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NEWS .Thursday, November 19, 1998 - Page 3 Class of 2001 retains almost 90% Continued/rom page J Necessity of fall break questioned had a major im- in hopes of longer Thanksgiving enriching new student orientation ness major, also believes that the and the first-year student experi- first-year program ence. pact on him. "It had an influence The restructuring has resulted on me staying here," he said. in a vastly improved student-cen- "Our program isn't perfect; BY CATHY PENDORF fall break, Thanksgiving break many people take the whole week be- SlajfWriler could be extended off for Thanksgiving anyway, to a whole week, tered orientation program, better however, we will continue to fine- For many students and faculty, reducing overall travel expenses cause if school is open, the students communication between faculty tune it," said Horneff fall break is a necessary time, and giving staff and students more should be there. who teach first-year students, resi- She believes that the success breaking up the three months be- time over the holidays to visit fam- When asked if they believed a dence life staff in first-year hous- of the program is crucial to the re- tween the first day of school and ily. Fall Break was necessary, first year ing, and counselors. tention rate. Thanksgiving. After surveying a few of his students Lisa Stanley, Shauna "The team approach has really O'Connell said that retention is Fall break is usually an ex- classes, Smith believed that stu- and Lesley pulled the college community to- a "continuing effort." Focus tended weekend held sometime dents might favor it. The discussion Dominguez, "Hell Yeah!" Tyler ex- claimed, gether, which. in tum, helps out re- groups, monthly meetings and between the first day of school and led to a straw vote among the fac- tention," said O'Connell. evaluations are all a part of the pro- Thanksgiving break. This year, fall ulty council, an unofficial vote test- Dominguez explained that "if it Sophomore social work major cess, she said. break at WMC was Oct 10-13. ing opinion, with the proposal Michelle Bernhardt is proof that Most of the members of the At the Oct. 6 faculty meeting, a mainly meeting opposition. wasn't for fall break, r wouldn't the first year program has im- school administration feel that re- proposal to eliminate fall break was Philip Sayre, dean of Student have seen my parents until thanks- giving break." proved in the retention rate. "It tention is only going to improve, made by Herb Smith, a WMC po- Affairs, reported that the timing for Tyler used some of her break to helped to keep me here. It provided including O'Connell. "I feel that litical science professor. The the proposal was unfortunate. Hav- see old friends and catch up on the us with a welcoming environment, the retention rate is going to be- proposal stated thai fall break had ing been introduced the week be- latest happenings at home. She only like that ofa family." come even greater than it is," she "few benefits" and was "pointless". fore fall break, the proposal was wishes it could be a day longer. Jack Griffith. a freshman busi- said. Many students depart for home met by many people who were al- early the Friday before, missing ready looking forward to the break. Stanley believed that "fall break Racial crime verdict classes to avoid rush hour traffic. catch-up time may not be needed, that was well needed. Even if they want In regard to the thought The cost of the trip itself is some- it to three days it's fine, to shorten not yet reached times very expensive and just a nui- Sayre said that, "work expands Many to but if they take it out I'll scream." sance for those living more than 3 available." fill the time who were away Some students or 4 hours away. Smith claimed the people put things off, knowing a from home for the first time felt that which consists of two faculty and benefits of a fall break escaped him. break from the frantic schedule is BY EMILY STAMATHIS the fall break kept them from "dy-. News Editor two students for each case, will then Fall break had originally been coming. ing of homesickness." But even meet privately to decide on a guilty intended as a time for students to Sayre admits that he is not "par- those who aren't far from home like The Honor and Conduct Board or innocent verdict. If the student study and for professors to catch up, ticularly in favor of the proposal," process has begun for Kenneth charged is found guilty, his record bUI many students do not study and and that it is nice to have a fall the fall break. "As a commuter, it effects me less because Idon't have Carter IJI, the student charged with will be reviewed before a sanction it may not be far enough into the break. Sayre believes the trouble to find a ride home, but we defi- putting racial graffiti on the doors is set. semester for professors to need to with extending the Thanksgiving of his and other rooms, but a final If the student decides to appeal catch up. break is that it is too close to Christ- nitely need a fall break," sopho- more Cassie said. Domser decision may not be reached for his verdict, the final outcome could Smith acknowledged that a time mas break and the end of the se- Fortunately for these students, another four weeks, according to be postponed even further. An ap- to "recharge psychic batteries" may mester. Sayre believes five days is because of the negative response Dean of Student Affairs Philip peal may be filed if the student feels indeed be needed, but said that is sufficient for the holiday especially from the faculty council, fall break Sayre. the board procedure was not con- why-weekends were invented. with another break so close. is not being threatened at the mo- Dean Sayre had no statement ducted fairly, there was not suffi- ~rilith proposed that without a He is, however, troubled that on the current status of the hear- cient evidence, there is new evi- ing. "We'll only comment on any dence, or the sanction is too severe. honor and conduct issue after the Once the entire process is com- of Interlibrary loan faces criticism judiciary process is complete," he plete, a report on the outcome said. the racial incident will be made BY JENIFER SIRKIS cats not being subscribed to, and been solved and the "position is at The honor and conduct process public. Sayre said the report will that volurnes- of periodicals are full strength," according to Neikirk. consists of a number of steps, contain the charge and the sanction, News Editor missing. In addition, it takes a while to which could indeed take another but will not include names. Not finding what is needed at The librarian who was ap- obtain the requested materials. "It month. The board will first hold a As with all honor and conduct Hoover Library has been a common pointed to handle interlibrary loan is dependent upon where and when hearing, in the presence of the per- cases, the student charged is al- occurrence for students this semes- requests became sick, and was no they [other libraries] have the time son charged, where all the evidence lowed to continue to be enrolled at ter. able to work, according to Dave to fill the request," Neikirk said. of the case will be reviewed. WMC until the judiciary process is The interlibrary loan system Neikirk, director of Hoover li- "The general tum around time is After the hearing, the board, complete, Sayre said. was not operational at the begin- brary. now 7-14 days." ning of the semester, and students' The two other librarians who According to The Student The Communication Department have raised concerns about the lack were trained in interlibrary loan Guide and Datebook, there are ap- of resources available to them at the left, creating a situation where no- proximately 195,000 bound vol- of Western Maryland College library. body was able to handle the re- , & Students are mainly concerned quests, Neikirk added. umes, cassettes available and for stu- 1,000 825 journals, video Lambda Pi.Eta, that important journals and periodi- However, the problem has now dent use at the library. the Communication Honor Society, present And, adding new 'resources to the library is not easy. "It's a mat- Computer Lab Hours Phone Line! ter Neikirk. of budget," according has to The price of journals Jerold L. Hale WMC now has a phone line you can call to find increased between 10-20%, and out what hours the campus computer labs are 80% ofthe budge! is committed on "It's Like Deja Vu All Over Again: open! day one; Neikirk Withers, the acquisi- said. Robert Serial Arguments in Personal tions librarian, said thin the library Relationships;' The number is 685 if you are on campus, or staff is "aware and working on the and replacing problem" of finding 410-386-4685 for people who are off-campus. the missing journals. The library staff checks for pe- You can choose to hear the hours for any of Please join us on WMC's seven computer labs. Please note that riodicals that have been misplaced once a week for unbound periodi- Thursday; November 19,1998 hours for all the labs during breaks and holidays cals, and ongoing for the bound to Withers. periodicals, according are given by choosing option "0". at7pm Its not an uncommon occurrence for them to be misplaced around the Closings due to classes scheduled in a particular library, or even left in the bath- in McDaniel Lounge computer lab will be posted outside that lab. rooms, he added.
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