Page 74 - Phoenix1998-99
P. 74
Thursday, November 19, 1998 - Page 10 FEATURES Commuters see campus life from outside New cell all think they might move onto cam- biologist BY JOAN FAULKNER Pandolfo StafJWriter pus in the future, for diverse reasons. "I don't The life of a commuter is much more dif- feel as independent as mOSI college students to arrives on ficult and tiresome than the life of a resident: do," says Pandolfo. Housten also wants Residents have to adapt to a whole new way get away from her house and make WMC a of life and get used to living in dorms. But a home instead of a daily visit. Szymanski the Hill commuter is suddenly thrust into the school would consider living on campus because of year with two different lives. her "parents getting on [her] nerves." One life is the peaceful tranquility of But, all agree that the driving is by far the BY KEVIN WORLEY home with friends and family nearby. The worst part of commuting. Not only do they StafJWriter other life revolves around a place that could all have to get up early to get to school on Dr. Randall Morrison is one of the almost be called a little village, where most time, they have to gel up extra early to find new faces in WMC's biology depart- of the people live and know one another in- the very valuable parking space. ment. The Ohio native had an impres- timately. There is supposedly a commuter parking sive academic record. He obtained his Commuters are those to look up to, faced lot next to Gill Gym, but residents always B.A. in biology from the University with the task of adjusting to a college life park there anyway. Szymanski suggests that of Daytona before moving on to ob- where they are on the outside of the friend- "there should be a parking lot for commuters COURT£SYOFCYNTH[APANDOLFO tain his Masters in systematics at the ship circle, looking in on the close bonds Freshman Cynthia Pandolfo commutes to and better lighting at night." University of Nebraska, Lincoln. between residents. Villanova College in Pennsylvania. At Villanova, Pandolfo says there is a Then he received his Ph.D. from WMC freshman Christine Housten and Szymanski says that, "going to orienta- commuter parking 101, but it's "as far away the University of Kansas in the field Sara Szymanski both initially found it hard tion opened up more opportunity. I chose from the campus as you can get [and] there of cell biology. He participated in a 10 adjust, just like other residents. But to get involved." are always construction vehicles in our spots, I-year co-op program the University Housten and Szymanski both now agree that Cynthia Pandolfo, a freshman commuter which we pay seventy five dollars for." of Kansas before moving on to teach they are adjusting fast and do not see them- at Villanova College in Pennsylvania, shares Despite these minor complaints of com- for four years at Hood College. selves as having a harder time adjusting than the same difficulties as her WMC colleagues. muting, the students from both schools are Morrison is now at WMC in his first residents. She says that residents, "just have to ask very happy with how easily they are adjust- full year as an Assistant Professor of Housren remarks that "At first I didn't around their dorm to find people to go with ing to college. They think the accommoda- Biology. think I liked it at all, but now I really like it them while commuters have trouble finding tions made for them are very generous. Several factors drew him to WMC. here." She adds, however, that "you have to people to go with because they don't have "Everybody's friendly, and it's easy to The most enticing one was the fact that put through a lot of effort to get involved." something like a dorm where they get to make friends," there were two positions open in the meet a lot of people." biology department: one for Morrison For Housten, Szymanski, and Pandolfo, and one for his wife, Dr. Ralene the decision to commute was mostly their Mitschler. Morrison also cited the C!.p- own. Their parents wanted them to com- portunity to teach a wider range of mute to save money, and they wanted to courses here than he was able to at commute so they could still enjoy the com- Hood as one of the reasons for the forts of home. Home cooked meals, free laundry. and His current tasks include teaching no noise are luxuries compared to cafeteria both Ce1J Biology lectures and labs. food, $2.00 for a load of laundry, and the Next semester he will pick up another neighbors next door partying until 4:00 am. section of Cell Biology as well as a Says Szymanski, "I need my personal space. Vertebrate Diversity class. I would feel uncomfortable having a room- Another one of Morrison's attrac- mate." tions