Page 78 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 78
COMMENTARY Consider This -------<1 =~ what female they have had sex with and Another reason is because some women grandmothers. These women are the fu- Richard Smith Even in 1997, men are still bragging about are just vulnerable and will listen to and ture mothers and grandmothers, but yet News EdItors whether it was good or not. This behavior is believe the lies that guys tell them. There men still treat them as mere sexual objects especially prevalent on college campuses are also women who do not have any re- with no feelings, almost to the point that ~~~98 where men and women just about live to- spect for themselves and who will allow they are just on this earth to satisfy the gether. It is sad to see that a lot of young men guys to get all the pleasure they want out needs of rnen. Women are the most beau- Asslstaot News EdItor just think about these women as sexual ob- of them. Emily Stamathis '00 jects in the same way that they thought about lot of the blame is owed to men. Yes, the tiful creatures on the face of this earth. But it is not all of the women's fault; a They should be treated with the utmost -- college to further educate herself. As soon as seek out and look for the vulnerable, low They nurture. They are the main care giv- them in the past, to be used solely for men's Features EdItor honor and respect because they hold the Jeanifer Viet '98 A young woman leaves her home to go to know exactly what they are doing and they are the carriers of the world's children. A8sfItaDt FeatDnII EdItor desires. men, they are not innocent. These men most important roles throughout life. They Nicki. Kassolis '99 she gets to college, most of the time, this ers; and on top of that, they are the people self-esteemed female to take advantage of ~Dean'98 '01 male or female, becomes very lonely and __ most like a big game, of seeing how many women get treated the way that they do? Allldmtl!'.dJtorlalsl!'.dkor young woman like many college students, to partake in their nasty deeds. It is al- that hold the family together. So why do homesick. When she reaches out for friend- women they can get in bed with, to these Today, most college aged mens' minds ship, what she will usually find is a young men. Then they go back to their friends are only in one place. They focus too hard man who perpetrates friendship so that he can and tell them about what went on during on being a predator and using women as achieve what he really wants, sexual pleasure. their sexual encounters. It is almost like their prey, leaving them sad, hurt, and Once the female opens her heart to him, and they are keeping score between each other sometimes torn apart. Men take time to her legs as well, everything starts to go down- and who ever wins at the end of the school say all the right things at the right time in hill from there. The young woman is used year gets a prize offeeling like he's some- order to make females do exactly as they for sexual favors over and over again until the thing special when he is actually nothing want until they, the males, tire of them. If man gets tired of her. Then the young man but a womanizer. He's also a mental and these men would treat women with respect just drops her. Thus, leaving the woman back emotional rapist because he uses a female instead of with their penises, women would at that lonely state she was at before and caus- in order to get what he wants when she is not end up with even half of the stereo- ing her to repeat the same situation over and not in the right state of mind. He knows types that are given to them by those same over again. Why do these men do that to these this so he capitalizes on this weakness men. Even more, men would find that they women? How could these men do that to much like someone who has sex with would feel much better about themselves women? Some women, because of the me- someone who is under the influence of al- if they take time out to see the inner beauty dia, don't find themselves attractive physi- cohol or drugs. of a woman instead of trying to take ad- cally; and the main way they build their con- What these men do not realize is {hat vantage of her outer assets. fidence is by letting some loser of a guy ex- the way that they are treating these women ploit them, both physically and emotionally is the same way that some guy had at one Richard Smith is the Phoenix's newest col- so that they can get attention and feel liked. time tried to treat their mothers and/or umnist. Break Extensions 1 Maggie Kimura! DIstrIbution Richard Hamilton '99 Now is the time when the dorms close papers, and prepare for any last minute have the option of staying, instead of A_ holidays with their families. We had our before exams. then grant break extensions to students Rich Suchoski '00 and students leave campus to spend the tests or quizzes professors might give making them move out for breaks, and Ric~='99 Thanksgiving Break, and soon Christmas However for the students who stay who don't really have the access to cook, Break will be upon us. for academic reasons, especially during stay, but have Gtar close. Terry Dalton However, some students stayed on cam- the Thanksgiving Break, the library, and Since the PA houses and Garden pus during this previous break-some for writing labs, in fact everything on cam- Apartments are able to support students The Phoenixis pubIisbodbiweekiy. athletics, some because of travel reasons, pus is closed. Not for one day, but for who stay over the Thanksgiving Break, Theopillions~do ... _. but primarily for academic reasons. the entire break. These facilities open it would be logical for them to have the i1y ....... _ofThePhoenix_. Students in the Garden Apartments and on the 'Sunday when all students get option of staying over {hebreak. If these __ lbeflocully.orlbe_afWMC. the PA houses, if they wanted to stay over back. students stay, and the other students The_- ......... OO __ iD ..... Isn't this closing of the facilities ridiculous when students are allowed to stay - se- pri"';arily for academic reasons? break, also had to file a break extension. Isn't this closing of the facilities ri- stayed, would it make sense also to open Why should students who have access to diculous when students are allowed to the writing labs, and library, even for cooking facilities be forced to move out, stay primarily for academic reasons? If limited hours, during and after Thanks- while students, who don't have this access, these facilities are closed, then why giving? can stay if granted break extensions? grant break extensions at all for Thanks- This editorial is not intended to ad- Should the students in the Garden Apart- giving Break? Why close the library, vocate any particular groups of students. ments and PA houses have the option of Glar, and the writing labs during one However, Residence Life should give staying over Thanksgiving and Spring break, but keep them open for another more thought to the issuing of break Breaks, without having to file a break ex- break? If this is the case, then why grant extensions, and should think about let- tension? And if they have this option, break extensions at all during the ting the students in the PA houses and should the library, and other facilities be Thanksgiving holidays when everything Garden Apartments have the option of open, even for limited hours during Thanks- is going to be closed? staying. giving for students, non-PA house or Gar- Glar was closed during Thanksgiv- How about the students who stay for den Apartment alike? ing Break, so wouldn't it make more academic reasons? Well, the facilities Break extensions are permitted for pri- sense to let the students who live in the to help them should be open, even for marily academic reasons. Given that crite- PA houses or Garden Apartments stay limited hours, instead of granting the ria, aren't all students eligible to receive a when they have ready access to cooking break extensions and yet, close these break extension? The weeks after Thanks- facilities and are basically self-con- facilities. giving Break are especially busy since this tained units? is the time when students need to finish It sounds logical to let these students Maggie Kimura is a Junior History Major
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