Page 72 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 72
Thursday, November 19, 1998 - Page 8 COMMENTARY Honor Code Against Students' Individual Integrity "I have neither given nor received unau- professor to remain in Billie 10 Shorb offers some the Ad Hoc thorized help on this exam." What exactly theroomincaseofques- insight into the Honor Code and Committee's proposal peer was not wrong, so I decided to do just that. from my I received The suggestion does that mean? As our WMC Honor Code, classmate across the table was to go into the it seems that it doesn't quite mean to all stu- tio~: ~:~i~~'Of the re- ways to reduce.incidents of ~h:;~~;:e:~~ :~:i~~ hard drive and look at someone else's lab. dents what it ought to mean. Although stu- sponsibility of the pro- cheating. two randomly selected As I began to question him concerning the dents are required to write this code followed fessors, one may suggest students from the stu- dishonesty in that, I found his response sur- by a signature on the bottom of every test that the students need to take some respon- dent body. prising. It seemed as though he honestly saw and quiz, one wonders if to some it means sibilityas well. Although many feel that stu- Although this is a good idea, adding more looking at another anything more than ink on paper. dents who witness their peers cheating or than two would be more effective. Perhaps nothing wrong with his or her knowledge. work without student's Since WMC students are from a variety lying should be expected to turn them in, I ten students could be randomly selected and Considering the variety of integrity lev- of backgrounds, it becomes hard to agree on feel that by doing this, you are making one serve on a jury. By doing this, you have a els at WMC, we need to remember that other one level of integrity that applies to all stu- student responsible for another's actions. If better representation of the student body; students may have different perceptions of dents. For example, a student that grew up a student decides to cheat or lie, he or she is furthennore, you allow the students to en- this situation. The jury concept previously in a household where honesty was strongly suggested provides a better representation of emphasized is more likely to demonstrate a Although students are required to write [the Honor] these levels, and it also serves as a method high integrity level. In comparison, some- of promoting awareness. Making students one that grew up in an environment where code followed by a signature on the bottom of every aware of this problem may spark a desire to honesty was never taught or enforced may test and quiz, one wonders if to some, it means improve it. display less integrity. It is easy to modify the honor code and It most likely is not even the student's anything more than ink on paper. to im- choice but a result of the way they were system, but it is much more difficult the two prove individual integrity. However, raised. Integrity lies within the individual expecting to pay the consequences, and it is gage in a hands-on experience of enforcing work hand in hand, and one cannot be suc- student; therefore, modifying the honor sys- between them and the administration. the honor code. cessful without the other. Eliminating this tem may reduce the amount of cheating but By interfering with someone else's busi- The final modification should be creat- problem is impossible; reducing it is not. will never eliminate it. ness, whom I may not even know, I may be ing a greater awareness of the cheating prob- Another aspect of the honor system that endangering myself. I may be in for a pay- lem. It is very likely that most students are Those students who successfully continue causes controversy is that it does not require back, who knows? There Is no need to bring not aware that an academic dishonesty prob- to cheat will have justice catch up with them Someday, somewhere down the road. they the professor to remain in the room during people into a situation where they don't be- lem exists. Again, this may not be a prob- will find themselves in a situation where they quizzes and exams. It should. The long. lem to some because of their individual in- will need to know something that they failed professor's presence in the room will reduce The honor system includes the Honor and tegrity. to take the time to learn. Those consequences the likelihood of someone attempting to Conduct Board that hears cases of academic For example, as I was working on a lab may be far worse than getting caught now. cheat. Students aren't as much afraid of dishonesty. This board consists of five mem- in Lewis Hall one night near the beginning With the modifications suggested, the num- cheating as they are of getting caught. In bers: two facuity, two elected students, and of the semester, I ran into some difficulty. ber of students who cheat would lessen, but addition, I feel it is the responsibility of the the Dean of Student Affairs. I agree with Since it was not a test or quiz, consulting a cheating will never completely go away. Want VISA & MasterCard Credit Cards? ~--------------------------------------------------------, I I ORDER FORM I YES! CRA, PO Box 16662, ATLANTA, GA 30321 I want Credit Cards immediately. GUARANTEED APPROVAL Name _ .. Address . City............... . ~ ''' Slate ,... . Zip .. Signature.
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