Page 71 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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FEATURES Thursday, November 20, 1997 - Page 11 Among assistant director's duties will be advising IGC BY JENNIFER V'CK sponsorship of a speaker, was member, echoed Shattuck in say- FeatureJEdiwr poorly attended. The Pre-Law So- ing "We're eager 10 get fresh ciety was on its last leg during thoughts." At their first membership social, Shattuck's junior year when advi- Phi Alpha Delta members are Phi Alpha Delta decked out Ensor sor Dr. Charles Neal, associate pro- hoping the fraternity will appeal to Lounge in their colors of purple and fessor of political science, ap- students because of the many ben- gold, setup an information table, proached the group with informa- efits it offers as an international offered refreshments, and watched tion he'd gathered off a Web site organization. There is a onetime as over two dozen students signed for Phi Alpha Delta. membership fee of $50 to join This their names to a sheet of paper des- Neal says this is the only part fee has deterred some students from ignating their interest in the frater- he played in establishing a chapter joining, however, Shattuck pointed nity. of Phi Alpha Delta at WMC. The out that it guarantees lifelong mem- The event, on November 5, was rest he attributes to the strong lead- bership. In addition, by joining Phi an effort to attract student interest Alpha Delta, a student can make in Western Maryland College's contacts with law schools and newly established chapter of the people in the law community, at- Phi Alpha Delta Fraternity Interna- tend conferences, receive a dis- tional, a Pre-Law organization. count on LSAT Preparation Last spring, the chapter formally Courses, and even become eligible inducted its first 17 members, and to apply for the Phi Alpha Delta this semester they plan to induct Mastercard and receive discounts more members in an informal cer- on rental cars. emony. At the membership social Betsy Chimock, the new assistant director oj Col/ege Activities, enjoys her position because she can "empower students to make sound decisions. " "It gives the campus another sophomore, Sergey Payvusovich, a She will be instrumental in organizing campus events and advising Greek prestigious organization," said se- ership of a few students. On May business administration/political organizations. nior, Dan Shattuck, president of Phi 10 these students were formally science major, added his name to Alpha Delta. He described the ef- inducted into Phi Alpha Delta and the list of interested students. "I'm fort ofWMC's Pre-Law students in became a part of the fraternity'S looking for something that is not BY KATHLEEN DAVIS IVP, and was involved in a variety getting where they are today as a approximately 150 Pre-Law Chap- just social, but that offers prestige, Staf/Writer of college activities. While attend- "long stretch." ters at undergraduate schools contacts, and the chance to go to ing, she was a member of the During his freshman year, Despite having arrived after the marching band, the SGA, and Phi Shattuck, a history/political science throughout the United States and conferences," Fayvusovich said. Fayvusovieh Although plans on school year had already begun, Mu sorority. During this lime, major, recalls joining the Pre-Law Puerto Rico. two members a career in international relations After graduating Betsy Chi mock was able to make a Chimock learned a great deal from Society which was then only a last spring, the chapter presently smooth transition. the "good mentors on the staff," WMC organization. He said it met has 15 members, most of whom are rather than law, Phi Alpha Delta is At the end of September. who encouraged her to develop her not solely restricted to future law task, Their Chimock became a member of the leadership skills. By the time she semi-regularly and never really got juniors and seniors. a search for students. At the beginning off the ground. has become therefore, Western Maryland College com- was a junior in college, Chimock of his sophomore year, a few en- new and younger members. "[Phi Alpha Delta is] geared to munity as the new assistant direc- began to realize thai she wanted to thusiastic members breathed life "This can only get bigger. I all majors," Queen said. "As long tor of College Activities, and has pursue a career in leadership and into the dwindling society by giv- want to come back in five years and as there are conflicts in our soci- since found both the staff and the college activities. ing it a name - ''The Bar." They see this thing booming," said ety, there's always going to be a students 10 be "very friendly and After earning her master's de- even got their picture in the Phoe- Shattuck. "We need a young com- need for justice, whether you're an easy to work with," gree, Chimock was hired by nix. But then Shattuck said mitted group to get it going." English major, political science major .. .it's a life- major, or biology Chimock will be co-advising Mankato State University in progress "fizzled" and the society's the College Activities Planning Mankato, Minn. as the student pro- one event held for the year, the glish Junior Miesha Queen, an En- time membership of invaluable ex- periences." Delta major and Phi Alpha Board (CAPBoard) with director of gram coordinator for Greek Life. College Activities, Mitchell However, after working there for a Alexander. In addition, she will year, Chimock decided to work her +tilleJ'ut provide leadership development for way back east. 24 Hour Hotline New staffer finds people at WMC "very .CUnle friendly and easy to work with. " 410-857-8322 Genuine Help and college organizations by inviting For the next two years, Chi- Understanding informative speakers to special mock worked as the residence life -Iv/Sleep Sedation "Whether the crime happened events and organizing other events coordinator and Greek affairs co- -Ftrst & Mid-Trimester last night or yftlrs ago, "to help the students become bet- ordinator at West Virginia Abortion Services UJeCJJn help." ter leaders." But her responsibili- Wesleyan. But even though she -Eree Pregnancy Testing ties do not end here. was very happy in West Virginia, ·Pregnancy & Birth Chimock will also serve as the she felt that she needed to move on. Control Counseling Programs are open to victims, family or frie~ds. advisor for the Inter Greek Coun- At this point, after seeing an -Sonograms Whether it's sexual harassment, abuse, dating cil, the Order of Omega, and the advertisement in "The Chronicle -Community Education & violence or rape, we can help. PanhelJenic Association. While the of Higher Education," Chimock Guest Speaking Services Services include: walk-in crisis counseling, IGC is the government for the en- applied for her job at WMC. She -24 Hour Emergency Call individual therapy, groups, accompaniment to tire Greek system, the Panhellenic had already heard many good police-hospital-court, and education programs. Association is the governing coun- things about the college from FOR APPOINTMENT CALL: cil for only the sororities, and the former assistant director of Col- 410-788-4400 All inquir;~. ate free and confidential. Order of Omega is an "honorary lege Activities, Anita society for Greek students who Kaltenbaugh, who attended Out Of Area· Rape Crisis Intervention Service have excellent leadership and aca- graduate school with Chimock. 1-800-427-2813 demic" merits. Finally, after finishing out the Ask about our special student rates of Carroll County A Scranton, PA native, Chi- summer in West Virginia, P.O. Box 1563 mock graduated from Indiana Uni- Chi mock began her job here at Suburbia Building 224 North Center Street, Room 102 versity of Pennsylvania (IVP) with WMC. 5602 Baltimore National Pike Westminster, MD 21158 an undergraduate degree in special According to Chimock, she is Suite 600 Baltimore, Maryland 21228 education and a master's degree in pleased with the role she plays on Convenient to Baltimore Beltway (695) 24 Hour Hotline: 410-857-7322 "student affairs in higher educa- campus because it puts her in a Office: 410·857-0900 or 876-9147 tion." position to do what she loves _ http://gynpages.comlhillcrestbalt According to Chimock, she she is able "to empower students thoroughly enjoyed her years at to make sound decisions." Most Credit Cards Accepted A Private NonProfil Agency Serving Carroll County
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