Page 74 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 74
Thursday, November 20,1997 - Page 14 SPORTS Campus community delights in Terror's success as Saturday's game produces biggest turnout of season Continued from page J "It's great for the school as Johns Hopkins season training program," said Thomas. "We friends and families in the middle of the game, following every play. "This is one of is such a great college," agreed sophomore had a great recruiting team; freshmen have muddy field. "[It feels] real good, real emo- the biggest games in recent history," he said. Lubomir Ondercin. made a big difference." tional, the last game on the field," said se- "We're all really proud." Vice President for InstitutionalAdvance- The crowd was made up of representa- nior wide receiver Dante Abron. Assistant Football Coach Allen Thomas ment Dick Seaman said the win will "be good tives of all areas of the WMC community. Freshman Matt McVey scored the second said the win means that "Western Maryland for Western Maryland College and everyone Dean of First Year Students Barb Horneff touchdown with what was only his second has made a giant step forward from being a associated with it. Western Maryland can was waving green and yellow porn pons near catch of the season. "Catching that pass was small average team to one that's competi- lake great pride in what this group has the caboose. "I'm absolutely excited; they like a dream, a good dream," he said. tive, exacting, and better known." achieved." deserve it," she said. "I'm really impressed People are already expressing great hopes Many other people commented on the The coaches put the team's success down with the teamwork, the support for each effect the team's success will have on the to a good off-season and great recruiting. other. They're a great group of guys on and for next year's team. "Although we have a couple said graduating," of real key seniors college's reputation. "A winning sports team "We had a lot of returning players who made off the field." Thomas, "we have a strong team replacing pulls everyone together," said Dr. Chambers. a' commitment to have a good, strong off- Terror alumnus Keith Able was standing them. Assuming good recruiting, the team next to Horneff. A member of the team from could possibly be even better next year." 1990 -1994, he said that he noticed "a lot more team spirit" in 1997. Additional reporting by Jessica Vermillion The community spirit of the college was evident at the game. The hospitality tent had a signup sheet for people to claim that they "witnessed the Green Terror's drive to vic- tory." Posters spurring the team to victory were evident at the game and throughout the campus. Many alumni commented on the change in the team. ''The team was average when I was at school, nowhere near the caliber of this team," said Charlie Moore '71, a mem- ber of the Board of Trustees: Everyone was obviously very happy with the team's performance. "It feels great," said Steve onr, defensive line coach. "If there was a team that deserved [this honor], it was this team." The Terror did nOI start out too well with Hopkins scoring a field goal that put them into the lead. "The turning point came with Jeff Groff blocking that punt." explained Gill. Quarterback Ron Sennarini agreed. "It was a tough first half," he said. ''The defense did a great job." Emotions were running high after the JOSE (JUBA) SIQUEIRA game, with distraught Blue Jays weeping as Green Terror sophomore Mike O'Dell runs they left the field. Terror fans made sure they the ball with no close opponents on his back obtained a souvenir of the game, leaving the WMC held Johns Hopkins to a lone field goal field with pieces of the goal posts and first Just be/ore the opening kickoff, tne footbett team stood united in salute of the National down markers. on Saturday, November 15. No field goals Anthem by holding their helmets in the air: Team morale was evident/rom start to finish. were scored by the Green Terror. but three WMC players were ecstatic, hugging extra points were kicked. Plzza~wlngs~and _ore Ine. 117 Pennsylvania Ave. 410·840·8338 16~ tJDEESE $4.99 GET MONEY FROM YOUR UNCLE INSTEAD. Eve.·ytlay. AIl day qualify these merit-baaed i Every a~d supplies. ROTC for textbooks year Your Uncle Sam. awards fees. They even pay a fiat rate Army scholarships to hundreds of You can also receive an allow- * Pick up only talented students. If you anceofupto$lSOOeach.8cho?1 ts m conveniently 10cate.1 jnst 2 year the scholarship schOI~ships can help you effect. Find out today if pay tuition.and educaticnal you qualify. blocks f.'om the college " ARMY ROTC campus., at the cOI·net·of Penn. THE SMAKl'EST OOLLEGE OOURSE YOU CAN TAKE Ave. ami Union St. For details. caD WIIC Army ROTC at 857·2720
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