Page 76 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 76
More football in- side ..... Pictures galore -pages 14-15 Volume XVI, Number 5 Western Maryland College Thursday, November 20, 1997 TERROR GOLF COMPLETES BEST SEASON EVER Although seventeenth in national rankings, head coach Moyer feels the year is far from over 8Y KEVIN CUU.EY hosted the 1997 Division III Golf rnent. Worm, a junior from Salis- good play against schools in higher laxed in the long run. "We are used C011lrihlllil1gWri/er Championship that saw Western bury, MD, spent his freshman year divisions. A direct result of the dif- to playing in high profile tourna- Maryland finish 21st out of 23 at WMC and has now returned to ficult opponents is WMC's relative ments, so when we get to the con- Surprise, surprise, the Western schools. In a sport that designates Head Coach Scott Moyer's squad. ease when playing lesser oppo- ference or national championships Maryland Football team is not the a team winner and an individual He continued his excellent play at nents, because the golfers know we are accustomed to the pressure only club showing up in the na- winner, Mike Diehl shot a team- the Bucknell Invitational on Sep- they've played with the best. "We that goes along with them," Diehl tional polls. After its best fall sea- best 324 over four rounds, which tember 19-20. The tourney in play against all of the opponents, said. "Plus it's always fun to beat a son in school history, the WMC was good enough for a tie for 67th Lewisburg, PA, saw Western Mary- because the golfers know they've Division I team when they have five Golf Team is currently ranked 17th in the 120 player field. The team land defeat seventeen Division I played with the best. We play scholarship players and we have nationally. used this experience and an 18th opponents, finishing in second against all of the Division I pro- none," he added. The 17 player squad that exists national ranking as a springboard place to Division II, Indiana Uni- grams and their scholarship play- WMC continued its excellent in relatively unknown circum- into the fall season. versity of Pennsylvania. ers, giving us a strong schedule, fall at the District II Fall Golflnvi- "He knows a great deal about the game, especially how to get the most out of his players. That's not something you see a lot at the Division III level. Since I have been here, Coach Moyer has helped turn this program aroundfrom an average team to a nationally ranked and highly competitive one," -Mike Diehl stances has been a force for a year This year's fall season began on The Division I teams that show which helps us not get intimidated rational hosted by Binghamton Uni- now. Last spring, the golf learn September 13 when the team won up frequently on the schedule send and to play well," says Head Coach versity on September 28 and 29. became the first representative of its own WMC Invitational. After five players on scholarship to the Scott Moyer. This tournament included all of the Western Maryland athletics to ad- spending a year and a half at Salis- tees, something that would seem- Team Captain, Diehl, a senior top schools in District II, which runs vance to the NCAA tournament in bury State, a school that doesn't ingly be a disadvantage to the from Mifflinburg, PA, noted that from Maryland north through New the decade of the 90's. The Me- have an intercollegiate golf team, Green Terror golfers. This difficult the competitive nature of the tour- York. The team finished third, be- dallion Club in Westerville, Ohio, Tony Worm won his first touma- schedule serves as an incentive for naments helps his team be more re- Continued on page 15 Terrors clinch championship and playoff birth 21-3 8Y JESSICA VERMILLION gain of 7 yards. lowed suit as freshman Steve SraiJWrirer Wilcox made a 29 yard punt which Still, WMC could not reach a The Western Maryland was returned for 21 yards. first down. Green Terror defeated the Johns As Western Maryland's defense The last possession for each Hopkins Blue Jays 21-3, in the fi- struggled to coral the Blue Jay of- team at the close of the first quar- nal game of the regular season on fense, they drove a total of 42 yards ter did not amount to much for ei- Saturday, November IS. to the WMC 32 yard line. therteam. The Blue Jays were the only The 32 yard field goal was en- The Terror defense found itself thing standing between WMC and tirely in Bencivenru's range. again on the opening possession of a straight out Centennial Confer- The good field goal gave the se- the second quarter. With the help ence championship and a Division nior 56 points on the season, of a 10 yard holding penalty called III playoff birth. enough to stay out in front of Ter- against Hopkins, the defense held The field was in poor-condition ror place kicker Brent Sandrock. Hopkins in check. from the 4 inches of rain had fallen The 3-0 Hopkins score was the Sophomore Marvin Deal broke the night before. To say the least, first time all season that Western up one pass, and the entire defense as conditions worsened and the Maryland had ever trailed. The lead forced the Hopkins quarterback to amount of pure mud increase it would stay intact for most of the overthrow his intended receiver took its toll on the players. half. After gaining one first down Each play was a struggle, and On the next possession WMC with the help of a fast mask viola- every moment was charged with was again held to just four downs tion against Hopkins, an illegal pro- intensity and the desire to win. as Wilcox came on to punt for a cedure penalty against the Terrors Hopkins received the opening second time. put them at first down and 15 left punt, and the first quarter began on The Terror defense began to to go. what was to be a slow stan. On come alive holding Hopkins to four DeFreitas carried the ball for 12 fourth down with 7 yards {O go, downs as Bencivenni punted. yards earning, but the offense came Hopkins senior Todd Bencivenni Junior Gavin DeFreitas carried up short two yards. JOSE (JUBA) SIQUEIRA punted. for one yard, and sophomore quar- Two Western Maryland teammates embrace each other after defeating Only four plays later, being de- terback Ron Sermarini connected Continued on page J 5 Johns Hopkins University in the Conference Championship game. The win nied a first down, the Terrors fol- with freshman Ryan Smith for a also assured the Terrors a Division III playoff birth.
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81