Page 73 - Phoenix1998-99
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FEATURES Thursday. November 19, 1998 -Page 9 H oroscopes WMC students offer helping hand to Westminster community A Still Naughty November BY RICH SIMMONS through informative skits, special Circle K - Assistant Features Editor events, and hosting speakers on The local branch of the national Scorpio (10/24 - 11/22) Do you have a lot of spare time campus throughout the year. On Circle K service organization pro- December I, World AIDS "Day, You're a Scorpio. May dogs pee on your leg. on your hands? Well don't waste it A.S.A.P. will be displaying por- vide leadership training, develop- For and group fellowship. ment, watching Teletubbies and drinking tions of the AIDS quilt in Ensor more information, call Brian Sagittarius (11123 - 12/21) cheap beer. The Phoenix presents Lounge in conjunction with guest Hombecker at x8266. a listing of on-campus community speakers and musical guests. For Pawn your watch. Buy a book on Tantric Yoga. service organizations for your pe- Or, if your name is Nate, a copy of Hustler. rusal. So go to a meeting and get more information about A.S.A.P., H.E.L.P. _Homeless Educa- call Janet Keymetian at x82l7. involved in helping to make a dif- tion and Leadership Pro- Capricorn (12/22 - 1120) ference. Sense of Pride - gram assis- HEL.P. exists to provide For all the Capricorns on lockdown, I'm afraid you S.T.A.Y.• Students Teach. Sense of Pride is a well-estab- tance to the area homeless shelters misinterpreted my liquor store trick-or-treating com- lished community service-oriented and provide various means of sup- ment. ing America '5 Youth group here on campus and has been port for those without homes. To The purpose of S.T.A.¥. is to featured in the Baltimore Sun. The become involved with H.E.L.P., academically and socially help dis- basic purpose of Sense of Pride is Aquarius (1121 - 2/19) advantaged youth at the local Will- to tutor and mentor sixth and sev- call Lolita Johnson at x8620. "If you're going to touch my ass, you're going to iam Winchester Elementary enth graders as they make the tran- S.E.R.V.E .• Students En. School. Tutors from S. T.A. Y. aid sition from elementary to middle give me some money." If you're going to sell Christ, students every day of the week, and school. The members of Sense of gaged in Rural Volunteer you might as well do it this week, Aquarius. are very active in holding regular Pride also involve the children they Experiences on-campus events that help the tu- mentor in activities on campus. If The members of S.E.R. V.E. Pisces (2/20 - 3/20) tors and students form strong you're interested in joining Sense provide volunteer assistance to mentoring bonds. To become in- of Pride, call Jeff Cree at x8185. There's something fishy about all the lame jokes communities plagued with poverty volved with the S.T.A.V. program, that pass for your horoscope, Pisces. as well as provide an affordable, call Nikki Kassolis at x8212. Big Brothers- substance-free alternative to Spring Another mentoring program Break where students can learn Aries (3/21 - 4/19) A.S.A.P•• AIDS: Support designed to provide help and guid- about a different culture while aid- I look to the lyrics ofk.d.lang for Aries horoscope Awareness and Prevention ance to troubled children is Big ing society and building personal writing inspiration: "La, la, la ... ." Oh, wait, wrong The members of A.S.A.P. strive Brothers. The mentoring provided character. S.E.R. V.E. also sponsors lyrics. "In perfect dreams, you can fly, it seems, sail- to create awareness on campus of by Big Brothers is designed so that many events during other parts of the dangers of AIDS and educate the little brothers the group's mem- the school year. For more informa- ing nakedly, and weightlessly." Follow your dreams. tion about getting involved, call the WMC student body to proper bers adopt will mature into respon- Then let me know just how perfect they are. methods of protection from the HIV sible young adults. If you'd like to Jeremiah Kelly at x8106. virus. A.S.A.P. spreads its message become a Big Brother, call Mike Taurus (4/20 - 5/20) Stokes at x8627. Ole! You might die in a bullfight this week, Tau- rus. But you'tl die with much more dignity than that bull on the Bugs Bunny cartoon where Bugs should've taken that left tum at Albuquerque. Gemini (5/21 - 6/20) OK. I can see it. Something from your past. You. Singing along with the Backstreet Boys. While wear- ing a $40 tie-dye T-shirt. Weird. Cancer (6/22 -7/23) "What about all of those people born on the 21st, rna?" Leo (7/24 - 8/23) Yeah. Hell, yeah. Virgo (8/24 - 9/23) I see it now, Virgo. An important event, perhaps a PREREOUlSrI'E: ADRENALINE milestone in your life. Uh-oh. It's fading. But there's good news. You can listen to the Dennis Lucey Psy- Drive. Intensity. Those aren't your character, confidence and and i chedelic Hillbilly Revival on WMCR Wednesdays, words you're likely to see in many decision-making skills. Again. 6-8 PM to find out what the big deal is. course requirements, Then again words other courses seldom use, Army ROTC i. unlike any other But they're the credits you need to elective. It's hands-on excite- succeed in life. ROTC iI open to Libra (9/24 - 10/23) ment. ROTC will challenge you freshmen and sophomores with- Chin up! That's not a beer gut you've got, Libra. mentally physically out obligation and requires It's a fuel tank for a sex machine. through intense leadership aboutfivahoura perweek. Reg_ training. Training that builda ister this leon for Army ROTC. ARMYROTt TIE SIWITESI' alUEGE COURSElOU WI 'IIIE by Matthew Thomas For details. VisIt the 2nd Floor, Gill Gym or call 857·2720
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