Page 66 - Phoenix1998-99
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Thursday, November 19, 1998 - Page 2 NEWS Campus Safety Blotter Civil War photography expert demonstrates his craft 03:25 pm on 10/31, DoCS documented a 01:47 am on 11/8, DoCS documented an al- medical report, with no treatment rendered, cohol violation at the Garden Apartments Cannonballs and canisters weren't the at Hoover Library. Parking Lot. only deadly shots fired during America's he spent many hours pouring over a donated with a mag- book of Civil War photographs 010:38 pm on 10/31, DoCS documented dis- 03:08 am on 1118, DoCS documented dam- Civil War. Taking a photograph could be a nifying glass trying to pull up all the details. orderly conduct due to reckless behavior at aged property at Albert Norman Ward Hall. killer. too. He got into reenacting in 1989 and later even the Gill Parking Lot. 010:32 am on 11/8, DoCS documented dam- Photographers chronicling the war usu- landed a cavalry part in the blockbuster film, 012:40 am on 1111, DoCS documented de- aged property at Rouzer Hall. ally survived the bullets because they moved "Gettysburg." facing of property due to malicious behav- 05:41 am on 11/9, DoCS documented dam- in after the battles, but many of them fell ior at Whiteford Hall. aged property at Blanche Ward Hall. victim to their own profession which at that "But it was never about the battles or the 06:00 pm on 11/1, DoCS documented dam- 012:29 pm on 11/9, DoCS documented a theft time used cyanide and other extremely dan- guns for me," he said. "I just wanted to know aged property at the Gill Parking Lot. at the WMCR Radio Station at Decker Col- gerous chemicals to create glass plate nega- all I could about that period of life, the sto- ries behind the photos." 03: 15 pm on 11/2, DoCS documented a theft lege Center. tives and positives, and tintypes. at Thompson Hall. 06: 10 pm on 11/9, DoCS documented a Rob Gibson is one of six photographers So he quit reenacting and decided to re- 09:40 pm on 1112, DoCS misdemeanor theft, caused in the nation still practicing wet plate collo- search Civil War photography, which .was made a lot easier since he now lived in Roch- documented a medical by malicious behavior. dion, the photographic process popular ester, home of Eastman-Kodak's photogra- report due to an ac- 07:15 pm on 11/9, through the late 1860s. He will demonstrate phy museum. cident, with treat- DoCS documented the trade from I:30-3 pm, Thursday, Nov. ment rendered. a threatening or 19, in back of Peterson Hall. In case of in- He was hooked and continued re- 011:33 am on dangerous con- clement weather, the exhibition will be searching and working until he perfected the 1113, DoCS duct. moved to 'the College's Art Studio on collodion process in 1993. Since that time reenact- he has participated in historical documented 08:11 am on Uniontown Road near the intersection with ments, demonstrations, movies, and docu- damaged prop- 11110, DoCS West Main Street. mentaries throughout the U.S. and Canada. erty at the Post documented Dressed in period costume, Gibson and Gibson and Davenport recently demonstrated Office at Decker an intimidation his assistant Raymond Davenport will do College Center. of an individual at some of their work out of a photography wet plate photography for the White House press corps. Gill Gym. wagon, nicknamed a "what's it wagon," simi- 07:31 pm on llllO,DoCS lar to the kind used by Matthew Brady and While at WMC, Gibson will help students the Pennsylvania Avenue Gravel documented an alteration of other well-known photojournalists of the experiment with the collodion process, of cur- as well as take and develop a portrait Lot. College Documents at the Water Tower I86Os. rent President Robert H. Chambers, who will 02:25 pm on 1113, DoCS documented tele- Parking Lot. His equipment is authentic and includes dress as the College's first President James phone misuse at McDaniel Hall. 02:55 pm on 11/11,DoCSdocumentedatheft a head clamp stand used to position subjects, T. Ward, who served from 1867-1886. 