Page 71 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 71
COMMENTARY Thursday, November 19, 1998 - Page 7 Pro/Con: Should Smoking in Rooms Remain Legal? Ron Mojica argues that tolerant non-smokers, however, smokers too have paid the same Megan Martin believes smokers have the right to gripe and complain about the odor. amount and have as much right to that non-smokers should be 2. Asthmatics have the right to smoke in their own rooms. There is one simple solution to rec- live in a smoking environment, en- breathe. Not every person on campus who has asthma can make into the sub- tify this problem; close your doors. veloped in as many smells and car- able to breathe clean air. Amidst the many freedoms we If that doesn't suffice, artificial fra- stance free zones or special medical I'm not a friend of the tobacco in- received upon coming to college, grances are available in an assort- cinogens as they desire. For many, dustry for several reasons. First of all, I housing. Smoke is a big trigger of where we sleep, the little cubicles some arguments still arise which ment of aromas which can cover study, relax, and entertain are what enjoy being able to breathe. Secondly, I asthma attacks. Why should these challenge OUf supposedly indepen- up the smell. Still, if that doesn't we may consider our first taste of people have to suffer every time they dent living. One of the more ar- quite cut the mustard for these residing on our own. Stripping am not a fanof cancer. Ialso enjoy per- walk down the hallway? sonal hygiene and my personal prop- guable topics which raises some objecters, then it's advisable that away this right would be a little erty remaining intact. 3. Non-smokers have the right to dispute among residents and staff they relocate to substance free biased and a bit juvenile if staying For these two reasons, specifically, not be forced to inhale carcinogens. members alike is the issue of housing. on campus supposedly fosters a Iam against smoking in residence halls. Second-hand smoke causes cancer in smoking in the residence halls. Another point which arises is sense of independent living. A so- Iam not saying that smokers should not non-smokers who live with smokers. Currently. students may smoke the question of safety with the is- lution to this problem is to not ban It's been proven. Again, substance free in their rooms with the consent of sue of possible fires occurring. smoking altogether but to pay be allowed to smoke, but smoking in housing may not be an option, either their roommates. The only areas However, if students have suc- closer attention to housing prefer- the residence halls, whether it is in a pri- because of availability or because some vate room or not, infringes on the rights where smoking is prohibited are in ceeded in being accepted into col- non-smokers do not want to live in that the hallways and lobbies of hous- lege, then they have proven them- ence sheets which students have of neighboring non-smokers. What environment Theyshouldn'tbeforced few accounts cir- filled out. Numerous rights you say? Well, let's lookera ing buildings and certain wings selves to be intelligent and respon- culate of residents who wished for of them. to live somewhere they don't want to designated as substance free. sible adults, smokers and non- roommates who do not smoke and I. Ihave the right to not smell bad. live,eitherway. Although bestowed this privi- smokers alike. Hence, they then 4. I have the right to not have my lege, conflicts still arise and di- have the ability and knowledge to were coupled with those that do and Cigarette smoke smells awful. Even if personal belongings destroyed by care- vice versa. a person is smoking in their room, the vide smokers from non-smokers. differentiate an ash tray from a The argument does not revolve less smokers. Any person can acciden- Granted that smoking is not one of trash can filled with papers or a pile around the case of wh~ther smok- odorworksitswayintothehaIlway. It's tally start afire. That'swhycandlesare {be healthiest of habits, but what of wool apparel when dispensing ing is bad or not but more on what not a simple matter of non-smokers' supposed to be contraband. Accidents vice is? Compulsive eaters can their cigarettes. Also, if fires are liberties we really acquire by liv- keeping their doors shut. What if it's happen. and we're all tired, overworked hot in the room, and the only way to continue their gluttonous practice such a concern, the paranoia should ing on campus and how free we cool it off is to keep the door open. U college students. What happens when of devouring "hohos" nightly and, be directed towards candles in the really are in this newly attained there is smoke out in the hallway, what a tired smoker falls asleepwltile smok- although "alcohol free," the alco- dorm rooms which are actually freedom. The total prohibition of is the non-smoker supposed to do? ing in the room? Iknow Idon't want holics in Rouzer and Whiteford can ablaze rather than cigarettes with smoking will not be effective in that to be around when that happens. Air fresheners still enjoy a sip or two of their fer- a minute glow of fire. the residents will refuse to accept 'They justmakethesmell don't work either. Inshort, yourrightsend where mine worse