Otherwise, WMC does not make it operation with future environmen- presented: Presented to members of the Wanna take known that recycling occurs on tal programs." Most Improved Chapter WMC Greek System deserving of campus. Bearr has been thinking about Presented to that fraternity and recognition and honorable mention pictures? Many students feel that to pro- starting another environmental that sororuy' deemed to have and who may not be otherwise rec- mote awareness of recycling, there awareness club, but has been achieved the most notable im- ognized through the individual Honor & Conduct Board provement between the years of awards or chapter executive officer 1998 and 1999. positions. Philanthropic Service Martin Oswiecimka Memorial Join the Phoenix! The Honor & Conduct Board dent will not be allowed to walk Presented to that fraternity and Award adjudicated a case in February in- during grnduution. sorority deemed to have achieved Presented to thai male or female volving a student who failed to They also adjudicated a case their highest potential in the Greek individual who has achieved the complete sanctions from a previ- in March involving a student who ideal of public service during 1999. highest standards of overall excel- Meetings are held ous incident. The student was scratched a racial epithet on a Outstanding Greek President lence at Western Maryland College. fined $JOO plus $20 each week laundry room door. The student Presented in recognition of the Greek Man and Woman of the Monday nights at untilthe previous mentioned sane- accepted responsibility for the fraternity and/or sorority president Year lions are complete. Additionally, violations and was required to at- deemed to have most successfully Presented to the male and fe- 6:30 pm in the the student was given an addi- tend a diversity workshop, enroll fulfilled the responsibilities of lead- male who have achieved the high- basement of tional 7 hours of community ser- in a multicultural sensitivity pro- ership and advanced the chapter. est standards in the WMC Greek vice. Finally, if all sanctions arc gram or course, and issued five Outstanding Professor community. Daniel MacLea. not com Jete by May 19, the stu- hours of communl!Y_servicc. Presented to one faculty mem- *Nominations for this award
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