03:02 pm on 11/3, DoCS documented dam- from the President's Dining Room in Decker and a lens from 1862 that was used by Rich- a lot of fun to watch after people aged property at the PELC Parking Lot. College Center. ard walzl. a Confederate photographer from we've "It's taken their picture," he said. "They 03:22 pm on 11/5, DoCS documented a dan- 07:45pmon 11112, DoCS documented a theft Baltimore. Gibson said Walzl's work in- will stare at it, start to walk away, stare, walk gerous substance at Rouzer Hall. from KrieI Lounge in Decker College Cen- cludes portraits of Jefferson Davis and shots and then stare some more, because we don't 09:26 pm on IllS, DoCS documented the ter. of Mosby's Rangers give you a picture of what we think you intimidation of an individual at Whiteford -9:35 pm on 11/12. DoCS documented dam- Gibson, who is leaving his corporate pc- would look like in the 186Os, this is a pic- Hall. aged property at the Daniel MacLea Park- sition in upstate New York to open a studio ture of you from the I860s. " 012:12 am on 1116. DoCS documented a ingLot. in Gettysburg in May 1999. had relatives who The demonstration is free and open to the medical report, with treatment rendered, at 01:50 am on 1I1l3, DoCS documented an fought with the Union Cavalry and has al- public. Blanche Ward Hall. alcohol violation at Blanche Ward Hall. ways been fascinated by the era, especially Courtesy of Public Information 03:20 am on 11/6, DoCS documented a re- the photography As a high school student port of indecent conduct at Elderdice Hall. 09:50 am on 1116, DoCS documented a theft of personal belongings in the men's dress- +lUUJ'ut ing room of Alumni Hall. FREE TAX HELP 011:52 pm on 11/6, DoCS documented an alcohol violation at the Carpe Diem Gazebo. ~ Clinu 012:07 am on lin, DoCS documented an alcohol violation at Blanche Ward Hall. ,01:00 am on lin, DoCS documented an al- FOR WHOM: For Students and Other Low to Low Genuine Help and cohol violation at Blanche Ward Hall. Understanding 02:20 am on lin, DoCS documented an al- Moderate Income Taxpayers cohol violation at Blanche Ward Hall. -Iv/Sfeep Sedation 02:36 am on lIn, DoCS documented a medi- WHERE: -First & Mid - Trimester cal report, with treatment rendered. Western Maryland College Gold Room B Abortion Services 04:43 am on lin, DoCS documented amedi- WHEN: -Free Pregnancy Testing cal report. with no treatment rendered, at -Pregnancy & Birth Control Whiteford Hall. Thesday Thursday Saturday .Counseling ·4:32 pm on lin. DoCS documented a theft 7-9pm 7-9pm 12pm-3pm -Sonograms at Alumni Hall. -Community Education & Guest 08:49 pm on lin, DoCS documented an al- February 16 February 18 February 20 Speaking Services cohol violation at the Gill Parking Lot. February 23 February 25 February 27 ·24 Hour Emergency Call -8:56 pm on lin, DoCS documented an al- cohol violation at the Gill Parking Lot. March 2 March 4 March 6 -Pemale & Male Board Certified 011:01 pm on lin. DoCS documented an al- March 9 March 11 (Spring Break) Gynecologists: cohol violation at Blanche Ward Hall. March 23 March 25 March 27 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL· 011:20pmon IIn, DoCS documented an al- cohol violation at Blanche Ward Hall. March 30 April I April 3 410-788-4400 -11:20 pm 0'0 lin, DoCS documented an April 6 April 8 April 10 Out of Area: alcohol violation at Blanche Ward Hall. 1-800-427-2813 011:27 pm on lIn, DoCS documented dam- aged property due to reckless behavior at Ask about our special student rates Blanche Ward Hall. By appointment only Suburbia Building oll:40pmon I In, DoCS documented an al- 5602 Baltimore National Pike cohol violation at Blanche Ward Hall. Suite 600 012:14amon I 1/8,DoCS documented an al- Baltimore, Maryland 21228 cohol violation at Blanche Ward Hall. Please call Mike Gaston x8252 (on campus) or 410.751.8252 Convenient to Baltimore Beltway (695) 012:12 am on 11/8, DoCS documented an (off campus) to schedule an appointment. alcohol violation at Blanche Ward Hall. http://gynpages.comlhillcrestbalt Most Credit Cards Accepted
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