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· - Thursday, November 19, 1998 -,-pag~4 NEWS Concert series highlights Trustee reviews author's African American women memoirs at next BSI Author James McBride grew up without and a thumbs-up from The Music professor Robin Armstrong is on Also, last month she traveled to a national a true ethnic identity. His father was Afri- New York Times Book Review, is a loving a personal mission to make works by women conference in Puerto Rico to discuss the ad- can-American and his mother was white, a memoir of McBride's mother Ruth McBride composers more accessible to her students vantages of musical diversity in the class- Polish Jew who emigrated to the United Jordan. at Western Maryland College. room. States soon after birth. Mrs. Jordan, born Rachel Shilsky, moved Not simply because the works were writ- "J want to help people with practical sug- WMC Board of Trustees vice chair to New York City and married a man from ten by women. Because the compositions are gestions that will get them to use more than Dolores Snyder will review McBride's 1997 Harlem, founded a church, and put 12 chil- solid and deserve to be heard, she said. And just the three musical Bs of Bach, Brahms novel about that biracial childhood, "The dren through college. now she's ready for the rest of the commu- and Beethoven," she said. "These works Color of Water: A Black Man's Tribute to Ms. Snyder, who earned a master's. de- nity to listen, too. stand on their own as musical compositions. His White Mother," at the College's next gree from WMC in 1963, is a retired educa- The Monday Night Music Series will fea- They shouldn't be included in a curriculum Books Sandwiched Lnat noon on Thursday, tor. She also was awarded an honorary doc- ture works by African American women just because they are written by women or November 19, in McDaniel Lounge. torate by WMC in [989. composers at 7 pm, on November 23, in African-Americans. This is good music and The novel, which earned 4.5 stars from Courtesy of Public Information Little Baker Chapel. "It is a doubly marginalized population," Dr. Armstrong said. "It was hard enough just "I want to help people 3rd ANNUAL WORLD AIDS DA to be a woman and get your music heard, let with practical suggestions alone be African American, too." The concert, free and open to the public, that will get them to use features soprano Junis-Rozena Peri perform- more than just the three ing works by 19th and 20th century com- posers, including several musical interpre- musical Bs of Bach, tations of poems by Langston Hughes. Since coming to WMC in 1995, Dr. Brahms and Beethoven. " Armstrong has continually introduced more women and more minorities into her courses Robin Armstrong and has helped other music faculty members do the same. it has merit to be included." Peri, a faculty member at West Virginia Multicultural Director University, will be accompanied by two more West Virginia University musicians, pianist- Continued from page I and faculty member John Crotty, and mezzo ating a diversity campaign, in which she will soprano Emily Hastings Keene, who re- find out what issues led to the incident and ceived her master's degree in music there in what causes some WMC students to not feel 1996. Keene also was the first recipient of completely welcome on campus. the Valerie Canady Foundation-H.1. Heinz She will then use that information to "fos- Scholarship. ter a positive relationship between all mem- A specialist in works of women compos- Featuring: bers of the campus community," said ers, Peri has performed throughout the REVEREND DR. DAVID HIGHFIELD Almandrez. United States, Germany, Holland, Switzer- DR. LAURA CHEEVER One of Alrnandrez's top priorities is to land, Bulgaria and the former Yugoslavia A.S.A.P. bring some "big names" to WMC for cam- Her debut recital at Carnegie Hall fea- ROBIN ARMSTRONG and pus-wide events. "For instance, during Black tured the first New York performance in fifty W11C VOCAUINSTRUMENTAL SnmENTS History Month the University of San Diego years of Alma Mahler's (1879-1964) early AIDS QUILT PANELS brought in Anita Hill to speak to the student songs. At Western Maryland, Peri will per- population, and that made a positive impact form Mahler's "Lauesommernacht (Warm of a lot of people. I believe well-known Summer Night}." WESTERN MARYLAND "OLLEGE -> ENSOR LOUNG people will help to bring more students to She has premiered the works of many DECEMBER 1, 1998 -> 7:00·8:30 PM campus events." African American male and female compos- Another goal Almandrez is working to- ward is building a coalition between c~m- Courtesy of Public Information SpoMOredby ASAP ofW .. !em Maryland College. Carroll C",,"!y AIDS~j"""e pus organizations. "I believe that building positive relationships between all groups on You can't consent to anything ijyou're out cold. campus will help to improve the community as a whole," she said. If you think you may have been drugged and raped, get help. During her tenure at WMC, Almandrez will also try to include faculty in the process of multiculturalism. One example would be Call: for professors to award extra credit to stu- dents for their attendance of a campus event. 24 Hour Hotline: 410-857-7322 She believes that this will help to improve the attendance of such events and also build better relationships between the faculty and the students. Rape Crisis Intervention Service of Carroll County Almandrez hopes that she is able to build relationships with all students at WMC, no Office: 410 ..857-0900 or 876-9147 * Services are free and confidential matter what their race. "I want all students to come in and use me as a resource. I will provide them with a safe environment in which they could talk to me about whatever is on their mind." How do you know At 22, she believes that her age is an ad- vantage in dealing with students. She said what's in a drink if you didn't open it? that she can be understanding to the prob- lems that college students have, because she is only a few years older than them. Don't take chances - get your Most importantly, Almandrez is excited own drink. Select sealed cans or bottles. about her new job. "I'm really open-minded and energetic. My main priority is working with the students. I am excited that now I have that opportunity." A PrivaTe Non-Profit Agency Serving Carroll County
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