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Thursday, March 30, 2000 - Page 4 NEWS DoCS:v guidelines and relationship with WPD A weekend of fun at WMC continuedfrom page J vices, and Patrick Young, admissions coun- lug is also always reported to the wesunin- parrmenr. It states that it does not exist "in • Slaff Wriler selor. This program is one of the strategies ster police and that there were indeed of- response to difficulty between these agen- At least six prospective students who at- WMC has implemented to increase the num- fleers present for the Feb. II alcohol poi- cies" but rather "so that the excellent rela- tended the Minority Student Weekend, sport- ber of minorities that attend the college. sontng. despite the comments made by tionship'' between the two "be maintained, sored by the Oft1ce of Mulitcultural Services, The number of students who attended the Westminster Police Maj. Dean Brewer. and hopefully strengthened." This document March 24 -26 agreed that WMC made a fa- program this year has more than tripled from Brewer does not seem to think the college outlines the guidelines DoCS officers are to vorable impression on them and have de- the 12 who attended last year. notifies the police department about very follow when dealing with misdemeanor and cided to attend WMC in the fall. According to Dean of Admissions Mar- many Issues at all, and he says he hears of felony offenses on campus. Approximately forty prospective stu- tha O'Connell, admissions has been doing most instances ofcrime on campus through It stares that "DoCS policy require the dents attended and were hosted by WMC more direct mail contact, sending out invita- rumors. immediate response by WPD to felonies nn- students so that they could experience col- tions out earlier as well as making more Yet, Webster views things differently less the campus safety officer can safely act lege life. phone calls to increase the attendance of more and stresses that some matters may be bet- and time is of the essence to protect life or "Everyone has been real, no one has been minorities at WMC. terhandled by Campus Safety while others health." When necessary DoCS officers may phony and are not just trying to tell us all The minority student weekend has been would best be solved through police in- "effect [sic] citizen arrests for felonies where the good stuff about the campus, but the a 'very small program in the past. "Five to volvernent. He also states that if there is a the identity of the felon is known as a vir- things we want and need to know," said pro- six years ago, only six students attended the non-emergency offense committed on cam- tual certainty." specove student Natasha Coleman, a Mary- weekend and now the number of minorities pus that the victim should contact Campus The document further says that "juris- land resident. She said, "I am definitely com- attending the overnight stay has dramatically Safety in order for them to call the police diction of the campus area will be joint with instead af calling them directly. Webster original and primary jurisdiction retained by ;;c~~~~'n M;u7o::a~e!~ ~ __ ~_ ~~~e:~~~,;;.c~~;:~~:d~~~ says, "other people may have otherimpres- WPD" and that "summary statistics" are agreeing even more since I the application poet of mi- sions. but when it comes to college policy made to WPD Chief Roger C. Jonekis have been here." norities isalso up 25 percent of notifying the police, I'm the final arbi- monthly regarding campus crime. "I am 99 percent sure from last year. tratcr of that." When it comes to hantlling offenses the that I will be attending "Marketing [by] word of According to Webster, any time the col- Memorandum has this to say: "Violent WMC" said Chris Assing, mouth is a key factor," ex- lege as an institution is the victim, the po- crimes or serious crimes in progress will be from Prince George's pressed O'Connell, "and that lice are notified. The exception to this is the original and primary jurisdiction of County. He said that the factor adds to the success of when it is a small offense and the college WPD. In cases where DoCS is first to the people and atmosphere at WMC." From these changes, knows who the perpetrator is. In those cases scene, the campus safety officer first arriv- WMC is what made his de- they have increased the num- restitution is handled here through the ing will establish a perimeter, controlling cision. ber of minority students that Honor and Conduct Board. Webster says to and recording access, protecting evidence, The activities they took attend the fall and winter visl- involve the public criminal justice system and denying all access until directed other- part in during the weekend ration days. would not change the outcome much in wise by a supervisor of either DoCS or included: a Dean's chat, Darren Chang, a resident those instances. WPD." On the other hand. "misdemeanors scavenger hunt, rap session, ~~~,,;:~:,:n~,~:,~:,:;~.i~':;::r.of Greenbelt, Maryta~d: is On the other hand, when a student is the such as alcohol violations, minor thefts ha- pool party and wo~kshops another student who VISited such as "Finding the Actor Within," "Per- for the weekend. He relayed his anticipation e S Sal r us is because sonal Marketing," ''The History of Black about the program during check-in in Ensor there is a different burden of proof when Music," and multicultural issues. Lounge, "I am nervous because Ido not know matters are dealt with on campus versus Tierra Jolly, from Suitland Maryland, is what