to WMC is his interest in doing "No, I don't wish I lived at college," says research with undergraduates. He was Pandolfo," because I know I wouldn't like recently awarded a NSF grant to study living in a dorm. I like being able to eat zebra fish. This past summer he what I want when 1 want and being able to Christine Hoasten enjoys commuting Sara Szymanski found Freshman orientation worked with two students from WMC, a good way 10 connect with resident students. see my family whenever I want to." although she says that it takes a lot of effort Diane Grove and Megan Drost, on the However, Housten, Szymanski, and to become involved in the WMC community. project. He will be hiring more stu- dents for the coming summer in order End Note: Alanis offers a sweeter pill to finish up the grant. at WMC in Morrison is here to stay. He plans his career on continuing the years to come. He hopes to be up that she has matured somewhat and has come with stopping." The gentle keyboard notes BY SHAWN SPRAGUE for tenure in a few years, which would StafJWriter to a new understanding of herself. and reflective guitar are supplemented with promote him from Assistant Professor On opening the case, I was given a sur- a pounding yet smooth beat, creating a beau- Why are musicians in 1998 so happy'? prise when I saw Alanis nude on the CD in tiful melody. to Associate Professor, and eventually of Biology. With pop superstars such as Janet Jackson the fetal position. Thai just says it all. It In "Unsent," Alanis writes to five previ- to full time Professor forward to moving He is looking and Madonna releasing feel-good albums appears that she has turned a new leaf and it ous boyfriends, thanking them and express- into the new science building. The new expressing rebirth and renewal, the question really shows in the music: "I have been loud ing regret at lost opportunities: "If you're building will make available facilities remains: what happened to the feelings of and pretentious ..J have misused my power; ever single in the future and you want 10 come far superior to those in Lewis Ha1l for angst which were so prevalent in years past'? forgive me." visit me in California, I would be open to raising fish for the purpose of research. Over the past year or two, rap has be- spending some time with you." In "UR," she come radio-friendly, alternative has been di- In the three years that reminisces on her late childhood and looks luted into pop-rock, and country has domi- Alanis has spent without back at herself: "Hopeful you are; Morrison stresses his love for nated the air waves. The reasons for this schoolbound you are; naive you are; driven teaching. "You have to really enjoy phenomenon are not clear, but the pattern is a new release, it appears you are; ...ahead of your time you are." teaching," he said. "I look forward to there. Once again produced and co-written by teaching in the traditional sense as well With her new album, "Supposed Former that she has matured Glen Ballard, "Supposed Former Infatuation as the teaching that goes_along with Infatuation Junkie," Alanis Morissette is no somewhat and has come Junkie" has a solid foundation of production research." exception to this rule, and presents pop-rock with which to accompany Alanis' voice. His life away from WMC includes in a kinder, gentler vein. to a new understanding of Reminiscent of the Patrick LeonardlMa- upkeep of a new home in the woods As I'm sure you remember, Alanis be- donna duo which created "Like A Prayer," which he and Mitschler recently pur- came the postergirl for teen angst back in herself this musical team has again put together a chased. He dabbles in brewing and en- 1995 with her debut entitled "Jagged Little solid collection of pop-rock songs which joys reading fiction novels of all kinds. Pill." She shrieked her way into our homes, The best song on the album,' "Thank carry a common theme and musicality. He is also active in a society devoted ranting and raving about the unfaithful men You," which has been saturating air waves Though Alanis Morissette has undergone a to the study of pigment cells. Morrison a helping is currently to organize in her life, and in the process spurred a new this autumn, expresses the main theme of drastic change of attitude as well as outlook, worksh~p to be held in Japan on be- generation of power-feminists. the album: rebirth. "How about no longer the music remains as utterly listenable as her half of the society. However, in the three years that Alanis being masochistic; how about remembering debut. Kudos, Alanis. has spent without a new release, it appears your divinity ...How about not equating death
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