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FEATURES Thursday, November 19, 1998 Page 11 60 Seconds IN THE FISHBOWL ... A feature spotlighting staff and students at WMC Which classes would you like to see offered that aren't already? SlajJWriler Phones ring endlessly on clut- tered desks inside the Student H~alth Service building at Western Maryland College. Smith House "Rock Climbing" remains alive with last minute Summer Byers '00 phone calls even after office hours end, English/Deaf Education . Joan M. Lusby, WMC's certi- fied physician assistant, is emi- nently qualified to handle the chaos. She is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University School of Health Services, with 20 years of experience in family and college health medicine. Lusby chose not to go to medi- cal school and become a doctor "Sky diving and auto because she prefers working with racing. " people to sitting in a classroom. "I Health Services. Lusby interned WMC student Krisztian Braun Darren Mileto '02 enjoy caring for people [more] di- with Dr. Welliver and learned a lot has received an international edu- senior took cation. The Hungarian Psychology rectly than if I was going to Medi- from him. "He really helped me his fourth year of high school in get to know his patients on a more cal School," she said. personal basis," she explained. Deerfield, Kansas where he ran on Lusby was born and raised in the track team and played basket- Lusby has very little spare time, Baltimore. After graduating from with three children, three pets, and ball. "I was time to try some- Mercy High School, Lusby at- a household to run. "J enjoy read- thing new," he says. tended Anne Arundel Community ing, but every time I read, it's a Braun is an only child. His College and then the University medical journal. So it's a real treat mother works for a sports company of Maryland in Gennany. to sit down and read a good novel and his father at a transportation Lusby married in 1970 and from time to lime," she said. office. They learned that their son with her husband "Basket weaving, wreath moved overseas in Germany called When she's not reading a good would be able to attend a good col- to a town making, etc. class. " Kaiserslautern. In 1973,itwasone book, Lusby spends time with her lege and attain new experiences of Kelly Stevenson '99 of many to be flooded by the Rhine family, helping her children with America. their homework. She also loves "My mom called me in Kansas Biology and Neckar rivers. sailing and would most enjoy sail- and said that she read something "We lost everything dear to us about a new opening of an Ameri- in that flood," says Lusby. The ing up to Black Hat Island, N.H., and vacationing there for as long can College at home [Budapest]. couple returned to the United States as possible. She didn't hesitate to enroll me" and insurance money from the However, for the lime being, recalls Braun. ' flo~ damages allowed them to buy she will continue to keep the popu- Braun received a scholarship their first home in Glenden, Md. lation at WMC healthy and strong. from WMC Budapest because he Lusby then became a physician as- "The students don't have time to kept a B average. "I still have that sistant. scholarship. It has really helped me "A hunting with live To continue certification, be sick. This age group is gener- and my family financially," he said. targets course. " Lusby must maintain ongoing ally a pretty healthy group of kids. Braun will graduate in Decem- cigarettes, Other than the drugs, medical education, which includes Don Rutledge '01 and eating disorders, J'm pleased ber with a degree in economics and attending medical seminars, lec- History tures and keeping up with current with their health," she said ... business administration. He chose medical journals. Aside from getting a chance to this major because he felt that many for people countries are in need ~ "Of course I also ha've to attend sit down with a good book, Lusby with knowledge of both subjects. her favorite considers her career conferences, which earns me about hobby. She works on a part-time "Many businesses are in need 100 credit hours every two years," basis at Carroll Primary Care, a of this type of education, especially explains Lusby. In order to be re- family medial care center in West- in Europe," says Braun. certified, a mandatory state exami- minster. Lusby is also on the medi- Before he jumps into the world nation is required every six years. cal staff at the department of sur- of work. Braun will further his edu- Lusby's interest in the medical "Paintbalt, military field was influenced by Dr. John gery at Carroll County General cation. He will begin classes at the University tactics (not ROTC), Air Welliver, a licensed physician who Hospital Budapest in February. of Economic It will take Sciences Force Military Science." recently retired from Student =c----- two years to earn his masters de- , James Gasparo '02 greethere. HistorylEnglish He plans to take economic and European Union courses, which will concentrate on international economics and business adminis- tration. After he has learned what he needs, Braun will work at the. Environmental company in Budap- est, where he interned once last summer and then again last Janu- "Ballroom dancing." ary. Sarah Harper '01 Braun plans to live and work in Spanish Budapest for quite some time. He would rather not accept ajob any- where else. "I'm not planning to move out of Hungary for a long time ...I have been awa~ from home long enough and now it's my turn to enjoy my Senior Krisnian Braun, a.member of WMC's Budapest Program, is home again," he adds. Words by Ted Witiak, Photos by Trang Dan lookmgjorward to returnmg to Hungary wizen he graduates in December.
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