Page 69 - ThePhoenix1997-98
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NE W S Thursday, November 20, 1997 - Page 9 Dinner allows international students to demonstrate their cultures Continued from page I Sundays Spence, the club's advisor. Club member Adrienne Nemeth Ahsan Latif, one of the club's of Hungary explained why many of Note committee chairpersons, concurred Budapest students choose not to with Spence. Latif said, "As [the join the club. "It's natural that you Campus construction has forced committee chairs], we took on don't go out and search for new a change of venue for the next Yale separate responsibilities and helped friends when you already have a Gordon Sundays of Note concert. each other, but it was the partici- group of friends here with you," she The November 23 concert, "A pation of all the club's members said. Woman's Perspective on the Ro- that made things possible." Stella Stefanova of Bulgaria, mantic German Lied," will be held Latif was responsible for plan- who studied in Thailand and Sri in (Big) Baker Memorial Chapel at ning the evening's entertainment. Lanka before coming to WMC, 2 PM Admission 10 the series con- The organization'S other com- said the club is a good way to meet cert, sponsored by the Peggy and mittee chairpersons are Jessica people. Yale Gordon Trust in Baltimore, is Watts of Puerto Rico and Juba Many students join the organi- $5 for adults and $4 for seniors. Siqueira of Brazil. zation because they are interested Also, all students are admitted free The club's members spent in other cultures. with a valid I.D. countless hours preparing food, American first-year student The program, the second in this decorating the forum, and practic- Camille Read said that she asks fel- year's three-part series, features ing entertainment segments. low club members about fashion mezzo-soprano Patricia Green and Founded in 1987 with only four and dating in their countries. She pianist Rachel Franklin performing members, the International Club is added, "I'm often surprised that a songs exploring the intimately link- now one of the largest student or- lot of countries have the same ing lives or composers Robert ganizations at WMC with over 50 amenities as the United States, like Schumann, Clara Schumann, members who come from 26 dif- luxury cars and computers." Fanny Hensel, Felix Mendelssohn, ferent countries. Through the club, lorge del and Johannes Brahms. Spence, who has a background Villar of Mexico has interacted Although the musical educa- in Teaching English as a Second with students from Africa. He com- tion, experiences and opportunities Language, has worked with inter- mented, "It's interesting to see how of the composers varied, they national students since he began [Africans] differ culturally from shared musical ideas and even set teaching here 10 years ago. He said, African-Americans in spite of their some of the same poems. The con- ''The International Club is not just common origin." cert will give audience members a a haven for international students. Students feel that the club fos- peek at the unique styles of each The Club celebrales international ters friendships and enhances stu- composer and at how they may diversity." He added that he would dents' experiences at WMC. have influenced each other . like to see more interaction be- Watts said the club "opens the British pianist Franklin is a Pro tween American and international doors of friendship," because stu- Musicis International Award win- American Sharon Klmder (left) and Bushra Ahmad of Bangladesh students. dents form bonds dealing with participate in a fashion show displaying traditional cultural costumes. WMC alumnus and former club' homesickness and being in a dif- nerwith solo debuts in 1994 in New The evening's entertainment highlighted costumes from many member Fabrizio Ferronato of Bra- ferent country. York's Carnegie Recital Hall and reflected the international students' countries including Spain, Argen- zil said, "From our perspective, Ferronato's experience with me Jordan Hall in Boston. She has per- the world. around formed links to their home countries. tina, Ethiopia, and Sri Lanka. The Americans are international, too." club paralleled Watts'. He com- Eliane Maroun of France COOf- performers began the fashion show There are currently nine Ameri- pared the club to a "support group," Franklin has taken top prizes in dinated a parodyof a French fash- by lighting candles while lyrics can students in the club. especially for students with no fam- the Florence International Cham- Competition and ion show. She said. "I wanted to do about the unity of humankind filled One of them, Jonathon Shacat, ily in the United States. ber Music B. McMahon International the Louise something that was never done be- the Forum. said, "At WMC, we are fortunate In addition to the dinner, Latif Music Competition. fore." Dr.JulieBadieeoftheArt His- to have the diversity offered by the said the club organizes social ac- Green has recently returned The "models" showed off their tory Department commented, "I international students." tivities with international students She trash bag and toilet paper apparel liked the introduction to the fash- A Spanish major, Shacat stud- at other Maryland colleges and uni- from concerts in Amsterdam. with engagements has upcoming as the music of French rapper MC ion show because it showed the ied in Seville, Spain last semester. versities. the Williamsburg Symphony, Ar- Solaar, a critic of the fashion world, oneness of the human race at the He mentioned that this interna- In the spring, the club will co- lington Symphony, the Washington rocked the Forum. beginning of time." Badiee, who at- tional experience sparked his inter- sponsor its annual campus-wide Bach Consort, and at the Kennedy Addressing a serious political tends the club's dinner every year, estin the club. party in the Forum. issue, three Cypriot students and a added that the occasion provides a Spence commented that the stu- Junior Mandy Hofstetter, who Center with the Theater Chamber Players. Bulgarian student performed a tra- good opportunity for students to dents from WMC Budapest are not attended the party last year, said The series, which brings nation- ditional Greek dance, dedicated to experience other cultures. as involved in the club as other in- "the International Club really ally- and internationally-known the end of the Turkish occupation The International Dinner, the ternational students. knows how to throw a good party." young artists to campus, continues of Cyprus. club's major event for the fall se- Approximately a quarter of the The International Club has a in March. The club members put on a mester, required time and prepara- students from the Budapest Pro- web page designed by Latif and more traditional fashion show that tion on part of the students, said Bill gram are members of the club. edited by Shacat. Courtesy of Public Information Magical Marital Misery Tour is coming Party Ice & Supplies Two magic acts are tag team- edy team that uses marriage and ing for shows November 29 to raise magic for props is currently on dience participation "because it makes the show new and different money for a Carroll County agency what they dub the "Magical Mari- each time," he said. and a student group at WMC. tal Misery Tour," a fast-paced act This is the second annual No- All proceeds from "Magic and is designed for all ages. Dierdre benefit, Mayhem on the Hill," featuring the The maritally-challenged magic vcmber also a full-time said student at Crowl, family magical artistry of Tom act of husband and wife Tom and WMC and former president of the "All the Forks" Crowl & the Mrs., and the physi- Dierdre Crowl has opened for NTSO. cal comedy and juggling of Brian Chubby Checker, America, the "We had such a great time last 113 W Main. St. Howard, will benefit-the Carroll Drifters, Diamonds, and Westminster, MD 21157 County Rape Crisis Center an he- Marvelettes. year that we thought we would of- this year," she said. fer two shows WMC Non-Traditional Student Or- The duo also performs up and "We love to perform, especially ganization (students ages 23 and down the East Coast and has just when we know it will benefit two Milwaukee's Best older). completed a fifth season at the worthwhile organizations." $7.69 Shows are scheduled for 2 PM Maryland Renaissance Festival. Tickets will be available before and 7 PM in Alumni Hall. Howard, also a regular at the each performance. Or for advance Maryland's Best $6.99 Tickets are $5 for adults, $2 for Maryland Renaissance Festival, tickets or more information call children ages 5-12. Group rates are has been performing since he was (410) 876-6771. available. 18. His show of unique improvisa- Tom Crowl & the Mrs., a com- tional comedy includes a lot of au- Courtesy of Public Information Tel: (410) 848-3466 Lottery & Lotto
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