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N E \!V.S Thursday, November 19, 19~8 - Page 5 SGA in Brief International club dinner Meetings Most Improved Team award. celebrates campus diversity OUf first Organizational Rep- This was their best showing in resentative meeting was held on years. S.E.R.V.E. (Students En- States, bread and butter pudding evening was when Vinokour chal- October 29 with stellar anen- gaging in Rural Volunteer Expe- BY JENIFER SIRKIS from Britain, and baklava from lenged Dean of Student Affairs Editor News dance. The meeting consisted of rience) presented the first ever The International Dinner, fea- Greece, among others. Philip Sayre, Dean of Admissions the compilation of every group's Unique Events Award for the turing the food, fashions, and cul- After dinner, the entertainment Martha O'Connell, and President activities and meeting times month of October. S.E.R.Y.E. tures of countries around the world continued withthe performances of Chambers, who needed the assis- which was sent to each organi- traveled to St. John's Church and was held last Sunday in the forum. traditional Greek, Indian, Cambo- tance of Bill Spence, professor of zational head to encourage par- aided in the renovation of trailer The dinner, which is sponsored by dian, and African dances and sev- English and the International ticipation at all school events. for a poverty-stricken family. the International Club, was at- eral poetry readings. Club's advisor, to identify the flags The next Organizational Repre- They have also planned the first tended by approximately 230 stu- Joanna Kraft recited "Wonder- that decorated the Forum. . sentative meeting will be held on annual S.E.R.V.E. Service Day dents, faculty, and members of the ful is Short," a poem from Finland The evening concluded with the November 19. We hope to even- on November 21, from 11-5. community. which urged people to make the introduction of graduating Interna- tually have the organizational Congratulations 10 all groups, "Our main goal was for people best of the good times because they tional Club members and alumni of event calendar on our SGA and keep up the good work. to taste the food and to experience are short. Silvana Vela recited the college. Webpage. different cultures from other coun- "Pachakuteg," a poem in Spanish Jayasinghe gave a speech about Attention All Juniors tries," said Dinali Jayasinghe, In- about a great emperor and his her experiences as an international Congrats One of our valued and hard- ternational club president. people. student at WMC, and thanked ev- The SGA would like to con- working Senators from the jun- "I think that it went well. The One of the highlights of the eryone for their support. gratulate all of the hard-working ior class will, unfortunately, be forum was crowded and I've been groups and organizations on leavingus next semesterfor a se- told that people liked the.variety of campus who are consistently mester abroad. This means that the food served," she added. working to improve the social there is a very large space to fill Hosted by International Club Do.your part to rock and academic lives of the WMC for anyone interested in making members Sushama Rajapaska and community. Congratulations to a difference on the Hill. This is Art Vinokour, the evening began two groups in particular, the a tremendous opportunity for with "Expressions '98," a fashion the campus this spring. ROTC Ranger Platoon and leadership experience, as well as show featuring the traditional gar- S.E.R.V.E.The SGAwill present a chance to be a part of the deci- ments of Southeast Asia, Cambo- the Ranger Platoon with the first sionsthateffect youand your life dia, Japan, Palestine, Nigeria, theWMC ever Outstanding Performance at WMC. If interested, please Western Europe, and the United Award for the month of October. contact the Junior Class Presi- States. Ranger Platoon traveled to Fort dent, KellyDunnavant,at x8203, Following the fashion show, a CampusConcert A.P. Hill in Virginia and com- oranyoftheJuniorClassSena- buffet dinner was served which in- peted in Ranger Challenge from tors: Michael Blundin at x8012, cluded a wide array of dishes. Committee Oct. 23-26. Team Terror took Bernie Schwartz at x8016, or Items on the menu included polio sixth place out of 27, and Team Chandra Westergaard at x8330. ala naranja-an orange chicken dish Green took fifteenth and the from Mexico, hot beef curry-a beef and curry dish from Sri Lanka, and village salad- a mixture of veg- SGA Meetings are held every Thursday night in Hill HaUllO at etables and spices from Cyprus. Sunday Nights 8:00. If you have any concerns or issues, please contact the SGA st The desserts included brownies sgaOOl,or talk to one of your SGA representatives. and apple pie from the United 9:00 pm In the Leidy Room by Matthew 1. Gribbin
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