Page 124 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 124
Sports Friday, February 17, 1995, Page 8 Men's, women's b-ball face off with G-burg Upcoming Schedule: Season Wrap-up derclassrnen this year, the Green Terror have big gun. The 5'8" sophomore guard from JOHN MANARI) SwffWrilcr gotten excellent production and leadership Hancock, Minnesota has lead the learn with A youth movement has the Western from senior guard Pat Young. He has aver- 15.1 ppg. She is ranked ninth in the confer- Maryland College Green Terror men's and aged [4.6 points a game and dished out a ence in scoring hiuing 46% of her shots. women's basketball teams on the verge of team high 85 assists. While Dejager is the women's main February 18th: Centennial Conference playoff berths. Sat- The Terror will hope that freshman Will weapon, she is not their only one. Their WOMEN'S BASKETBALL urday, sophomore Daeviid St.Rose and other four starters are either averaging sophomore Sandi Dejager will lead their If the WMC women double figures or very close. Freshman vs. Gettysburg 2 p.m. respective Green Terror squads against Katie Haley is averaging 13.2 points a game HOME Gettysburg in games that hold heavy play- want to make the and 8.2 rebounds a game in an excellent first off imp] ications. year at WMC. In contrast, Denise Spangler, The men's-stunning victory over Johns playoffs, they must in her last year is also having a superb sea- MEN'S JV BASKETBALL Hopkins on the road last Saturday gave them son. She is averaging 11.9 points a game vs. Gettysburg 6 p.m. an I J -12 overall record and a 6-5 C.c. beat the Bullets. and [0.1 rebounds a game. record. They have all but clinched a play- Sophomores Heidi Snyder and Erin HOME off spot and most likely the game against Murphey have also contributed well. Snyder Gettysburg will be a tunc up for the play- Marshall can repeat his performance from is second in the conference in blocked shots offs. earlier this year when WMC traveled to and and Murphey is WMC's leader in assists. MEN'S VARSITY The WMC women did not fare as well upset Gettysburg. The 6'6" forward scored Both are averaging 9 points a game. BASKETBALL last Saturday. at home, and as a result their a career high 24 points, grabbed nine re- The Lady Bullets are led by junior for- vs. Gettysburg 8 p.m. game against Gettysburg will be much big- bounds and blocked four shots in WMC's ward Ann Hymes. The 5'9" Altoona, PA na- ger. The women Green Terrors will go into 81-75 win on February I, 1995. tive is averaging 17.9 points a game and 9.4 HOME the game with a 9-3 conference mark. Johns The Gettysburg men are led by Anthony rebounds a game. She scored 23 points in her Hopkins has already clinched a playoff spot Toner. The junior Bullet is averaging 15.3 last meeting with WMC on January 3 l , 1995. at 10-2, and any Gettysburg losses next week points a game and is one of only two play- Along with Hymes the Lady Bullets WRESTLING will clinch them the division. WMC was 1/ ers for Gettysburg to start all of their games. turn to Kelly Geise. The senior center from Centennial Conference 2 game ahead of Gettysburg before Toner is the sixth best scorer in the confer- Sunbury, PA, is the schools second all-time at Gettysburg TBA Saturday's games. If the WMC women want ence. leading scorer and rebounder. Geise aver- to make the playoffs, they must beat the Bul- Team wise the Terror bring home the ages 15.4 points a game and 10.3 rebounds lets. second ranked offense in the conference, but a game. February 17th-19th: The Green Terror men are led by they are last in defense. The Bullets of Both teams will bring balanced offenses St.Rose. He is the team's leading scorer, Gettysburg will bring in the fifth ranked de- and defenses into the game Saturday. WMC SWIMMING averaging [5.8 points a game and 6.2 re- fense, but their offense is only scoring more is ranked sixth in offense and second in de- Centennial Conference bounds a game. points than one team in the conference. fense. Gettysburg is ranked fourth in of- at Swarthmore While the men have started several un- Dejager is the Green Terror women's fense and Fifth in defense. GOOD "Women's B-Ball" Centennial meet promises success from p. 7 jIY DOUG Y ARROLL everyone shaved in an effort to cut seconds off LUCK! 