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Reel Big Fish and Beat Soup Fishing for answers from the Fish: the zany interview After pretending as though it was some- These days the guys of Reel Big Fish arc SHAUNA DOMINGUEZ Scott Klopfenstein (trumpet and vocals) re- Assistant Fewures Edilor spectively. thing they'd never heard of before, Barrett having rehearsal every weekday because They're zany. They're comical. They're This band from Southern California has said, "it's cool," about the Florida Marlins they arc working on a new album. The al- loud. They don't always give straight an- been around since 1991. They got their start using "Trendy" as their theme song at their bum will hopefully come out by the summer swers because they're too busy joking at LosAlaminos High School. The credit for baseball games. of2000. This album is the follow-up to "Why around, They're a ska band. They're Reel naming the band Reel Big Fish goes to Barrett also said it was cool opening for Do They Rock So Hard." It was released in Big Fish. Kiss, Coolio, The Cure, The Blues Brothers, 1998. Backseat Boy Wong. Within Reel Big Fish, the guys are di- Collectively, Reel Big Fish list Led Zep- among others, and playing with Don Ho. "It's The band also re-released their album vided up into "mini-bands." The Backseat pelin. Jimmy Hendrix, KC & the Sunshine cool" seems {Q be a favorite response of "Everything Sucks" but with additions to the Boys are drummer Carlos De la Garza and Band, No Doubt, Sublime, and "love" among Barrett's. The band also appeared in the Uni- original version, The new version that was bassist Mal! Wong. their influences. versa! Pictures' film, BASEkelbali where they released on January 25, 2000 has new art- Party Incorporated is trumpeter Tavis If they could tour with any act they played themselves. work, some "lost recordings" and even in- Werts and trombonist Dan Regan. Las I wanted to, they would tour with Def They described the experience as trippy. eludes a video, that can be played on a com- but not least are Jambo Jambo and Jambo J, Leppard, but only in the 1980s otherwise They also said it was one nonstop party the puter, for the song, "Everything Sucks." a.k.a. Aaron Barrett (vocals and guitar) and wouldn't do it. . whole time and they were surprised the According to the Mojo Records January movie actually got done. So what do these 25,2000 Press Release, the members of Reel guys do when they aren't touring? Accord- Big Fish "wanted fans to be able to own a ing to Klopfenstein they, "play video games." piece of their history at a fair price, rather When asked why they think they work than having to pay exorbitant prices for ille- well as a band when all of them are so dif- gal copies." ferent, Barrett replied, "we're all one per- The very random silly moments tended son." Werts jokingly added, "one really to revolve around Wong wbo said at one schizophrenic person." point, "Cheeros are good on Sundays." Later As for what type of crowd they prefer at in the interview Wong made a big claw with concerts, they said it's not the quantity of the his hand and then spun his finger around in fans, but the quality that counts. Barrett a small circle. added, "we like to play in front of anybody." The rest of the band explained that the These guys were goofy throughout the en- gesture means "Bear claws all around." Ap- tire interview, but when asked why they op- patently, the guys like to eat pastry bear pose moshing they got serious. "We don't claws. like violence. We want everyone to have a And Reel Big Fish sarcastically reminds good time," said Barrett. De la Garza feels us that "everything you read is true." For that "they should save that shit for the foot- more information, check out Reel Big Fish ball field." Klopfenstein said simply, "vio- on the web at lence is stupid." Right after that they joked, "thanks for Additional information from the Mojo the downer question" to get back into the Records January 25, 2000 Pre ss Release. laid-back. mOre comical mood of the inter- Additional interviewing done by Jenijer Sirkis. One of the alternative names was "Love Salad." Do we see a food theme going on here? Schneider explained, "we do it less than When asked what it's like being the only part-time," when talking about how much the female in the band. Haynes explained that band is together, both rehearsing and per- it's fun, and that the guys are a great group forming. Even though they have regular lives work with. "I make them behave," she added. and the band, Schneider said, "some of us The Beetles, Bob Dylan, Slayer, Cracker, haven't grown up yet." Red Hot Chili Peppers, and the Mighty To learn more about the band, hear their Mighty Bosstones are among the groups music, or to see their performance schedule, which influenced their music. check out their website With so many different tastes in music among the members. it seems to work well and come together for them. They feel their diversity makes them a better band because they have more to draw from. So with so many different dispositions, who would Beat Soup tour with if they could (L·R) Dan Cuetara, Tom Healey, and Robin Haynes a/Beat Soup tour with any other group in the world? Healey's reply was "Madness - in their SIIAUNA DOMINGUEZ times i.t takes a while for the right mix of prime." Schneider said, "I'd go on tour with AS.1i,
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