Page 75 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 75
SPORTS Thursday, November 20, 1997 -Page 15 Green Terror destroys Hopkins to proclaim themselves champs Continued from page 16 Junior Jay Tharpe rushed for and the Sandrock extra point was JO yards and a first down, but the good. On fourth and two, Ron Ser- Terrors couldn't get any farther. The extra point put the Terror marinl lost control of the ball, re- Spruill came on to punt. up 7-3 and gave Sandrock 52 covered. and was sacked by Hopkins earned one first down points for the regular season. Albert. on their possession. On second Each learn would possess the ball The Terror defense quickly and ten, Selecky tackled one more time before the half, but took revenge. Sophomores McPherson in the backfield to set the score would remain the same Tommy Selecky and Len Tucker the Blue Jays back another yard. at' halftime. sacked Roccia for a loss of 10 With 3:22 remaining in the Western Maryland would re- yards. first half the Green Terror drove ceive the Bencivenni kickoff to The defensive effort would 20 yards on a completion to jun- begin the third quarter. Senior give the Terrors enough of a ior DeFreitas and Sermarini dash- Dente Abron returned the ball for charge to turn the momentum for 16 yards. the Terror. On their own 30, the Terrors When Hopkins failed to achieve a first down, WMC picked up a first down due to a pass interference penalty against Hopkins. The possession came to a close with a 35 yard punt by sophomore Bob Spruill. Matt McVey in the endzone. The Again the Terror defense took touchdown was McVey's second managed to gel 10 center field. did not per- its toll on the Blue Jays. Roccia catch of the entire season. The Terror defense to go any far- mit the Blue Jays was forced to pass out of bounds Sandrock's extra point attempt on first down. was good, and WMC led 14-3. ther. junior Tom Lapato broke up The next Hopkins possession Three plays into the Terror's Roccia's next pass. Sophomore lasted only 42 seconds, as Senior possession, they scored again. Gavin This time it was junior Anthony Burgos nearly intercepted Bill Parks broke up Roccia's first DeFrei.tas charging through the the third and 10 pass, and pass and he overthrew the next Blue Jay defense for thirty yards Bencivenni came on to punt for the for the Green Terror final touch- sixth time. Deal returned Bencivenni's down. Deal received the pass for a ten punt for II yards. Again sopho- yard return but fumbled, and more Sermarini went to DeFreitas point The was Brent good Sandrock extra now and WMC Hopkins recovered the ball. Three the next three consecutive plays. led 21-3. This was Sandrock's plays later, Marvin Deal inter- This time the Green Terror gained cepfed Roccia's pass for a five yard II more yards and one first down third attempt and third score of the game. return. A Green Terror player from the sidelines holds up four fingers signifying the last four seconds of their victory. in the series. It would be Sandrock's, and ...down before punting. On fourth and I, Wilcox the Terror's last score of the regu- Selecky hit Zajick for a loss punted the ball 28 yards and out lar season, also, placing him only of one yard. Rocc.ia failed to of bounds. four points behind Hopkins' complete his next two passes and Hopkins brought in Monica to Bencivenni. Bencivenni came on to punt. play quarterback. He connected The touchdown came with On the next WMC possession with Karish for 14 yards on the 6:31 remaining in the game. DeFreitas carried the ball 7 times second play of the Blue Jay's pos- Hopkins would be forced to punt for a gain of 16 yards. session. on fourth and 16. On fourth and 12, WMC at- Monica picked up the Blue Bencivenni's 24 yard punt tempted to gain the first down, Jays next first down on his own would be his thirteenth of the but Sermarini was forced to run scrambling. game. and only picked up 3 yards. On first and ten and about to His thirteen punts was a new Hopkins could not come up be sacked by sophomore Zack record for punts kicked by one with a first down, Bencivenni Gatemore. Monica threw incom- player in the series between West- punted, and Deal returned it 48 plete and was hit anyway. ern Maryland and Johns yards to the Hopkins 33 yard line. Failing to gain any yardage, Hopkins. Sermarini entrusted the ball to Bencivenni punted and the ball On their last possession nei- DeFreitas for the next four con- died in the mud at the Hopkins 48. ther team gained more than one secutive plays. He gained 25 Sermarini struggled in the mud first down in their separate at- yards, and Western Maryland was and WMC failed to pick up a first tempts, and the final score stood within 8 yards of another touch down. at Western Maryland: 21, Johns Punter Brent Sandrock punts the bail for an extra point attempt. The down. Working from the Western Terror's made ail three extra points attempted. Hopkins: 3. Sermarini found freshman Maryland 28-yard line, Hopkins Head Coach Scott Moyer succeeds in bringing team to competitive levels of play as well as togetherness Continued/rom page 16 as developmental teams that feed and tournament of the fall and led golf tournament. hind Allegheny and Binghamton, the "A" squad. Zabora had been the squad to its second consecutive have been here, Coach Moyer has who currently take the seventh and competing for the "B" team when Coach Moyer credits his play- helped turn this program around fall season. tenth spots in the polls. Overall, on September 22, he finished sec- tournament victory. Zabora tied for ers for an excellent most of the sea- from an average team to a nation- Ryan and sophomore Noting that through Reid third Worm again led the team finishing ond at the Gettysburg College in- and Santillo finished sixth and sev- son, he had two starters out of ac- ally ranked and highly competitive one." in third place. The Elizabethtown vitational. This earned Zabora a enth. The season concluded with tion, but his team was still able to Blue Jay Classic on October 8 was spot in the Blue Jay Classic, where WMC winning its third straight secure victories. "This is far and Both Moyer and his golfers feel the next tournament for the golf- he did not disappoint, tying for tournament, the WMC Collegiate away the most depth we've ever that their year is far from over. ers. Worm and sophomore Tony ninth. "Coach Moyer gave me ev- Fall Classic. at River Downs Golf- had," said Moyer. "Our objective is to be in the top Santillo led the Terror to the top ery opportunity to play and to ers Club in Finksburg. Diehl. who is in his final go ten of the national rankings," with third and seventh place fin- achieve my potential as a golfer," This tournament signified Craig round as a college golfer, credits boasted Moyer. Diehl seems a bit ishes, respectively. The Blue Jay noted Zabora. Moyer liked what he Zabora's first collegiate tourna- Moyer directly for his overall im- more skeptical in stating, "as a team Classic served as a coming out saw from Zabora in the fall. "He ment victory, while Santillo was provement and singled him out as we don't want to look too far ahead party for sophomore Craig Zabora. stepped up big time, we needed him third and Diehl finished a tie for into the future, but ultimately our A starting spot was up for grabs as to put up scores like he did, I am eighth. "Winning that tournament one of the main reasons he came to goals include winning the confer- Senior Kevin Marsh was sidelined very proud of him." felt great. It felt that a lot of hard WMC after high school. "He ence and competing in the National after having corrective surgery. The next victims for the golfers work finally paid off," said Zabora. knows a great deal about the game, Championship. now, we just need to "Right especially how-to get the most out With seventeen players on the were the four teams at the York He noted that playing on the "S" of his players," noted Diehl. concentrate one tournament at a team, Coach Moyer has the ability College Fall Invitational on Octo- team gave him experience in how "That's not something you see a lot time and let our play determine the to form two other teams to serve ber 12 and 13. Wonn won his sec- to mentally prepare himself for a at the Division ill level. Since I outcome," added Diehl.
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