Page 147 - Phoenix1999-2000
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COMMENTARY Thursday, March 30, 2000 - Page 11 Palczynski and police hold Dundalk's citizens hostage Well, you can write-off any then kills a pregnant woman in a chances of Dutch "Apple Pie" failed car-jacking attempt a few Dave Lee discusses the stormed that place Friday night and decision that leaves a lot of higher- d Ruppersburger becoming Gover- days later. Over the last two weeks, results of Palczynski 's ended this standoff then. ups with a lot of explaining to do. nor. Or even running for governor, the FBI, the ATF (Bureau of Alco- Dundalk hold up. hou~ea:n;~~:~~~~~~~~~ri~~;Fri:a: ~~~~~~~~:~:~~~~~~~~: for that matter. hol, Tobacco, and Firearms), and Now all of Maryland (and the Baltimore City Police invade rage standoff. Night, this would have been over proposition that I favored then and thanks to CNN, most of the coun- Baltimore County getting mixed up Since Friday, the Baltimore in a matter of seconds, and nobody still favor-today), the three hostages try with Cable Television) has seen in a manhunt for "poor little Joey." County Taxpayers (i.e., us) have other than Palczynski would have would have been less likely to have what a disaster Baltimore County been paying for Joe Palczynski's: been hurt. been killed, and an entire neighbor- has become. bacon, waffles. hamburgers, and Over the last week, Baltimore hood wouldn't have had their lives Search efforts are uncoordi- french-fries to be delivered by a County has spent millions of dol- put on hold for this felon. Higher Property Taxes, escalat- nated, and the presence of federal "special" {i.e., EXPENSIVE) ro- lars (expect a tax-hike) screwing Now, that womanizer (a.k.a., ing drug sales, rising crime-rates, authorities disallows the Baltimore incoherent sanitation workers, County Police the authority to bot. around with that nut-ball. They dis- Bill Clinton) will likely use this "pothole expressways," Section 8 shoot-on-site should they have en- And while the good folks on placed a whole block of families example to support his gun-control Housing for criminal miscreants- countered Mr. Palczynski. Lange Street were put out of their from their homes, they closed a resolution. So will Parris and, oh yes, a County Police de- That's right. the Federal Gov- homes, while elderly people were public school (Remember "Spendening" for his "smart gun" partment that's handcuffed by ernment even got involved. From kept from their medicine, and while Glendening's "attendance is impor- program. goof-offs and half-wits in the ex- the people that brought you ''The an entire neighborhood of children tant' campaign?), they trapped pets The deaths of five people (in- ecutive branch. Slaughter of Innocent Lives at had their week at school disrupted, inside of houses (who's gonna pay eluding the unborn child) and a Roger Hayden, come hither ... Ruby Ridge," "The Mass Murders "poor little Joey" Palczynski got the cleaning bill?), and they closed hostage crisis will be exploited by Does it bother anybody else that of Innocent Children in Waco," and hot meals and got" to be on the streets for blocks and exit ramps the left to argue that only people this Palczynski thing was such a the "100 Day, $30,000,000 stand- nightly news. coming off of Merrit Boulevard all that can steal guns (like Palczynski} disaster to start with? off in Montana to get four freemen Despite that fact that Joe to accommodate a murderer and a should beĀ· able to attain them. The guy gets released from jail out of a cabin" comes the Baltimore Palczynski was a murderer, a nut man with a history of mental ill- God forbid private citizens want of women, and had two weeks ago after a lengthy County thriller "the endless search case, a batterer hostages, Baltimore ness and battering women. a handgun to protect themselves They even went out and bought three taken from Wait like Palczynski. guys record of violence and mental ill- for Joe Palczynski, the guy that fre- County Police catered to this man this vile miscreant lunch, and put until the bleeding hearts and do- ness and departs from the "authori- quentsthe7-11." ties" (who they have authority over Bu_t hey, the government is in for nearly a whole working week. it on the taxpayer's tab. The most gooders cry about Palczynski's seems to be somewhat of a mys- charge (surpriseds). The Baltimore Anybody see anything wrong here? alarming issue is that three inno- "unfortunate" death. Wait until we tery) in a foul mood. County Police, knowing that Mr. The Palczynski story ended re- cent lives were left inside of a hear the left cry about how "cruel" Over the next week, Joe Pal-nutski 'had a vendetta against cently when Paramedics declared house with a nutcase for a span of it was to kill someone that needed Palczynski murders an innocent the Whitehead family and their kin him dead. He had been shot to five days. "help." And God forbid, wait until couple sheltering his girlfriend, FAILS 10 put any surveillance or death by the Baltimore County At any time, Palczynski could we hear about how Palczynski's kills their neighbor in the process, patrol on a house which later be- SWAT team. Now, I'm not going have killed anyone (if not all) of civil rights were violated. What a takes his girlfriend hostage, and comes the scene of a five day hos- to say, "I told you so," (even though them. Leaving innocent people in load of crap ... How typically I did) but the SWAT should have his hands was a terrible risk, and a American. Coming to the defense of the Pub Westminster: Is it If you are a student, faculty Tammi Slater defends the The Pub staff is consistently member or involved at Western integrity and reputation oj very friendly to its customers, safe to walk around? Maryland College even remotely, the pub and its workers. warmly greeting each person with Jessica Fitzgerald ~ou were aware of the rather harsh ing threatened or insecure. What leuer