Page 146 - Phoenix1999-2000
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Thursday, March30,2000-PagelO COMMENTARY Staff Letters to the Editor regarding last issue Co-Editors-In-Chief Laura Beth Kelley '01 Mr. Griffiths, have remained an ignorant, young, black a "special" month comes up or when the Jenifer D. Sirkis 'OJ Your article on '''special'' months segre- unaware of my own history. school has to lie to state evaluators when they gating us further' might be an interesting How many other students, white, black or come for a visit. Managing Editor, point but I was having trouble following it. The bottom line should be to get your facts Matthew Thomas '0 I otherwise, might miss out on an opportunity You started with having a problem with to learn something beautiful about our cul- straight before you start to critique why News Editors spelling, being a WASP male, and Anne ture because teachers and administrators de- things exist. Actually, I'd be happy if you Staci L. George '03 Arundel County Schools, to ending up with cide for us what we want to learn? Every" were able to' develop a clear point in your Francesca Saylor '00 Affirmative Action, American Airlines time you turn on Shania Twain, DMX, Kid writing. Stop complaining about the blood in 1983, and Dr. King. I wasn't Terry Rock, or Brittany and Christina, you are lis- making a mess without tending to the wound Features Editor Dalton's best journalism student, but I dis- tening to the influence of black culture on the and consider this: if we say no to Affinna- Kate Esposito '01 tinctly remember him underscoring the im- world. Anything we can consider "American" tive Action and/or "special" months. what portance of making points you can support or "Pop Music" has an Afro-American root. do we say yes to? What would we replace Assistant Features Editor and tie together with an overall theme; you them with? Shauna Dominguez '02 Why can't we teach students that outside clearly missed Dalton's lecture. In any of the 28 designated days we have? Because Eric Byrd Commentary Editor event, you seem to be as misguided as your someone else decides no one would be inter- To the Editor, Edward Schultheis '03 "several" female and black friends about ested in it, or it isn't important enough to I have read both letters posted around the this. learn. pub as to its service and both miss the mark. Assistant Commentary Editor Instead of wasting time And while I mention the word ignorant, The SGA letter demands that the pub become Matthew Hurff'03 discussingpictures of models outside ofOlar allow me to say this. Iam so sick and tired of more clean and efficient at delivering food. or Conservative thinking, consider this: people like you using Affirmative Action as Meanwhile, the letter from Richard Gebhardt Sport;"Editors .~-- -What essential, crucial pieces of informa- a way to support your thinking. If Affirma- says that the pub is an outstanding eating MikeYestramski'OI tion do we receive about Blacks or Women's tive Action is worth your outrage because it establishment. Chris Anastasia '02 contributions to our society if we didn't have worked for this under qualified black female I agree with both of them. I believe that a month to talk about it? While I agree we you mentioned in your article, why isn't it Mr. Gebhardt visits the pub during the day, Photographers Trang Dam '00 shouldn't need a particular month to ac- working for the average black in cities all and like myself, finds that food is delivered knowledge these and other contributions, the across this country? If white people are los- in a clean and quick manner during this time. StalTWriters fact that we do underscores that these con- ing jobs, who are they osing it to? Under But, like the SOA members I have also vis- Claire Adams '02 tributions are not made part of "mainstream" qualified blacks? I'm extremely offended ited the pub at night when the wait for food Eric Barry '00 education. when people like you throw in to your pa- often reaches an hour. Anne Butler '01 When I was a student at WMC less than thetic dialogue phrases like Affirmative Ac- The SGA demands that the pub change Lisa Dale VanAuken '02 10 years ago, the only time I received any tion when you don't place along with it cur- its ways, but offers no suggestions as to how Julie Develin '01 Joan Faulkner '02 information about the contribution of blacks rent and relevant information to support your it may achieve this. The biggest problem with !essicaFitzgerald '03 to a particular field of discipline was when point of view. the pub is the time it takes for food to be Kristen G. Fraser '00 I asked about it. I never ever learned about Last time I checked WMC isn't overflow- served at night. Dan Gadd '00 William Grant Still, the "dean of American ing with a multi-cultural faculty. (I can per- THE ONLY WAY FOR THE PUB TO Greg Lederer'O! composers." In fact, it wasn't until I inter- sonally attest to being confused for Glen and SERVE FOOD FASTER IS TO INCREASE Dave Lee '03 acted with Dr. Glenn Caldwell, a Black Glen for me because of the lack of minorities THE AMOUNT OF COOKING SPACE. Stacey M. Myers '02 Music Professor, that I'd even heard of him. on campus). Last time I checked Carroll If the SGA wants to help us out by mak- Cathy Pcndorf '02 Still's work went largely unnoticed, even to County Public Schools hasn't stepped up ag- ing the pub bener. perhaps