Page 77 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 77
SPORTS Thursday, November 19, 1998 - Page 13 One act plays unleash student FIRST Volunteers are neededfor directors' creative freedom ' NIGHTANNAPOLlS -thefamily BY MOLLIE LAND formance less than three weeks will finally get to see the fruits of oriented, non-alcoholic New Year's SlaffWriter away, the directors are beginning their labor. As their actors per- Imagine giving several college to f~el the crunch. Rehearsal time form, the directors can sit, watch, Eve celebration of the arts. students unlimited power to make and space is limited. and critique their own work. other college students act accord- Although the actors are all vol- If all this sounds complicated, Work on publicity, be a stagehand, ing to their demands. No, it's not unteers, the directors must accom- it is. Which is the precise reason your worst nightmare, it's the The- modate rehearsals to fit the actors' why this is a directing class. This assist performers, sell admission atre Department's Directing class's schedules. Even a cast of only two class gives upcoming directors the buttons, or most importantly help final project. On December 2-3 actors can produce a scheduling chance to direct a play with the each of the directing students will nightmare for a director. The busy support of a seasoned director. manage a performance venue. present his/her production of a one life of collegiates makes finding a Ron Miller is the professor of the act play. time when the entire cast can meet class. Whatever your interest, there's Of course, what play could be nearly impossible. The students can approach him complete without actors? As part Around November 29, the with any difficulties they encoun- something you can do for this of their project the. directing stu- plays will go into the "tech" phase ter throughout their directorial de- dents were required to hold audi- of rehearsals. During these re- but. With the proper support from exciting event. tions for their plays. This gave all hearsals the directing students will their professor and enthusiastic For a three hour shift on New of the "wannabe" actors on campus try their hand with decisions re- actors, the directing students are a chance to show off their skills. garding lighting, sound, set, and well on their way to creating their Year's Eve, volunteers receive a With casting done, all the plays other technical aspects of theatre. masterpieces. are now in rehearsal. With the per- On December 2-3, the directors FREE admission button to choose Talkin 'bout my d-d-disconfectlon from hundreds of performance choices. The Phoenix presents for your ver- disconfect (dis konfekt) v, To blow elbonics (el bon iks) n. The Contact FIRST NIGHT bal pleasure a list of words that on a piece of candy that's been actions of two people aren't actually part of the English dropped on the floor, assuming maneuvering for one arm rest ANNAPOLIS for an application language---but should be. Help that will remove the germs in a movie theater. standardize these wack words. form now: tel.410-268-8553 aquadextrous (ak wa deks trus) ad. pupkus (pup kus) n. The moist telecrastination (tel e kras tin ay The ability to tum the bathtub residue left on a window after shun) n. Letting the phone ring fx.410-268-8554 faucet off and on with your a dog presses his nose to it. at least twice before you an toes. swer it, even when you're only six inches away. TAKE HI IN IF • ... tad........... _"-n ~·Crldltc:.... ................. ......""_ UW,,",toMy • The N_AlMti ... e._ C_I C¥dfor SW_ io._rca un depend on. Wilt! ~'''.''''. ,~ ... ,• • ,rfmI '""""III. jqo ..._ ""''''''0'''"" and no annual foe. inl hoofp "'_-_r_¥M1I htoIp yOV tJu;!d • solid fin,n
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