Page 79 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 79
Staff Editorial: Bars on Campus -----;1 The Phoenix Editorial Board .,----- In the 1980's WMC students less than desirable. cally encouraged to patronize The Presidential Commis- as a at least out could stop by the Pub on a Fri- The Westminster Inn is nice drinking establishments that sion on Community Behavior blacking of drinking, they once would result day night and enjoy a beer. But but out of range for many col- can only be reached by automo- and Alcohol Use from May, surely benefit from being in a this practice was discontinued lege students in both distance bile. This is a formula for cre- 1997 reports that 40% ofWMC situation where their drinking when the drinking age was and in budget. ating drunk driving incidents. can be controlled. boosted up to 21. Fiestas is way out on route Although some students are The social pressures in an Now those lucky enough to 140, and as for Ernie's, don't responsible enough to designate The Phoenix on-campus bar. would help to be 21 or have identification even bother. a driver, nOI everyone does so. believes that discourage drinking to that ex- which says they are, must go off Another issue in regard to an Those irresponsible indi- tent. campus, while others are re- on-campus bar is drunk driving, viduals who do not have a des- providing a safe and Students are already allowed duced to "chugging" a beer in a concern to many on this cam- ignated driver are forced to controlled to drink at clubrooms and some their room. pus. drive back after a night at a bar. forum parties, why not extend The Phoenix feels that an on- With "Champs" the only de- They most likely have at least environment in to all drinking campus bar would be a much cent bar within walking dis- some alcohol in their systems, this privilege and create an on-cam- age students safer place to consume alcohol even if they are not technically which to drink is pus bar? and would improve the social Faculty and staff drunk, a recipe for disaster. more important than The Phoenix believes that life here at Western Maryland. One of the objections to a providing a safe and controlled It is naive to think that stu- socializing in the bar on campus is that WMC SIU- pursuing a dents are not drinking alcohol bar with students dents can't handle alcohol. For puritanistic crusade environment important in which to drink is more than pursuing and surely it is better to pro- example. Bonnie Bosley of a puritanistic crusade against vide a controlled, fun environ- could provide role Health Services believes that it against alcohol use ment in which they can do so. would just promote alcohol use. alcohol use in any form. We have had several inci- models for We disagree. in any form. dents of alcohol poisoning al- responsible The Phoenix feels that stu- The Phoenix Editorial Board is ready this semester. If students dents are exposed to alcohol students can be classified as made up ofthe editors of individual are left to drink in their rooms drinking. This promotions and use every day "light drinkers" and another sections. there is no way of monitoring would hopefully be a through the mass media and third don't drink at all. how much they consume. through their peers. It would be It seems that for almost three The argument has been given contrast to the a positive thing for the school quarters of the WMC student that bars in Westminster are to d e mon s rr a t e responsible body, an on-campus bar would providing students with a place drunks commonly drinking. be an ideal solution for the Have an opinion? Ex- 10 drink and socialize. The seen in the local Faculty and staff so- press it! Write for The Phoenix would like to know cializing in the bar with stu- problem of what to do on a Fri- exactly what establishments bars. dents could provide role mod- day or Saturday and night. Phoenix editorial staff. Drinkers nondrinkers are being referred 10. els for responsible drinking. alike could socialize in a non- Contact Adam at True, "Down Under" tance from the college, and a This would hopefully be a con- ("Champs") has Thursday night pretty long walk after a night trast to the drunks commonly threatening for the informal situation. one remaining As specials but the atmosphere is drinking, students are practi- seen in the local bars. quarter who have reported
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