Page 72 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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Thursday, November 20.1997 - Page 12 FEATURES Martin leaves Academic Affairs while Coleman steps in "One thing I will enjoy about it is that it is a 8Y JONATHON SHACAT Sell;orWr;/er good combination of data and working with people," said Coleman. "I have a very tough There is yet another change in the staff at act to follow. She was good at what she did." Western Maryland College - this time in Her job description includes keeping the office of Academic Affairs. track of most of the institutional records such Janet Martin left her job as institutional as enrollment and retention, and periodically research analyst on November 10 to take a submitting survey figures to several compa- position at Johns Hopkins University. Jan nies including - Barron's, U.S. News and Coleman, who until now was the adminis- World Report, and Time Magazine. trative coordinator of Academic Affairs, has taken her place. "We will definitely miss Provost Joan Coley announced this news on October 29 via memo. Even though it her expertise as well as was addressed to the "Campus Community," her personality." the only recipients of the memo were fac- ulty and staff, according to Coley. Provost Joan Coley When Martin gave her notice, she advised Coley to find a replacement as soon as pos- sible since she would need to train the per- Coley said Martin left WMC because of Academic coordinator Affairs son how to access the information from the "All the skills she has are more useful in a Jan Coleman is moving from her position as administrative "I have a very tough act to follow," Janet Martin. to institutional research analyst, replacing computer. So Coley quickly appointed much bigger institution. She wanted to do says Coleman. Coleman to the position because she had more training, more stuff with software." tinuing studies in Colombia. Then she plans job. It is just a different direction because I some minor experience with the work. Coley added. "We will definitely miss her to go to school for certification to become a always enjoyed the computers," Martin said. "I think it was the most logical choice," expertise as well as her personality." network engineer and to then be promoted "So this gives me a lillie challenge and an said Coley. At Hopkins, Martin will be a technology to supervisor in that position. opportunity. It gives me a chance to try Coleman looks forward to the position. services coordinator for the school of con- "1 guess it is not a completely different something new." Renowned criminologist speaks on serial killers' psyches spent his life figuring out the motivations of of access," said professor of sociology, mony, training, consulting, and lecturing. BY SARAH RADICE S/(ljJWr;ter such people. He is a renowned criminolo- Lauren Dundes, who arranged for Ressler to Ressler is an internationally known lec- gist who will discuss the motivation behind speak. turer and consultant, having appeared on nu- People are used to hearing about killing the violent acts of serial killers and his ex- He worked for the FBI for 20 years, 16 merous television and radio shows, and in and crime every day on the six o'clock news. periences fighting crime in a lecture titled, of which were in the FBI's Behavioral Sci- newspaper articles. He is a faculty member Serial killers can inspire feelings of fascina- "I Have Lived in the Monster-Serial Kill- ence Unit. He also served in the U.S. Army at several distinguished learning institutions, tion and horror seldom rivaled. Part of the ing and Violent Crime in Contemporary So- for 35 years, spending 10 years on active duty including Georgetown University and the fascination comes from trying 10 figure out ciety." It takes place at 7 p.m. on November during the Vietnam War and 10 in the Army's University of Virginia. why the killer acts as he does and what made 24 in Alumni Hall. Slides wi!1 accompany Criminal Investigation Department. Ressler Ressler coined the term "serial killer," him the way he is. the lecture, and a question-and-answer ses- interviewed and collected information on 36 and has been the inspiration for movies, tele- But who can really understand what takes sion will follow. sexual and serial killers when he developed vision shows and books such as "Silence of place inside the heads of murderers such as Ressler has had 30 years of criminal in- the FBI's first violent criminal offender re- the Lambs" and "The XiFiles." He has writ- Ted Bundy or Andrew Cunanan? It takes a vestigative experience and an unparalleled search program. He is an expert on crimi- ten.or.coauthored five books. His 1992 au- special kind of person with a special kind of opportunity 10 study the minds of serial kill- nals, especially serial and sexual killers. For tobiography Whoever Fights Monsters is cur- knowledge. ers. the past seven years he has been the director rently on sale at the WMC bookstore. Robert K. Ressler is one man who has "Virtually no one else has had that kind of Forensic Behavioral Sciences, a private Robert Ressler's Web site is located at: organization providing expert witness testi- wwwrobenkresslercom Pub Happy Hour promotes camaraderie among seniors 8Y NIKKI BELANGER erations of the accomplishments of the Class Senior writer of 1998." Last year, seniors renovated the gazebo. Current seniors haven't decided on For a couple of hours on Monday night, a project yet. November 3, students relaxed, socialized, "People came in and out rof the pub] all and drank with friends. night [on Monday]," said Michelle Hamil- The office of annual giving, through the ton, a senior serving on the committee for Annual Fund, sponsored a happy hour in the Senior Pride. According to Berger, at one Pub from 8:30 until 10:30. point there were about 60 people in atten- The event was publicity for Senior Pride," dance. said Vanessa Berger, assistant director of This is the first happy hour the office of annual giving. annual giving has sponsored, but they plan GET MONEY FROM YOUR UNCLE INSTEAD. for the past 17 years through the annual giv- on having at least two more next semester. Senior Pride is a campaign run every year qualify,thesemerit-based i and chips nachos, Beer, sodas, pretzels, Every Army year Your Uncle Sam. awards fees. They even pay a Oat rate ing committee. A group of seniors raise were on hand for students as they watched ROTC for textbooks an.d supplies. to get classmates I!Icholarsrups students. If you of You can also receive an allow- money by trying back to the college. into the the Monday night football game and talked to hundreds wi~riends. talented Differ- anceofupto$lSOOeach.s~o~l spirit of giving The invitation was for seniors, seniors but a few juniors, this year will encourage effect. scholarships can help you year the ~chOlarship IS ~ If ent activities $19.98 in celebration of the year came. Pamphlets who were at least 21, also Find out today were available to donate explaining pay tuition and educational you qualify. of their graduation. what senior pride is, Hamilton explained. It The seniors then decide to use the money was "definitely" a success, Berger said. planned Another to promote activity ARMYROTt to benefit the college and leave their mark nior Pride is an alumni networking event, Se- on the campus. According to a letter sent to THE SMARTEST COLLEGE COURSE YOU CAN TJII(E seniors announcing the happy hour, "senior held in the spring, which will match young PRIDE symbolizes our experience at West- alumni with seniors in the career field they For detc:dls, ccdl WMC AnDy ROI'C at 857~2720 ern Maryland and will remind future gen- are working toward.
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