Page 70 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 70
Thursday, November 20, 1997 - Page 10 FEATURES Largest class in WMC's history shows strong leadership One of the issues these freshman leaders "We're really trying hard to get the fresh- are attempting to address is school spirit. man involved in the school," said Groff. Kleiner feels that WMC students do have The freshman will graduate in 200 I; Kelly school spirit. "I see people wearing Western feels WMC will be a different place in the next Maryland College clothing all of the time, and century. ''We're going to lead this school into that to me is school spirit." the promised land. It's going to be drastically As a football player, Groffis impressed with changed when we're gone," he said. the school spirit he has seen at this year's Kleiner is not quite so anxious 10 change games. "I think we have pretty good school everything about WMC. "I feel that in my first spirit. I couldn't be happier with the turnout at year, 1 should try 10 work my way up and see the games. Everyone here, including the teach- how things are run," she said. ers and the students, care a lot about the school," The freshman leaders hold monthly meet- he said. ings to discuss the concerns of the class. Ac- Kelly takes a different view on the issue. cording to Haines, the meetings are used "to ''The school lacks a lot of spirit," he said. see if the freshman have any ideas of what we Haines agrees. "I think that the students can make better for them." are trying to have spirit, but we could use a WMC's Honor System is another issue the little more pep." leaders of the freshman class hope to address. According to Kelly, one of the goals of the Although they had mixed views on the Honor freshman class is to increase school spirit. System, Kelly, Kleiner, and Haines all agree Kelly sees Homecoming as an ideal time for that it is an important part of WMC. Freshman class president Jeremiah Kelly, says he may have big ears but that/his has only school spirit to shine. This year, the freshman "One of the reasons I came to this school is made it easier for him 10 listen to the questions and concerns of his fellow classmates. class made a float for the parade featuring mem- because of the Honor System," said Kelly. bers of the class dressed as babies in a crib. However, Kelly feels that the "policy is unde- BY NICKI Kxssous WMC. The float took second place honors. fined right now. I think it should be more pub- Assislanf Fe(llllrt's Editor Kelly feels his personality and his appear- Next year, Kelly hopes to organize a dance licized. People need to be more aware of it." ance help to increase his leadership potential. to be held the night of Homecoming. He also Haines agrees. 'The first I heard about [the When they arrived on campus in late Au- '1have a big mouth and big ears; I'm not afraid wants to see the football stadium packed with HonorCode] was the first day I had a test," she gust, the largest freshman class in Western to say what's on my mind and I have big ears people wearing green and gold. "My biggest said. Maryland College's history was divided into to listen to what people have to say," he said. thing is Homecoming. I think the alumni would "As far as I know, the Honor Code is fair. orientation groups, taken to the Four Seasons Alison Kleiner, a political science major, is enjoy coming back to see spirit at WMC," he You know the rules when you come into the Sports Complex, and taught about the poten- a freshman representative in the Student Gov- said. school and it should be enforced," said Kleiner. tial dangers of alcohol abuse. ernment Association. "I appreciate being able "Spirit is believing in something and be- She feels that WMC students should take pride Now, with more than two-thirds of their first 10 change things and represent the student lieving your school is worth what you are put- in the Honor System. "You're paying money semester at college complete, the leaders of the body," she said, describing her initiative to be- ting into it;' added Kelly. to go here; you might as well get the best edu- freshman class look forward to making their come involved at WMC. Additional attempts to show school spirit cation you can." markonWMC. "In high school I wasn't involved in much came from the Pep RallylBonfrre held on Fri- Kelly also feels that a WMC education Jeremiah Kelly, a double major in environ- and when 1 got here I wanted to try something day, November 14. Kelly said that he would should be valued. "I want to make sure every- mental biology and political science, is the new," said Jeff Groff, a physics major and fresh- like to see.more of these types of activities at body gets motivated to feel good about what president of the freshman class. 'The reason I man class representative. WMC. they accomplish in the classroom," he said. wanted to get involved is because I see an op- Jennifer Haines is the third freshman rep- Kelly emphasizes that the freshman class Academically and socially, the freshman portunity for change for the better," he said. resentative in SGA. "I enjoy meeting new has an incredible opportunity to impact WMC class leaders hope to influence the freshman In addition to his role as president of the fresh- people and I enjoy making the school better," because of their large size. "We can accom- class while making their mark on WMC. "You man class, Kelly is involved in Christian Fel- said the physical education/exercise science plish more than anyone else because we have don't just float through life; you make waves," lowship, which he "encourages everybody 10 major about her reasons for involvement at . more than ehyone else - power in numbers," said Kelly. get involved with." He also plays baseball for WMC. he said.
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