Page 70 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday. November 19, 1998 - Page 6 COMMENTARY ~taff Endangered Flex Time: But Editor-In-Chief Kate Hampson '00 What About the Students? Editorials Advertising/Business Manager Laura Kelley '01 Kristen G. Fraser describes the campus knew these proposals. The Curricu- Football success News Editors Emily Stamathis '00 lack of communication between lum Committee proposed these changes to Congratulations to the Green Ter- JeniferSirkis '01 administration and students. the faculty. There is one student member ror football team. Their outstanding who stands on the committee, but besides Features Editor success in clinching a second confer- Sarah Radice '01 that student and members of the committee, ence title gives everybody here at Attention WMC! Did you hear the hot other faculty and students were without WMC something to be proud of. Assistant Features Editor rumor about next year's classes? You did knowledge of this proposal. Rich Simmons '99 With all the problems of the last not? Our school seems fairly interested in Many students do not have an interest in few weeks, which caused many mem- Editorials Editor communication. Everyone has grown accus- a large majority of the issues discussed in bers of the college community to be- Megan Martin '01 tomed to numerous daily messages from the realm of the administration of the col- come aware of divisions on this cam- Assistant Editorials Editor Ernie Ogle, and it seems odd that anything lege, but that does not condone this action. pus, a victorious football team gives Kristen G. Fraser '00 would slip through the cracks. This rumor Even a minority interest in the issue would us all a reason to unite. has far-reaching impact for every WMC stu- Sports Editor have been expected as fallout from the com- Let's support our team together-and MikePuskar'99 dent, and the worst part of all is that it is not mittee. use our school spirit to heal the wounds a rumor. Assistant Sports Editor The changes recommended represent a that have been opened. MikeYestramski'OI According to a professor at WMC, the large change to all of the student body. Yet most recent faculty meeting nearly changed this issue appeared virtually out of the blue. Photographers the academic life of WMC students for the Nathan Birdsall '99 It seems that the debate is not currently Interlibrary moan Trang Dan '00 future. One of these changes concerned the resolved. The issue of unused flex time is a Robyn Hill'02 current length of classes. A change from 60 real and serious issue at the college, but is Let's face it, interlibrary loan is a Paul Himes '02 minutes to 70 minutes was proposed for pain in the ass. Even when it is work- David Szepesi '98 an increase of class time a good replacement ing, how many of us can honestly say Hsin-Lun Tsai '02 classes that meet three times weekly. or solution? It demands student interven- In addition, there was a suggestion for a tion, if only on a basic level. that we start looking for research ma- Staff Writers terials two to three weeks before we Claire Adams '02 change in classes from 90 minutes to 100 The discussion of earlier class times Lisa Dale-Van Auken '02 minutes for classes that meet two times a would probably be met with student opposi- even use them? Anne Butler '01 week. The point of this change would be to tion. And the idea of longer classes is one in Despite assurances that our library Sophie Boulet is well stocked for a college this size, JulieOeve!in'OI eliminate the established flex hours. which many students would voice an opin- Shauna Dominguez There was also a move to start classes at ion. A compromise has been suggested to many students are often unable to find Joan Faulkner '02 8:00, instead of the already established 8:20 the original plan. Still, for the most part, stu- the sources they need for their papers. Sara Grubcr '99 Shannon Hess '02 time slot. Another suggestion was to offer dents did not even know of this historical Even when the computers say that the Mike Jenkinson all of the freshman seminar classes at a con- proposal, much less the rebuttal. journal or book is in the library, it usu- Brooke Joseph '02 current time slot, creating tighter schedul- ally cannot be found. Aaron Knitzer'02 Students, if you are concerned with even If interlibrary loan is the only so- Mollie Land '02 ing practices. earlier classes, longer class times, and the Nicole Lehmann '98 The impact of these issues is great, but loss of personal attention associated with the lution to this problem, it needs to be Karen Millar '98 that proposal did not pass with votes from fully operational and students should Ron Mojica '02 flex time schedule, make your opinion Cathy Pendorf '00 the faculty members. The truth of the mat- known. Surprise proposals without