Page 73 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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FEATURES Thursday, November 20,1997 - Page 13 60 Seconds AIDS quilt panels to be displayed As a member ofWMC's winning at WMC for World AIDS Day football team, what do you do for luck Kxssous Sense and BY NICKI before a game? Assistant Features Editor rial Quilt was shown in its entirety America's Members Youth of Students Teach- of 1996 in Washington was October Pride. D.C. "A bunch of us from ASAP ingAmcrica's Youth have asked the BY JF.sSU: WAlTS On December 1, voices from a went to D.C. when the quilt was elementary school students they Pnotographer/Staff writer choir of children will Fill Ensor shown. That sparked us to really tutor to draw pictures to hang in Lounge. Pictures drawn by el- want to bring it to WMC," Tinney Ensor Lounge. Members of Sense have "I always eat two ementary school students and para- said. Four panels of the quilt, each of of Pride students asked the middle graphs written by middle school school they tutor to write Tropical Starbursts students will cover the walls in ob- which is 12 feet by 12 feet, will be paragraphs to be displayed. servation of World AIDS Day. displayed. ASAP donated $200 to Tinney looks at the ceremony as before each game Four panels of the AIDS Me- the Names Project AIDS Memorial a way for WMC to collaborate with and two during half morial Quilt will highlight West- Quilt Workshop and Education the community to create awareness ern Maryland College's observa- Center to bring the quilt to WMC. and promote education. "It's nice time. " tion of this national day of remem- The AIDS Memorial Quilt Cer- that WMC is getting connected Brent Sandrock '01 brance. emony will take place on Decem- with the community," she said. She ASAP, which stands for AIDS: ber I, from 7:00 PM until 8:30 PM believes that over the past few EnglishlEducation Support Awareness and Prevention, in Ensor Lounge. Community years, awareness about AIDS has is the group responsible for bring- groups, such as the Carroll County increased within the community. ing the quilt to WMC. Shannon AIDS Alliance and the Carroll "To use the AIDS Memorial Tinney, a junior sociology major County Arts Council, are helping Quilt to help bring an end to the "I always wear my black socks under my and president of ASAP, hopes the to sponsor the event. Members of AIDS epidemic," summarizes the white ones, same shirt, and I always switch quilt will impact WMC students. ASAP will serve as the masters-of- purpose of the quilt, according to "ASAP has been doing a lot of ceremony for the evening, which Tinney. The quilt provides "more shirts at half time. " peer education and the AIDS Me- will include guest speakers and a tangible things to see [which relate morial Quilt is a very symbolic rep- symbolic ritual in which the names Marvin Deal '00 to AIDS], especially with the more resentation of how many people of people who have died of AIDS personal sections of the quilt." Sociology AIDS has killed," she said. related diseases are written down The AIDS Quilt will highlight The quilt is composed of vari- and then thrown into the fireplace. WMC's observance of World AIDS ous panels which were made to re- The theme of this year's Na- Day on December I. The quilt will "I wear the same member victims of AIDS. The tional AIDS Day is "Children Liv- be displayed during a ceremony panels are usually sent to either San ing in a World with AIDS." Chil- held in Ensor Lounge, from 7:00 socks and spandex Francisco or Washington D.C. dren will be incorporated in the cer- PM until 8:30 PM WMC students, where the quilts are pieced to- emony by way of Carroll County faculty, staff, and members of the underwear." gether. Children's Choir and two WMC community Steve Middleton '99 The last time the AIDS Memo- organizations, Students Teaching Westminster to attend. are en- couraged Business Adrninistra- tionlEconomics Recruiters seek workforce at Fair business, Enterprise was suffi- BY ADAM DEAN 645-0444, clo Invest. Wheeler. ciently impressed with his work. Eduortais Editor A large number of students They came to WMC in search of fumed out to take advantage of the Western Maryland College held employees of his caliber. potential employers. Senior biol- its 1997 Career Fair on November "We haven't done much recruit- ogy/psychology major, Joe Hilton, "I shake my leg 4 in Decker College Center. ing lately," Phillips said. "We are attended the fair in anticipation of recruiters before every game verse Many organizations from such di- looking at liberal arts colleges be- graduating in the spring and as MBNA cause that is the type of person we on the bench. " America financial institution, the are looking for." wanted to see what jobs were avail- able in his field. FBJ, Arena Stage in Washington, Enterprise is hiring entry level Derrick Gwyn '01 D.C., Target, Inc., and the Metro- management positions along with However, Hilton was disap- with the lack of recruiters Business Administration politan Police Department of Wash- jobs in customer service, sales, pointed organizations related to his from ington, D.C. participated in the marketing, and administration at major. event organized by the Career Ser- starting salaries of $26,800. Ac- 1 wish there were more science vices office. cording to Phillips, they offer "ex- or research oriented places here," MNBA, which is hiring entry cellent opportunities for advance- Hilton said while exploring the level customer contact positions ment within the company." various stations at the fair. All he "I walk in the locker room and do the same with salaries in the mid-$20,OOO Government agencies were rep- found were "a couple of good for WMC looking routine; put on everything in the same range, was Linda Hall, representing resented too. The Marine Corps, ones" related to his psychology graduates. field. Air Force, FBI, and two police de- order." MBNA America said "we have got partments set up tables in Decker Senior English major, Kathleen some really good grads from West- Anthony Russo '01 ern Maryland." Center. Representing were the Washing- Beyer, said she was ''just basically Police ton, D.C. Detective at the career fair, searching around" Physical Education When asked ifshe had seen any Karen Zibrat and Investigator Elgin and added that it wasn't until re- promising candidates, Hall an- Wheeler. cently that she had started to think swered "I have seen several people "We are looking for qualified about what she would do after who look promising." personnel," said Zibrat of the po- graduation. Beyer labeled her trip "Say a prayer to my Previous good experiences with lice department's decision to par- to the career fair as "kind of a first to be a com- " grandmother as a WMC alumni seemed employers rep- ticipate in the Career Fair. agencies step." When asked what she had mon theme among are 21 [police] There dedication ... she resented at the career fair. near the D.C. metropolitan area. To looked at, Beyer said internships Michele Phillips, Enter- from loved football. " prise Rent-A-Car, said that their ex- find qualified personnel we some- with the Catoctin Wildlife Preserve she times have to go to a more rural and Zoo caught her eye because Joe Kendorski '01 perience with a WMC graduate she area." "feels strongly about animal The D.C. police were recruiting Biology identified as Pete Riskman, class of to for positions as uniformed police rights." wants inspired to come them '94, Beyer said she eventually WMC. officers with a starting salary of to find "a job that makes me happy. Although Riskman has now left $30,000 a year. The D.C. police If monetary value comes along Enterprise and runs his own bagel recruiting unit can be faxed at (202) with it, Fine. Burns not important."
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