Page 121 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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On The Hill Friday, February 17, 1995 Page 5 Locking the doors on crime: an Film fiction not mashed to inconvenience or necessity? "pulp," as previously reviewed Starring: John Travolta, Samuel especially Travolta's, are brough STEWART Brrn:.I. & BII ..I.. BOWER rector of Resident Life. "It's not just an in certain buildings just for the pur- Jackson, Uma Thurman, Bruce out with a bit of humor and wit COfilrilJUlillgWrilers administrative issue, it's also a student pose of theft of vandalizing. And Willis, and Harvey Kietel very little melodrama. Beginning with this spring semes- issue." once a thief or a vandal was in cer- The tcr; there haS been achangc in the time Still, many students disagree. tain buildings. all they would need Directed by Quentin Tarantino the stories fact that Tarantino let. without 10 develop Released by Miramax Films that all of tbedoors of the residence halls Karen Voit,ajuniorbioiogymajor,said. is a card to get them into just about **** much tension is refreshing. Thi are to be locked. "I feel the people that are worried about any room. Reviewed by Richard Thomas gives the movie a more realisti This policy was unanimously de- their stuff should lock their room door. As Mike Webster explained, edge because there is little exces cided on by the All College Council, It's annoying for the people with a so- any universal key that gets into the For two months. I wanted to of sound effects that are not in th which is represented by both faculty and ciallife." hands of an individual that is not a see this film, and I finally did over context of the scene. For ex students, deciding that the doors will However,theproblcmofjust lock- student would allow them 10 get Christmas Break. Despite some of ample, when the characters b be locked on the week nights at 7 p.m. ing a door leads to yet another problem into any donn they wanted at any the criticisms towards the film (es- John Travolta and Samuel Jack instead of the original time of II p.m. as Bruce Cotter(JR)explained, "I think time. If that same individual had pecially the previous review in this son kill a few people who stol The weekend nights would be unaf- the problem is the room doors. A simple a key that only opens one particu- paper). seeing it was well worth the money from their boss fected. This was decided on because card gets you in." Although this is not Marcalous, there is no tense mu of the increase in theft and donn dam- the case with all of the dorms. it is an ::rt~~I~!~~~~;e~~~~ ;:~:.d ~~~: wail in my opinion. sic played that hinders that real age caused by individuals that appar- issue for some residents. Webster continued by saying, dire:r~~P ;iC~~~~tti~e ;:~~~~::I~ ism of the story. ently do not live either in that particular Freshman Ali Terrell also dis- "And with this small campus, most Also, the narration is done i hall or building. agreed, "We should have more Cam- outsiders are recognized," ~Oa7!;i~:~1 o~i:~~~: ~~~~:ss:::; a way that is not confusing if to This decision to lock the doors has pus Safety officers so we, as paying stu- tal attention is paid to the whol many student" here at WMC upset. A dents, aren't as inconvenienced." Sibil~~r~~~si~h~h~~~~e~:~h~f::~;~ in Los Angelos. The acting is ex- film. This, like most of the 111m poll was taken among 70 random stu- However, Mike Webster, Director phone. The administration is look- ~~!~:~tt~ a~SSi~~~~~I~e;~~hhi~~~~ is too spectacular to just let ge dents, 62 of whom disagreed with the of Campus Safety countered, "Even if ing into the possibility of having who has to take the boss' wife, away. Many other performances decision to lock the doors at an earlier we double the amount of officers from such as Samuel Jackson's an time, and only eight who agreed with two to every shift, to four, we still can- ~~~;~~~~:~i~~o~ ::ye~S~~;:f played by Uma Thurman, out for Bruce Willis's, were also impres the decision. However, the adminis- not be everywhere at one time." that dorm 10 be cleared by the ~a~~~~i~~;,,~:;:~v:;~,~a~~~e~:~ sive. Of course, there may hav tration feels that this is the best deci- However, there are alternatives. people that they are going to see. taurant with service people dressed been 100 much violence, but th sion. Many student" have come up