Page 80 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 80
Thursday, December 11, 1997 -Page4 COMMENTARY Some Helpful Hints on E-Mail Etiquette ----~IMegan Martin .,---- Chain letters, letters from mom, ers. Now, I try not to send out more than amusing in it, cut out the parts that say sponsibly. the leas I you could do is be chains from Bill Gates, good luck one or two a week. this is a chain letter and you must send nice about it when someone asks you to turtles, mail from your best friend: we E-mail has become a very popular this on to 30,000 people. stop. all know the benefits of e-mail, but does tool. I think it is wonderful, but people Thirdly, forwards should only be sent E-mail is a wonderful way to keep in anyone stop to think about the people need to learn to use e-mail responsibly to those who have not already gotten touch with your friends and family. I receiving e-mail? Letters from mom and First, chain letters have got to go, es- them. I find that within my different have found ilia be a very useful and in- from your best friend are great, but chain pecially the ones that out and out state, groups of friends one person will gel a expensive tool. I am not advocating cen- letters, urban myths, excessive forwards, "This is a chain letter." forward and send it to everyone in our sorship in any way, here. All I am is and messages marked "reply all" are not. Secondly, many of the chain letters I group, and then two or three of those saying is use your common sense when Recently, I have noticed a rather large have received are for cancer research. people will send it to the same people. you click that "forward" or "reply all" surplus of chain letters and other annoy- Included in the body of the letter is the It has gotten to be so ridiculous that button. We all know they work. ing pieces of junk mail, usually referred statement that the American Cancer So- people will send it to the person who Try to stay within reasonable limits to as spam, in my inbox every time I ciety will donate a certain amount of originally sent it out in the first place. when passing on forwards. Here is a open it. money for each person that sends the Try setting up an e-mail tree where hint, anywhere above seven in one week This is mostly the result of, what I is excessive and annoying. have entitled, "newbie syndrome." It "People just become overwhelmed by the power of Chain letters should never be sent occurs everywhere, not just here at West- unless they are extremely amusing or ern Maryland. The main cause is a sending messages to afaceless receiver, even though edited. brand-spanking new e-mail address for Beware of urban myths. If it sounds a first time user. The symptoms are as the receivers are usually our friends andfamily." hokey or you have seen it half a dozen mentioned above. times, do not send it on. People just become overwhelmed by chain letter on. one person only mails it to certain When replying to a mass forward, try the power of sending messages to a face- The American Cancer Society has people. Another idea is to read the head- not to send to everyone on the list, es- less receiver, even though the receivers been quoted as saying they do not sup- ers for e-mail addresses you recognize pecially if you don't know them. are usually our friends and family. It port the use of chain letters and would and e-mail often. If you see an address In the end, the people who receive happens to all of us, but a lot of the never donate money because people send you recognize, do not send the message your e-mails will be much happier and "older" users have evolved into fairly re- it on to others. They are pleased that to them. If the headers are gone, then look forward to receiving more personal sponsible usage of e-mail. people have a soft spot for cancer vic- you have to use your judgment, of e-mail from you. Because of "newbie syndrome," for- tims and are aware of cancer. course. Because e-mail is not face to face wards and chain letters pile up in my Judging from the number of times I Finally, people need to learn how to communication, sometimes we forget inbox everyday. It's not just me either. have gotten the cancer chain letter, just use the "reply" button. Not all that long that there is a receiver on the other end I have talked to numerous people, all of with the names changed, people are very ago, I got into a fight with friends of a who can become annoyed or pleased by whom have the same complaint. aware and supportive of cancer. friend of mine, people I did not even whatever is sent to them. Try to remem- I'm not saying that I have never sent Somebody just made the letter up as know, because they were replying to my ber the receiver when you send e-mail a chain letter or a forward because I a joke. The one about the black market friend's forwards and everyone on tbe to anyone on or off campus. have. Until last month, I sent out a lot kidney snatchers is also an urban myth. original "send to" list. I got upwards of of forwards, but then I realized just