student be made more aware of how to use it Francesca Saylor '00 ter is that the actual vote is not crucial input can lead to disastrous results. and what resources are available. Shawn Sprague '01 Michae!Stokes '00 The issue is that virtually no student on Chris Taugher '02 Matthew Thomas '0 I International aid Emily Wilson '02 Ted Witiak '02 Letters to the Editor Many college students, enclosed as Kevin Worley '00 we are in our secure WMC world, are Raini Wright '00 scarcely aware of the disastrous effects Distribution of Hurricane Mitch on South America. Rich Suchoski '00 An Open Letter to the. vidual made comments having to do with At the International Dinner Jast Sun- Jesus Christ being the key to solving the Graduate Assistant WMC Student Body problems relating [Q intolerance. day, Rev. Mark Lancaster highlighted Vince Chesney the destruction that this phenomenon J am certain the intentions reflected by Adviser I am writing this letter to thank the stu- these comments were indeed well-meant; has caused. Terry Dalton dents at Western Maryland College after all. Jesus' greatest commandment was Rev. Lancaster urged that as a col- for their kind words and expressions of sup- love. Yet, at the same time, I found those lege community we contribute to the The Phoenix is published biweekly. The port for my son and our family. comments to be rather ironic and, as a re- international efforts to help repair opinions expressed do not necessarily rep- Although this whole affair has been very sult, felt quite uneasy. some of the damage. Several campus resent those of The Phoenix staff, the fac- hard to deal with, I have been Students of this campus have different groups are organizing ways to do this, ulty, or the administrators of WMC greatly encouraged by the maturity and Truths that they adhere to. We need to be or you can get involved with an out- thoughtfulness that I have experienced tolerant M.d inclusive towards all people on side organization that is sending aid to The paper welcomes free-lance submis- in all of my interactions with students on this campus, and in the greater community, these devastated countries. sionson Macintosh disks in most word pro- campus. Many students have spoken no matter what race, sexual orientation, or Don't be apathetic about this issue, cessorformats. Theeditorreservestheright to Kenneth, just to say "Hang in there," or creed. r believe it is incredibly important to get up and do something to help. to edit for clarity, length, and libel and to have let him know in some way that acknowledge that though our campus is pre- publish as space permits. All submissions he is their brother and that a family supports dominantly Christian. there are those of us (excludingself-addresseddiskettes) become its member during tough times. who are of other faiths or don't claim to be- Retention improvement the property of The Phoenix and cannot be The faculty and administration should be long to any specific faith. I' It's great news that the retention returned. very proud of you; I know that I Irealize that with regards to religion there rate is finally higher than that of many Please include a name and phone num- tends to be an "I" mentality and that follow- other comparable schools. Only three ber for verification. Names will be with- ers of a particular faith believe theirs is the years ago it was embarrassingly low held only by the discretion of the Editor-in- Thank you, "right one." Yet, Ithink we can be more sen- in relation to other conference schools. Chief Kenneth M. Carter, III sitive to others around us. We need to do a If Deans Homeffand Sayre are cor- better job of respecting the inherent worth rect, perhaps we have turned a corner. The Phoenixdoes flO( discriminate based and dignity of every person. This college has a great deal to of- on age, rare, religion, gender, sexual orien- When it comes to the different religions fer students, but so do many other col- tation, national origin, condition of handi- On Tolerance and of the world, I think it is best to look for the leges. We need to work together to de- cap, or marital status. similarity among them all. Every human velop a good school atmosphere and Religion heart is capable of love, and love is also what make WMC a place where people are Mail to; While attending the candlelight vigil and happy to stay for four years. - this we need to The Phoenix listening to the open-rnic portion, I couldn't all religions hold sacred bond. The more enthusiastic people feel uphold as our common WMC, 2 College Hill help but become concerned about the com- about being at this school, the more Westtninster,MD21157 ments made by one individual. The indi- Erin Snell '99 fun it will be for all of us. (410)751-8600 FAX (410) 857-2729 E-Mail;
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