Page 77 - ThePhoenix1997-98
P. 77
Thursday, December 11, 1997 Underground fraternity pledge damages Dean's house "my point is to remind you of the pus and students from wearing the BY KATIl HAMI'SON serious consequences of such irre- leiters Delta Pi Alpha. New:; Editor sponsible behavior, and to warn "We cannot stop somebody Dean of Student Affairs Philip you about becoming involved with from wearing clothing," he said. "I Sayre was awakened with a shock those who seemingly have little don't tell students who they can be one night last month when a drunk regard for common sense and friends with." However, "there is a WMC student drove into his front safety." long distance between that and say- porch. Sayre was particularly anxious ing we're going to recognize a fra- The student was a pledge of the to ensure that the incident does not ternity," Sayre added. underground fraternity known as have a detrimental effect on col- JOSE (JUBA) SIQUEIRA Sayre also addressed the issue Preachers and had reportedly been lege-sanctioned Greek organiza- of speaking openly about alcohol Should WMC's Pub and Grille add alcohol to its menu? at an off-campus party where he tions. "People woD)' about hazing," abuse. "We do not try to sweep is- Maryland collegescontrol participated large amounts of alcohol. in- he said. "We try to deal with it sues under the carpet," he said. In in a hazing ritual volving within recognized Greek organiza- the memo he writes about the "am- drinking in on-campus bars the early 1980's lost its charter in tions." In these organizations he has bitious alcohol education pro- The fraternity "after confidence "relative a student that a student has be- was nearly killed in a similar alco- will have a hazing free pledging, gram," which the college problems gun "in hopes of avoiding opening up in the Westminster BY EMilY STAMATHIS hol-related hazing incident," ac- but this is not the case with the that have plagued campuses across Area. According to Director of cording to a memo sent out by Assistant News Editor Preachers." the country - including ours." College Activities Mitch Alex- Sayre. The fraternity, whose official He believes that "one of the In an attempt to boost social at- ander, with the opening of Tully's, Sayre sent the memo to the name is Delta Pi Alpha, was at one mosphere and curb drunk driving, Fiesta's Inn, and the conversion of campus community informing time one of the biggest and most ways to deal with [alcohol abuse] is to talk about it." He also asserted three Maryland colleges are taking Johanssons from a candy store to a them of the incident, which oc- influential at WMC. The name that most students are responsible a more relaxed and less restrictive bar, students could find plenty of curred on October 23. He says that Preachers comes from the school's about alcohol, "we have to recol- attitude toward drinking by open- places in town to drink without he issued it for two reasons. Methodist origins. lect that most students aren't like ing alcohol-serving establishments limitations. Namely, "to address the issue of The Preachers lost their charter this." for students of legal age to social- Serving alcohol in the Pub was alcohol abuse," particularly involv- for eight years and in 1990 were The student involved in the in- ize and drink on campus. no longer lucrative, therefore ing driving, and to ensure students encouraged to reapply by the col- cident was brought before the Johns Hopkins University's E- couldn't be continued. To this day, are aware of "the status of the lege, but they chose not to do so. Honor and Conduct Board where Level Pub, Mount St. Mary's a drinking establishment on the Preachers." He wanted to make "We would like any organization he received a number of penalties Pourhouse, and Salisbury State WMC campus isn't projected to sure students "recognize that they that considers itself Greek to join including suspension from college. University's new Crossroads Pub bring in enough revenue to supply are not one of the sanctioned orga- the Inter Greek Council," said are all full-functioning pubs situ- nizations." Sayre. He explained that he could Continued on page 6 See Honor and Conduct Board, ated right on the campuses. In the memo, Sayre writes that not ban the organization from cam- page 8 ''I think this is an idea we should explore," said Philip Sayre, dean of Thition increases less U.S. students not using Student Affairs. a having The idea of WMC in the Pub than 4% for next year WMC Budapest campus monthly "Pub Night" and Grille Restaurant was proposed 65 students. It offers approximately at the most recent SGA meeting. crease reflected a tuition hike BY ARON VARGA 20 courses in four majors: com- "It'd be nice to start [Pub Night] BY CHRISTIAN WILWOHI. over $1,100 from $27,940 to Contributing writer News Editor munication, political science, busi- early enough so it would be an all- $29,055. WMC Budapest has been in campus event; faculty could stop WMC will increase its com- Chambers commented that operation for four years but so far ness administration, and econom- 15 ics, which by about are taught by and have a beer with students," prehensive fee for tuition and Johns Hopkins' comprehensive no American students have taken faculty members. Sayre said. room and board by 3.9% for the fee will probably exceed $30,000 the opportunity to spend a semes- "I don't think that many people If the proposal was put into ef- '98-'99 academic year, the sev .... next year. it," sophomore Lara fect, it wouldn't be the first time enth consecutive year the college WMC's total for tuition and ter studying have there. students that are know about said. "I'd love to study "We Henderson WMC's Pub served alcohol. Ac- will hold this increase of 4% or room and board next year witJ be thinking about it for next semester," abroad," she added, but unfortu- cording to Sayre, Decker College less. $23,080, an increase of $880. Dean of Admissions Martha Center, which houses the Pub, was "We are proud of being able WMC uses scholarships and O'Connell said. She added that Continued on page 8 completed around 1978 when the to hold tuition down and main- financial aid to compete with in- WMC Budapest is ready to receive legal drinking age in Maryland was tain the quality of education and stitutions such as St. Mary's Col- and educate students from WMC. 18. At that time, the Pub had a li- services at WMC," said President lege and Salisbury State Univer- Inside who is considering One student cense to serve beer, but no hard li- Robert H. Chambers. sity, which are considerably the option is sophomore Sharon onsider This 2 quor, to students of legal age. Compared to some other pri- cheaper than WMC, said Cham- Klinder. "I want to have the inter- ~taff editoriaL. 3 The Pub lost its license in 1990 vate institutions, WMC's tuition bers. "In some cases, students !Lab hours editorial .4 she when Maryland's drinking age in- and fees and their annual in- might actually pay less to attend national experience," reason said. for !Honors Speaker 6 her primary However, creased to 21, because the number creases are much lower. Gettys- WMC than a state school." going is 10 do research on Raul rvanessa Berger 7 of WMC students who could pa- burg College's comprehensive During the early 1990's, the Wallenberg, whose work was intro- ampus Safely Blotter 8 tronize the alcohol-serving Pub fee increased by 4.51 % to slow economy and annual rises duced in Budapest. "It is the per- !Masthead entries 9 dropped from almost 1400 to just $27,468 for the '97-'98 academic in tuition and fees around 10% fect place for me," she said. joecember Graduation 10 300, Sayre said. year. Johns Hopkins University kept WMC's enrollment below WMC Budapest currently oper- !Ressurection review 11 The loss in interest in the Pub raised tuition and fees by less abaret review 12 was also motivated by other bars than 4% for this year, but this in- Continued on page 7 ates with a combined sophomore o seconds 13 and freshmen about class totaling
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