or cover mented barley and yeast. ·Now on to the smokers' argu- it and continue to smoke which it up for a few short minutes. Cigarette begin. Of course smokers have a right An issue which may be a valid ment. So the non-smokers have could later extend to further com- Iosmoketheircigarettes, but I,as a non- complaint against smoking is the paid large sums of money and plications. A more feasible and smoke lingers a lot longer than air fresh- smoker, have a right to live the way I Also, clothing and hair hold eners. smell which lingers after. Yes, should have the right to live in a practical option is to provide a more smells. If a non-smoker walks through choose. That includes smelling good, even smokers don't like the scent smoke free environment, away accommodative housing plan for a smoke-filled hallway, he or she will breathing, not contracting cancer if Ican of burnt tobacco, but they have from all the smells and carcino- smokers and non smokers. smell just like smoke. I don't know help it, and not exposing my property gotten accustomed to it. The less gens. In all fairness, however, the about you, but I don't have time to to destruction by fire. Forthese impor- tant reasons, among others, I think Quirks: Learning Prevention shower every time Iwalk down the hall- smoking should be banned in students' way. rooms on campus. CHAOS I thought it was strange to see Anne Butler calls your to bury their executed father. " Brian Sh ..... Fred Higgens and his friend Colin attention to a serious Fred frowned, "Is it really that sitting outside of Lewis. Both boys world injustice. bad over there?" were sophomores, and it was gen- "Yeah. Iranian officials broke era!ly considered that they'd up a Baha'i children's class that_ shown up on the day God was giv- (which it had to do frequently for was held in the home of a Baha'i. ing out brains to snails instead of him). The three adults were given three on the human day. True, they were "Er, okay, but why would some- year sentences in prison, and fif- stupid, but at least they weren't one be persecuting Beehives?" teen teenagers were told that they'd freshmen. Fred asked his friend. be put in jail for five years if they I approached the boys, deter- Colin shook his head. "No, were ever caught attending a Baha'i mined to find out their problem. Baha'i, it's like er, a religion, or class again," Iexplained. "What's wrong, guys?" something." "Man, that sucks," Fred said Mournfully, Fred looked up at I tried to elaborate for Fred, rather unnecessarily, "What can we me, "We got class now." "They sprang from Islam as the do though?" I digested this for a bit. It Christians sprang from Judaism." Colin chimed in, "You could, hadn't been the answer I was ex- Fred still looked confused. I like write your congressman or pecting. "Er, so why aren't you in sighed, "It's like a religion or some- something." your classroom?" thing." I nodded. "Or you could check Fred sighed and looked toward Fred seemed to accept that, "Er, the WMC Baha'i club web site for the door. "The squirrels won't let so why they being denied an edu- details," J glanced back over at the us in cation?" door, ''Though I'm not even sure' Hardly believing it, I walked to "Because the Iranian govern- the Baha'i club could solve your the door and indeed found.several ment is prejudiced against Baha'is. squirrel problem." f~r~~f!:~~~~i~~~?~~i%~~ not allowed to attend a As if by magic, a messenger They're normal college, so they set up their squirrel appeared next to us. It to the boys. "Son of a ...~lp¥:ss own university open to everyone. chittered for a few seconds at Colin. you were right. Why are \bey do- However, the Iranian government "Oh, okay," Colin told the squirrel ingthat?" .'. has essentially shut down the uni- and then he turned to us, "He says "Cause they wanna prevent us versity. Baha'i students aren't al- they'U let us in if we get them a from getting an education," Colin lowed to attend classes and Baha'i bag of peanuts and a case of beer." answered, sniffling, "Ya know, like professors aren't allowed to teach. More chittering followed, "But the Baha'is in, er," he pondered for The Iranian government even good beer, not Beast." DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING YOU WANT TO SAY a moment, "Uh, Iran! Yeah, that's seized expensive educational "Yo, man, you can talk with TO THE ENTIRE WMC COMMUNITY? it! Iran!" equipment from several Baha'is' them?" Fred stared at his friend in THEN WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR AND Puzzled, Fred looked at his homes. Many have been jailed as surprise. GET YOUR VOICE HEARD! buddy, "We walked here, stupid, well." Colin shrugged. "Can't you?" neither of us ran!" "Ain't some been executed Fred shook his head. "Nope. Irolled my eyes. Fred was still too?" Colin asked. Anyways let's get into town and get CONTACT US: THE PHOENIX, in top form. "He means the coun- I nodded. "Several have been, what they want." He stood to leave, 2 COLLEGE HILL, try Iran. In the Middle East?" Fred without being given a proper trial. pulling his friend with him, "Then WESTMINSTER, MD 21157-4390 nodded as understanding dawned One family was given only an hour we can get our education!" OR VIA EMAIL:
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