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SPORTS Thursday, March 30, 2000 - Page 13 Softball slaughters Swarthmore 2-0, 7-0 award. Tom Brown had another big The Terror swept the MVP tro- day, scoring six goals and handing The Western Maryland men's phies as Gaelen Cross was named out two assists. Rileyended up with MIKE Y..:sTKAMSKI pitcher in Leah Clelland. lacrosse team had high expecta- the tournament's defensive four goals, and goalie Brian Sports Ediror Clelland tossed a two-hitter in tions to start the season, and thus standout. Nottingham. '02 had a career high The Terror softball team (5- the victory. far they have lived up to those Prior to the tournament, the 23 saves. 1, 2-0) continued their domi- Catcher Courtney Wunderlich hopes. green and gold traveled to Cabrini Four days prior to the Virginia nance of Swarthmore (0-9, 0-2) and centerfielder Lauren Henry Their 17-12defeatofVillalulie (2-2) for a March 18 match-up. Wesleyan tilt, Western Maryland this past Saturday with a sweep each hit a pair of doubles in their Saturday capped a banner week for The Terror dominated from the put on an offensive display at home of the double-header by scores of first two at-bats in the game. the team. start, pulling out to 7-2 first quar- against first year York College. 2-0 and 7-0. Over spring break, the Terror That victory earned them the ter lead, and cruised to a 19-8 vic- Swarthmore has not beat finished in a tie for fourth place title in the inaugural March May- tory. After opening up the game with Western Maryland since 1983. out of twelve teams at the Seagull hem tournament, which they Tom Brown led the team in a record breaking 12 goals in the The first game saw freshman Invitational Tournament at Salis- hosted, and ended a week that saw scoring with an incredible eight first quarter, WMC rolled to a 29-3 Amanda Donaldson pitch a no- bury State. the Terror crack the nation's top 20, goals, the second time this season whitewashing. hitter in the shutout. The Terror began the tourna- and end with a spotless 6-0 record. that the attackman has reached that Tom Brown alone accounted for Third baseman Katie ment with a 6-3 defeat of It didn't come easy for the Ter- number. five goals in that quarter, as he fin- Swierkos, a junior, hit a double Moravian before losing a close ror, however. as they were chal- Brown is currently on pace to ished the day with seven. Thirteen in the second inning of the game game, 3-2, to Cabrini. lenged by both teams they faced. break some of WMC's single sea- players scored for the Terror, and to drive in both the Terror runs They rebounded the follow- After trailing for much of the son scoring records. Sweeney, Tyler Mercer '01, and for that game. ing day with a 12-2 thrashing of first half Saturday, the Terror man- Having scored 37 goals in just Mike Griffin '02 each added a hal Game two of the double- SI. Joseph's of Maine and a 5-2 aged to lie up the score prior to half- six games, Brown needs 17 in the trick. header featured another rookie victory over Wilkes. time. season's nine remaining games to It was the second consecutive WMC look the lead early in the break the team record of 53. game in WMC defeated their op- third quarter, but it wasn't until af- He is also on pace to break the ponent by 26 points. ter a thunderstorm delayed play team's record for points in a sea- Despite their 6-0 record, WMC & Cuba with just over II minutes to play son. has no room for complacency, as that the Terror were able to pul! With his 15 assists, Brown al- the toughest part of their schedule away from the Mustangs with five ready has 52 points. The Terror's approaches. straight goals to take the title game. single season mark is currently 102. WMC's next two opponents are The Terror won in similar fash- Brown's efforts earned him the both undefeated: Swarthmore and The ion on Friday to earn a spot in that Centennial Conference Player of Gettysburg. title game. the Week award for the week end- Gettysburg is currently second Centerfor After going into halftime dead- ing March 21. in the country. . Cross-Cultural locked at six with the Messiah Fal- The Terror'S biggest victory After traveling to Gettysburg on cons, WMC opened up the second thus far came in a March 15 show- April 8, the Terror come home to Study half with five consecutive goals. down with then 24th ranked Vir- take on fifth ranked Washington and never looked back. ginia Wesleyan (3-1). and Lee on April 12. Uave.Ri~:t '01 led the charge Riley got WMC off on the right They also have a future match with with a career higtr-nve goals, and foot, scoring just 18 seconds into Washington, who is currently Brett Sweeney '0 Idished out seven- toe.contest. ranked sixth. assists to go with his three goals. The mid-fielder's goal helped The type of threat WMC will be Seville, Spain Sweeney had 12 assists in tour- the Terror jump out to a 5-1 lead, in the Centennial Conference, and • Semester, Academic Ycar,};lIluary, & Summer terms' nament play, earning him the and they never looked back, hold- even at the national level will be • Courses at alllevels taught in Spanish ".Small classes' College credit. • Financial aid • Hcmesrays • Internships' Field trips • email • March Mayhem Offensive MVP ing on for the 14-lO win. decided in these upcoming games. Havana, Cuba Indoor courts lead womens tennis • Winter & Summer terms: :3 or 6 weeks, 4 or 8 credits; courses in English or Spanish • • Fall Semester: up to 16 credits at Universidad de Ia Habana • team to a 7-2 fault at Muhlenberg Call for catalog and free video 1-800-377-2621 JULIE DEVEUN not prepared to play indoors, and Henderson broke a WMC SwifWril~r we didn't get off on the right foot record with her thirty-third career The Western Maryland because of that," Lyter said. singles win on March 9, when the women's tennis team fell to On March 23, the team im- Terror took on Goucher College. Muhlenburg 7-2 in a Centennial proved their record with an 8-1 win Desrosiers, Lyter, Wiederholt, For whom: For students and Other Low to Low Moderate Conference match on March 25. over York College. Leading the and No.4 junior Jamie Maxcy also Income Taxpayers Winning in singles action for way for the Terror were seniors were victorious in the 8·1 non-con- the Terror (3-1) was No.3 junior Lara Henderson, who picked up a ference win. Where: Western Maryland College - Gold Room B Becca Lyter, who defeated her op- 6-2,6-2 win in No. [ singles action, In the season opener on March ponent 6-0,6-2. and No.2 Alethea Desrosiers, who 6, the Terror were flawless, defeat- When: The team was forced to play defeated her opponent 6-0, 6-0. ing Johns Hopkins 8-0 in Centen- indoors due to rain at Muhlenburg, Lyter, No.5 senior Julia nial Conference play. Tuesday Thursday Saturday 7-9 pm and according to Lyter, conditions Wiederholt, and No.6 junior Jaime The match marked the debut of 7-9 pm 12-3pm also picked were less than favorable. Connelly r---------------- up victories new head coach Michael Coleman. ~ April 4 March 6 30 April! April AprilS in the non-conference "1 think mentally [the team] was match up. April!1 By appointment only WMC Wellness Fair Please call Serg Fayvusovich x8359 (on campus) or (410) 751-8359 (off campus) to schedule an appointment April 4th 11-1pm ANONYMOUS AIDS TESTING Forum Spring 1"30-12:30 2000 Semester Every Other Thursday Stop by for free stuff! April May 4 6 & 20 Location -- Smith House -------------------------------- Call Ext. 243 for an appointment
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