ex- Also, the ones about the kids who want ten messages a day just from this. Parts of this article were inspired and actly how annoying they were. cards and e-mails so they can get into One day, after two of these people paraphrased from: Before, I was careful about who I the Guinness Book of World Records as got into a fight, I wrote everyone and -cnspen/ sent forwards to, how many I sent out, their dying wishes are made up, too. asked them to stop it. It worked, but and I tried to never send chain letters, If you get any of these, please do not only after I got some replies I consid- Megan Martin is a Freshman Communica- especially since they are "illegal" to send them on. If you want to send a ered to be a bit on the nasty side. If you tion major and Assistant Editorials Editor send according to most e-mail provid- chain letter on because it has something are not going to use the reply button re- for The Phoenix. Hoover Computer Lab 24 Hour Opening is a Good Idea [ Sarah Radice .,---- Ahhh, the Hoover Microcomputer Lab. theft or crime do increase the later it gets. gets used. considered. Such a melodious name, it falls merrily from Key cards will be used to provide access to I'm no computer expert, but I have to I think that expanding the Lab hours will the tongue. Just say it again, and savor the the Lab and fiber optic loops will be used to wonder if having the computers on con- probably tum out to be a good thing. Hoover delicious feeling of pleasure. Because Di- tie the computers together to prevent theft. stantly will increase wear and tear on them Lab can definitely become a little bit crazy rector of Information Services Christine This is the reason why it will take until and possibly result in the need for costly re- when many classes have papers and projects Matthews is hoping that you will be spend- around May to get the Lab running 24 hours pairs. Matthews says that there is disagree- are due at once, and being open all day would ing a lot more time there. According her, a day-Matthews says that "keeping the stu- ment on the subject, but that her belief is that help to space things out and insure access the Hoover Lab's hours will expand arid it dents safe has been our top priority, and it keeping them on all the time would be ben- for everybody. But, it remains to be seen will be open 24 hours a day before May. This has taken time to research the problem." eficial-"switching them on and off wears whether the Lab gets enough use during the will undoubtedly be a great opportunity for Campus Safety has also had to be involved them out." other times to justify the expense ofkeeping computer-less geeks like myself to check my in the process, and there will be some kind Matthews admits that one possible prob- it open around the clock. e-mail at two in the morning, but I have to of patrolling of the Labs. This is driving the lem with the new arrangement is the fact that The Maggie-Denham West Lab has also wonder how much use the Lab will really cost up, but I personally think that this is a there will be no lab assistants during tbe ex- opened up for general use by students, and I get during the expanded hours over the good thing, not only for the safety of the tended nighttime hours. I agree with the rea- think this will help a lot. I think that part of course of the year. I know that around exam computers but for my piece of mind. I know soning behind this decision-it is being done the problem with crowding in the Hoover times it will probably be full throughout the I would feel a little bit spooky if I were sit- both to save money and because it is uncer- Lab is due to the fact that a lot of students day, but I'm nor so sure how many people ting in the computer lab at 3 in the morning tain how much use the Lab will get during don't seem to know about the other labs will be using it during the wee hours of the typing a paper with no one around. those times-but the thought of being alone available, such as the ones in Hill Hall and night( or should I say morning) during "nor- Turning Hoover into an all-day computer with a malfunctioning computer sends chills Lewis Hall of Science. mal" times. At a cost of $25,000 to insure Lab is clearly a substitute for buying more down my spine. I suspect that many others Increased student awareness and use the security of the Lab and the students who computers, which of course would necessi- who lack technical computer knowledge might also alleviate the need for Hoover Lab will be working in it, this is no idle question. tate a new computer lab being built or a reno- would feel the same way. Therefore, I think to be open all day. Security is also a concern. Although I vation of some kind. It's a cheap way out, the installation of some sort of hot line or It's a big experiment, folks, and it's com- feel safe on this campus, the possibilities of and I'm all for it as long as the Lab actually emergency phone for tech support should be ing soon to a computer lab near you.
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