is about to happen, but I am looking through the criminal justice system. another student who decided from the week- forward 1.0 having fun." "The standard of proof for an Honor and end event that she will enroll in the fall, "the Asked how many of the students she ex- Conduct tria] is far more easy to achieve" campus is beautiful and WMC has all the pects will enroll at WMC in the fall, because it deals with the preponderance of majors I am contemplating." O'Connell commented, "I am an optimist, so evidence instead of proof beyond a reason- The weekend was funded by the admis- I would say 100%." Realistically, O'Connell able doubt, says Webster. Chief Jonekis was sions department and organized by Grace admitted she would be satisfied with 75 per- unable to be reached for comment. Almandrez,. director of multicultural ser- cent. .Mark your calendar ~~~Ro'!!,~~~~ryS !!;E~!"!~(~!!12~le'Y~~e~~~~weekend. Start Thursday, March 30 land will host its first Reunion Weekend. an experience.) On Friday afternoon, there ing at noon on Saturday, alumni will display * SGA Organizational Representative Alumni from 16 different classes have been will be groups of alumni louring campus to their class pride and march from Big Baker Meeting; Hill HaU 104 at 8 pm. invited back to enjoy a weekend of activi- set: the changes in the buildings and admire 10 Gill Center led by the WMC Pep Band. Friday, March 31- ties. The alumni eel- the recent renovations. Come out and cheer them on, they will re- '" $200 housing deposit due ebrating reunions this Get jazzed for the ally appreciate the attention. The parade will Sunday, April 2- spring graduated in Friday night perter- lead into the Alumni Association Awards * College Clean-up Day; 9-12 p.m.; call from 1925 classes 1995, every five mance. We will be host- Luncheon. Four alumni will be honored for Kelly Dunnavant at 8010 to get involved just last year are invited Ge B k WMCjazzconcel1. by a land Alumni afternoon, alumni are invited to '" Trip to see "Grease". their support and work for the Western Mary- Gras-style ing a Mardi through your In addition, Association. years. followed t' April 4 Tuesday, This who graduated Saturday friends * WMC Wel/ness Fair; 11:00 am- 1 pm community. events Then tire WMC 100. ac event is open to the en- cheer on the Green Terror at the home sports in the Forum April 6 campus. in the or to explore Thursday, In thepast,WMC has Dinner costs $17.50 evening, they will be gathering around cam- '" First Thursday; Red Square 12:00 noon celebrated reunions dur- without a meal ex- pus and Westminster for individual class Friday, April 7 ~~~:~~~~i :~;~~~~~~ To WHERE You ONCE BEWNGED! ~~~n:,e~n~:oa ::~~~nl~hi: cel~~a~~~~~y morning, alumni have been '" Spring Formal on the Odyssey; bus leaves at 10:00 pm; dance lasts from with Homecoming. dinner, you will need to invited to participate in the lacrosse teams' 11:00~2:30 am. Therefore, there has not WMC Reunion 2000 provide your id number second annual "Martin" 5K Memorial Run! Monday, April to been much interaction the cost for dinner Walk. Also, the Alumni Association will '" Last day to register for the Mathemat- with students and fac- will be $15. Theconcert hold its annual memorial service. ics Proficiency Tests; register by noon. uity. One of the goals with the new program is free; however, you will need a ticket. You There are several opportunities for stu- Tuesday, April 11 is to invite alumni to experience a busy cam- can get a ticket from the Reunion Programs dents to be involved in the weekend. If you * Fall Class Registration for Class of pus and meet studenls and faculty. Not only Office located on the second floor of Elder- would like to volunteer to help out during 2001 will there be many alumni mingling around dice. the weekend, please contact Robin Adams Wednesday, April 12 campus during this weekend, there are sev- Saturday morning the WMC Gospel Brenton '86 at x258. '" Mathematics ProficiencyTests; Decker eral specific activities mixing alumni with Choir will be performing in Alumni Hall at Since we will be having all of these Lecture Hall of Lewis Hall of Science at students and faculty. 9:00 am followed by a College update from guests on campus during the weekend, we 12:00 noon; bring ID and two pencils. On Friday morning, alumni may be vis- Acting President Coley. Then the visiting will be making special parking arrange- '" Fall Class Registration for Class of iting your classroom to observe what cur- alumni will be scattering around campus to ments. 2002 rent classes are like. Many of these alumni attend workshops, exhibitions, and seminars. We appreciate everyone's assistance and '" Room Registration graduated from WMC over 50 years ago, so This means if you have a work of art on dis- cooperation in making this a fun and memo- Thursday, April 13 they are very interested in seeing what top- play in The Kathryn E. Wentz Student Art rable weekend for alumni. If you have any '" Fan Class Registration for Class of ics are currently taught and how teaching Show or a poster display in the Science Cen- questions or concerns, please contact Laura 2003 methods have changed (They certainly didn'l ter, there will be more people admiring your Russell '87, Associate Director for Reunion Friday, April 15 use computers in the classroom!). After work. Programs at x255. * Spring Fling classes, some alumni may be going through Everybody loves a parade, and we have Courtesy of Laura Russell
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