that Matthew Gribbin, SGA rights in the Pub that they would in a smile and "Hi, how may r help examines the atmosphere most concerns me, however, Is president, displayed outstde the a private Commercial food service. you today?" Perhaps for those stu- surrounding WMC. the few areas where drug deals that they are not dents who feel Pub on March 20 . However, myself and others found friendly, expressing your gratitude occur almost nightly, rhe same His clear disapproval with the the letter inappropriate and wrong. Having grown up in Carroll places where teenagers get intro- Pub's service, preparation, and Many students and workers on arid manners to them would change County, I consider myself fairly duced to crimes and, frequently, that. cleanliness was made outwardly campus expressed their concern, familiar with the people of West- end up arrested. Ihave witnessed apparent to all. Everyone that is, and disapproval of the derogatory rude, and unappreciative the impatient, minster. It seems recently that I Driving down Pennsylvania students including the staff workers at the message. that act as though a simple "thank can't even go down Main Street Avenue around three in the after- Pub. The pub staff is you", "please" or "hi, how are without running into someone I noon, I saw groups of middle As a student at Western Mary- you?" is a struggle to say. know. schoolers walking home with land College, I have eaten in the consistently very Students often do not consider It's a real comfort to know their friends. Pub and experienced first hand the the amount of students and orders that. wherever I go, there wi II As I watched them, I began to service, and food quality. friendly to its that the Pub has to respond to. Un- most likely be a friend of mine think about the illegal activities Never once, have I had a prob- customers, warmly like The Glar, where you serve Several programs are in progress to lem with the staff or food in all the solve the drug problems in Westminster times I have chosen to eat there. As greeting each yourself, and the food is prepared ahead of time, the Pub is different a result of being a commuter, I of- person with a smile. in this regard. and Carroll County .. ten eat in the Pub, and my experi- close by. While many students that would be occurring right out- The Pub staff is a bunch of hard Perhaps, the next time you visit ence there has been nothing short here at WMC find Westminster to side those homes in a few hours. working, dedicated, friendly, indi- the Pub you will think twice about of satisfactory. be unbelievably small and boring, These children are the reason viduals who take pride in their con- criticizing their service, staff, and In fact, through visiting the Pub I still care a great deal for my little the drug problems in Westminster on a fairly regular basis, one begins tribution at Western Maryland Col- a preparation. the hometown, and the people who must be solved. If crimes around March 22, the day following lege. Naturally, the letter created to run into the same familiar faces lot of turmoil and hurt feelings posting of the le*. a former West- live here. their homes can't be stopped, repeatedly. among the Pub's regular staff mem- ern Maryland College student and However, Ihave recently been these children could become in- What keeps them coming back? bers. quite disturbed by what I see in volved in the illegal activities as local Richard One could only surmise the ex- Honestly, I don't blame them Gebhardt resident, Mr. a reaction let- J. Westminster. Drug deals have al- participants, or worse yet, as vic- delivered tremely friendly service, the ways been an issue on Pennsyl- tims. for feeling offended. These indi- ter telling of his exasperation and promptness, preparation and food. viduals work to serve others, and strong disagreement to the com- vania Avenue, but it seems I am Several programs are in The same reasons that I too, find reading more and more reports of progress within the police depart- they do their job well. Whether eat- plaint. myself stopping in for a quick bite arrests of young people. ment to solve the drug problems ing in the Pub or walking by, one This gentleman expressed his to eat between classes and appoint- will notice the same familiar faces high impression of the Pub on "the If this is not enough to in Westminster and Carroll ments. frighten you, perhaps the recent County. behind the grill everyday. quality and presentation of the food Personally, I found the letter The members work everyday of and the exceptional, cheerful and death of a former WMC student However, these programs will Matthew Gribbin addressed to the the week, from morning to night to friendly manner of the regular behind Best Pizza will. never be effective unless people Pub workers downright offensive provide an alternative eating selec- staff." As I read about more and in the drug-ridden areas are in- and unnecessary, and I know oth- tion to us college students, when This customer, told of his de- more crimes in the Phoenix, it volved. Problems in our commu- ers felt similarly. the thought of eating in The Glar sire and want to continue to revisit causes me 10 wonder ifWestmin- nity must be solved through a The letter complained that the has been worn out. How students ster is still safe. community effort. Pub "is not maintaining high stan- can be critical of this option that the Pub "or both the fare and the Of course, the vast majority of Otherwise, more and more good vibes of the staff." dards in food preparation, cleanli- weare so graciously provided with And if I must say so myself, I Westminster is absolutely safe. children will be hurt and arrested, ness, nor service." Students feel is unknown. On'the whole, I would feel safe and Westminster will never really that they should have the same could not agree with you more Mr. walking at night, never once feel- be safe. Gebhardt.
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