'core 20 'in the second half to lead all With the dual meet season complete, the their times. been shaving since SluffWriler "The girls haven't 'corers It marked the with 23 points. previously qualified swimmers are now pre- January, the guys too. When they shave it gives seventh straight game that Dejager led paring for the upcoming Centennial Confer- them a mental and physical feeling of quick- tothe 18.8 ppg over in scoring and is averaging ence meet held February 17-19. teams are ness. It is very psychological," Easterday said. he Terror the stretch. Bpth the men's and women's the men in the Centennial Representing Another that factor Hopkins, working when sent to coming off seasons in which both improved Conference meet are: Chris Drawbaugh, Steve against ~MC was WMC he tine, hit their free throws, half. convert- their records from the previous year. The Ferrara, K.C. Fisher, Andy Kalisperis, Kevin and Lundell, Fuller, Mirra, Welter, women finished at 8-4 and the mend ended their Dave ng 17 of 2 [ in the second The Terror still had their chances, season at 5-6. Markovic. are represented by: Tasha It was a season that saw many Western The women Dejager hit another teams owever. with two and a half minutes three left Maryland broke records in the 1000 and 1650 Berry, Alison Dehnger, Elaine Eiennan, Tara shattered. records school Paul ointer Mulhern, Jen Markovic Harbold, Martha Ivey, Brandy 74-67. She was within o pull the Terror Ireestyle everus. Mike Welter took the school Sacks, Alexander, Benvin and Burke. ouled on the play but missed the free mark in the 200 backstroke. For the women, Easterday is confident of her team's competing hrow. on Denise ensuing play, then but stole WMC the Buffy Burke broke her own record in the 500 chances to fare well in Centennials. "I expect Spangler all the urned the ball right back over 10 stop free, and Kelly Benvin battered the school a great meet from everyone," she said. "We record in the 1650 free. could have more individuals than ever place from ny hopes of a come behind vic- this ory. "It was a tough game. We didn't women Karen Alexander and Buffy Burke led the high. 1 hate to single anyone out because with 23 and 22 individual they've all worked so hard." first-place Alexander "The agrees with her coach. led the lay well in the first half and it made it finishes, respectively. Paul Markovic first-place girls have a couple relays that could place in way for the men with 22 individual weekend! ard to come out and beating them," said finishes. Dead Coach Kim Easterday feels that the top three or four. We'll be ready because she back. planning We were Peter Fuller was second with 13. n coming this has been a great week of practice," pangler. strong leadership early on was the key to both said. Even play- Men's, Women's & ff hopes with the loss, very the Terror alive. teams' success. "The leadership back in Octo- "I think you'll see a 10\ of big drops [in time] Markovic a good showing. also expects much still are ber really set the tone for this team. That's al- left, IWO conference games JV Basketball WMC has at Dickinson, and next Satur- ways the toughest time because all they do is due to all of the hard work we've done," he hursday eat, sleep, study and swim," she said. "Once said. ay, Gettysburg plays here. To make the we gor past that stage, we were fine." Easterday emphasized sleep, nutrition, layoffs, WMC will almost have to beat With Centennials this weekend, {he team and stress reduction as important things 10 the Wrestling pcttysburg, and hope that Gettysburg has been practicing hard 10 slice off rhat extra learn in preparation. "Those things are so im- oses at Johns Hopkins this Tuesday. timne that can be so crucial in such a big meet. portant. We just started tapering, which is re- "We kinda looked at this as a must How crucial are these precious seconds? Team ducing the yardage each practice, so everyone t-vin game. Hopefully we will.come back members, both male and female, are not al- should be fresh for the weekend," she said. Swimming ext week at Gettysburg," said Dejager. lowed to shave in the weeks leading up to Cen- "We're just going to go do our best and hope- tennials. In the days just prior to the event, fully have a good showing," she added.
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