they need to cough 81 Shorb '03 this day, even lhough his work represented gressive recruitment of multicultural teach- up the money to renov~te the pub and give T......,.., SI..u:r'03 and was more true to American Art Music ers, even though the county is growing more them more cooking space. Nykolc Tyson '02 than just about any other composer, living multicultural each year. According to my Until that happens we will be unable to Distribution or dead If it weren't for Dr. Caldwell's gen- wife, a high school math teacher, the only time get our food at night in less than an hour. Rich Suchoski '00 erosity with dispensing infonnation, I may diversity is implemented in learning is when Jeremy Keil Student Adviser Megan K. Martin '01 Money can't buy love or a decent TV show Graduate Assistant By now, you've heard the hype and Kristen G. Fraser discusses the nally revealed. She could have said no when Vince Chesney ~;;~; :v~i~~i:nn~~;eS?h~h~~~::~~~h~~ effects of the TV special, "Who ~~ea{~dsghee~~~~dd h[~V~:: ~~e:h~n~h:;~~ Faculty Adviser bother anyone? Wqnts to Marry a Millionaire." pers were put in front of her. Terry Dalton If you happened to miss the show, ceremony. (The prenuptial agreement that Did she really think this marriage would summarize it for you. Fifty women parade she signed doesn't allow for them to become succeed? The current divorce rates suggest around on a two-hour show, complete with formally "unmarried" for one year.) She was that marriage is not an easy task. Addition- biographical information, dresses, and a repulsed by kissing him, according to ally, statistics on short-term engagement pe- The Phoenixis published biweekly. The bathing suit competition. Does that sound Newsweek. She didn't spend time with him riods show that those marriages are even opinions expressed do not necessarily rep- like a beauty pageant? on their honeymoon, and instead has only more likely to fail .: resent those of TIle Phoenix staff, me fee- Well, the show ends with the grand-prize one request-that she receive her life back. However, it is doubtful that there are any uity, or the administrators ofWMC. winner being "crowned" a winner. However, Now, before the. pity pours out for this statistics for 5 minute acquaintance engage- The paper welcomes free-lance submis- there is one difference. poor young woman, I think there are many ments. sionson Macintoshdisks in most word pr0- The judge is composed of a forty-some- reasons why she doesn't deserve pity. She seems like a smarr enough person. cessor formats. The editors reserve the right thing male, who happens to be worth about First of all, what would possess you to She's college-educated, and worked as anAir to edit for clarity, length, and libel and to 2 million dollars. The prize? The winner, go on a show like that? The first clue should Force nurse in the Persian Gulf. publish as space permits. All submissions Darva, got to be married to this nice gentle- have been that the Fox Network produced What would possess a person to partici- (excluding self-addressed diskettes) become the property of The Phoenix and cannot be This production is a mockery of marriage, romance, decency, common sense, and remmed. most of all respect for women, This show would have never achieved the popularity Please include a name and phone num- herfor verification. Names will be withheld that it did had it been with male contestants, onlyby fhed.iscretionoffhe Editors-in-Otief. man, Rick, on national TV, on the basis of the show. That isn't brain surgery. The classy pate in this show? Was she desperate? Was him choosing of her, shows that air on Fox should have been the the two million, that she will obviously not The Plwenixdoes not discriminate based So, the two were married on TV, whisked first hint that maybe this wasn't a good idea. receive ANY of, worth it? Was she having on age. race, religion, gender, sexual orien- off on a free honeymoon, and onto the hap- Secondly, the mountain of legal docu- self esteem problems? tation, national origin, condition of handi- piJy ever after. However, there have been ments should have been a hint. According to This production is a mockery' of marriage, cap, or marital status. problems. testimony from a Maryland contestant who romance, decency, common sense, and most Apparently, the couple doesn't apprecl- spoke on a local radio show, each woman was of all respect for women. This show would Mail to: ate the media circus that accompanied their required to sign mountains of paperwork, in- have never achieved the popularity that it did. The Phoenix hastened act. And, (here is the pesky prob- cluding an additional set of papers for an al- had it been with male contestants. Perhaps WMC, 2 College Hill lem that the groom's ex-fiance has a restrain- ternate millionaire if the first bachelor chose because there aren't male beauty pageants Westminster,MD21157 ing order against him, and she alleges that to back out. onTY. (410)751-8600 he tried to assault her. Speaking of backing out, last time I 1 personally hope this is the end of these FAX: (410)857-2729 Hmm. The plot thickens. Darva regrets checked, this woman still had the right to free shows. A return to financially arranged mar- E-Mail: marrying him, and can't wait to annul the will. She could have said no when he was fi- riages seems to be in order if not.
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