Page 76 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday, November 19, 1998 - Page 12 FEATURES PA houses are homes to Tellabration provides fun for all cultural diversity On November 21, 1998, thousands of There will be something for everyone. The people around the world will gather in small public is welcome to attend all programs. Many parties are also organized there towns and big cities to enjoy the wonder of Tellabration originated ten years ago as BY SOPHIE BOULET SlaifWriler with typical meals or music from the three storytelling. The annual event is known as a means of encouraging the perpetuation countries. The German Halloween party and Tellabration, and since its beginning in of the art of storytelling. The worldwide Students! Do you know that you have a the Spanish Tertulia have been successful. 1988, it has grown into one of the most event is coordinated by the National piece of Spain. Germany and France here in So have the French dinner and field trips to impressive collective events in the history Storytelling Association. headquartered in WMC just for you, where you can talk, eat the Embassies during the past two weeks. of the modem storytelling revival. Jonesborough, Tennessee. In 1997 com- and discover or even live with, the European All the students are welcome to chat in Tellabration '98 on the Hill will be pre- munities across the continent participated culture and people? Spanish, German and French of course. sented at Western Maryland College on No- in Tellabration. The event in that year drew If you drive by houses 191. 193 and 195 Some of them have already came to watch vember 21, 1998. Graduate students who audiences in 44 states and ten foreign coun- on Pennsylvania Avenue, you will probably the news in French, thanks to the satellite have participated in "The Art of tries including: Japan, Bermuda, Canada, be surprised by a German flag and a multi- dish installed this September in the French Storytelling" classes at WMC will present Australia, Thailand, Africa, Brazil. France. national population and atmosphere. Ac{U- house. Students can also learn about Ger- various programs throughout the day. Lis- Scotland. and New Zealand. ally, these houses are not really American, man history and Spanish culture. teners will hear humorous tales, folklore, although American students live there. Other activities are also proposed in com- stories that touch the heart, and much more. Courtesy of Public Information They represent Spain. Germany and mon with the three houses. This September, and Cheap Thrills: High France on your campus and are directed by the foreign language picnic gathered almost native directors who come every year to live 30 students and teachers in a friendly with and help students of foreign languages. multicultural atmosphere in the backyard of They also help all the students interested in the language houses. the Dining with Low Class the European culture. So, feel free to come and discover Many activities and cultural events are PA foreign language houses. They offer BY MATTHEW THOMAS Which brings me to dating. Key in on organized there every week by Marina from many opportunities to share and exchange SlaifWriler fun, not cost. Is a girl going to have a better Seville, Silke from Berlin, and Sophie from different cultural richness. time if you take her to an expensive restau- Paris, who are also students in their coun- Hello, friends. Welcome to Cheap Thrills, tries. They are intended to help WMC stu- Find yourself lying rant? Maybe. Depends on the girl. If you've dents immerse themselves in the European where you get more bang for your buck and got to go somewhere expensive, order a lime more joy in your joybang. cultures. awake at night? Warm Last time I promised to explore Carroll in your water. You can save cash and not The students majoring in foreign lan- look like a tightwad. It's that easy. Hmm. guages can come there for an hour of con- milk not doing the County culture. I'm still looking for it. More I'm still stuck on beverages. Geez. There's versation every week or participate in the trick? Here's what to come on the topic, I promise. so much more to a good cheap thrill, I mentioned Taco Bell in the last issue. Spanish, German and French clubs activi- was alluding, of course, to the $ .89 bean I datewise or otherwise. Let's spend some about the thrill itself. time talking ties, as well as field trips to Museums, the- other folks do when burrito (My friend Nate gets his without red Not everybody digs this, but try some- atreor festivals. they can't sleep: sauce). It's the epitome of cheap, filling fast thing novel on a weekend. Instead of trying and pizza. Classified food. Need It scoffs at burgers to wash down that to hook up at a party, ask someone to put or have puzzle some something a jigsaw together burrito? Of course you do! Now, cheap- couples over to watch Fellini films or bad Help Wanted Read 66% skate college students have no problem kung-fa movies. If you're gonna drink Natty drinking cheap (read: bad) beer. So why do Ice, you're gonna drink Natty Ice. Watch TV 63% Position Available: Child Care Giver they insist on drinking Coke and Pepsi prod- But it's easy to break up the tedium or My Westminster Home ucts? playing esshote and going to underage bars Must have own car and be Walk or exercise 47% Cheap cola is much better than cheap beer once in a while. All you need is a little bit available I day during the week Pray or mediate 46% when compared to the respective, more ex- of cash and an open mind. Now, not every- and Saturday evening. pensive counterpart of each. It's why Sam's body wants to sit around and discuss plays For interview call Susan 410-840-8995 Listen to music 44% Choice still makes soda but K-Mart gave up they've read. I understand. But I also un- Take a warm bath 43% marketing wine a long time ago. derstand that people get bored going to Lone EXTRA INCOME FOR '98 Speaking of drinks, always order water Star. Eam $500 - $1000 weeldy stuffing Source: Marist Institute for Public at restaurants. Ican't stress that enough. Al- Iknow I'm repeating myself, but the one envelopes. For details - RUSH $1 .00 Opinion ways order water. Save the cash for the tip. thing that makes it hard to come with ideas with SASE to: if you've got to spend it. for Cheap Thrills is how easy it is to get GROUP FIVE &.547 N. Academy Blvd., DepL N bored with the same old, and how hard it is Springe., CO 80!118 to break the habit. Mural Competition With that in mind, I issue a challenge to Personal Phoenix readers. instead of offering more The City of Westminster in cooperation with the Carroll cheap thrills, I'm going to challenge you to PREGNANT? County Arts Council is sponsoring a Mural Competition. The spend one weekend night between now and FREE CONFIDENTIAL PREG- competition will ultimately identify and commission one quali- the next, issue doing something on a whim. NANCY TESTING & CARING doing something other than what you typi- COUNSELING HELP fied muralist/artist to create and execute an original mural on a cally do. 8005215530 specified exterior wall in downtown Westminster. Spend as little as possible for food, bev- CONTINUE EDUCATION AND erage, and entertainment while keeping (he CAREER, THE NURTURING NET- Application for the competition is open to anyone 18 years fun factor high. Let us folks at the Phoenix WORK 8008664666 of age or older. Selection of a winning design will be made by know what you did, and we will publish your Travel a jurying committee consisting of professionals from the art cheap thrill in the next issue. to some readers' Next time, in addition community and representatives from the community of West- cheap thrills, I'll keep myself from having a #1 Spring Break Specials! minster. Three finalists will be selected from the applicants to breakdown ~ I'll actually write about a Book Early & Receive a Free Meal design a "to scale" rendering of a mural for the allotted space; cheap date involving Carroll County High Pian!!! Cancun & Jamaica $399, Culture on a Low Budget. Bahamas $459. Panama City $99, for which the muralist will be paid a stipend of $300. From Some quick tips before I go: 1-800-234-7007 these designs a muralist will be selected to execute his/herl hacky sacks ~ expensive their design fDr a commission of $8.000. Cut off for applica- squirrels-free tion is December 31,1998. cocaine - expensive Spring Break '99- Sell Trips, Information for the competition and the application process your little brother's Ritalin - free Earn Cash & Go Free!!! soup - expensive Student Travel Services is now hiring may be obtained by contacting Karen Blandford at the City of soup that you find a roach in - free campus reps/group organizers. Westminster (410-876-6322) or Sandra Oxx at the Carroll Lowest rates to Jamaica, Check your wallet. Choose your lifestyle. Mexico & Florida. County Arts Council (410-876-8550). Call 1-800-648-4849
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