with the ~:r ~~~: t~:~~%n%~?' :fSt~~ as Buddy Holly and Marilyn Mon- violence was in context to th Dean of Student Affairs, Philip idcaofhavinga"Universai Key"which film. Sayer, said, 'This is a good first step, it would allow students who owned them phone system, believes that the ~:~,~:::~~~~I~irSa~it::~~;~:~~~~~ Anyway, I could go on abou will make people think about safety." all access to the front doors of all resi- phonesoutsideofbuildingscouldbe explanation of how he should nOI other great aspects about Pul "By locking the doors down, the dent halls. But all three administrators a reality within the next three years. have affair with his boss' wife. Fiction, such as its soundtrack students will have bettercontrolofwho who were interviewed pointed out that "M Fi~:~:~n~~~~~:s~~~:~~~~~ !ravolta is e~pecially excellent in but I do nOI want to give away to comes in and out of the building:" a universal key would make it incred- much for anyone who may wan a~ ~ene Kinsey;~:sr:~Di~ ib~difficultlocontrolstudentswhoare finIlis an inconvenience, when 0- :~~~~a~~~~h:hca~a;~~;~r~ea~ef~t~: "to see it. This movie is highl docs safety become a personal re- decision, especially with Uma recommended, but there are cer sponsibility and not aconvenience?" From our home office in Lou City, Idaho, Still there are many who disagree, Thurman dancing 10 the band Urge tain scenes, such as a characte Karen Arnie presents Overkill doing Neil Diamond's having a syringe shoved into he 'The Top Ten List' because it is an inconvenience, but "Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon." heart to keep from dying of a co sponsored in part by Smith House with campus crime on the rise, we The reason that this is done well is caine, that may not be for th And here they are, the Top Ten Reasons To Avoid all as students must ask ourselves thai the emotions of the characters, squeamish. which is more important. The Career Services Office: Trumpeters' Spotlight: Sisters for Justice 10. Walking to your appointment at Smith House would make you break a sweat. By JEREI) EOI;:NRECK Christiana Nichola-Leahy of the women to share. Additionally, Su- Contributing writer Political Science Department com- san Alvin and Carla DeSalvo have 9. You might find out that you could actually get paid for After a female resident of put forth the idea that self-defense knowing something in your major. mented, "the group provides a fo- Whiteford left campus after being rum for open dialogue among classes for women be free and open, attacked and a number of offen- women which the campus has not accentuating this point by saying, "if 8. You love classes and exams so much that you want 10 stay sive racial incidents shocked the the administration doesn't do it, we here forever. had ... it's a really positive develop- WMC community last semester, ment". will." several women decided that they While still young, the group has Besides working generally to 7. If you wait until May, allihe really good McDonald's jobs needed a group with the specific mise concern for issues of justice, the will be open then. already addressed the administration goals of dealing with sexism and and Campus Safety on the issues group specifically wants to get a racism on campus. Enraged Carla of racism and safety for women on room or bulletin board where infor- 6. You are still trying to get that internship as a beer taster. DeSalvo, Susan Alvin, and Erin campus through leiters and meet- rnation of relevance to women's Nolan created Sisters for Justice ings with those departments. This health and concerns can be placed 5. The dog ate your resume. to fill a void on campus. direct approach and call for ac- and where women can feel com- "We listed our goals very countability on the part of the ad- fortable sharing. Furthermore, the 4. You need all you spare time planning for Spring Break at clearly on a petition: we are hear ministration has even prompted group hopes to work closely with Three Mile Island. to stop racism, sexism, and such unprecedented action as the the recently formed Progressive class ism in all of its forms," said offer by Dean Coley to give the Student Union to spread informa- 3. You need some time to suck up to your professors to get at tion on political prisoners and U.S.- least one good reference. Carla DeSalvo," and we invited group a front page in the new Stu- any sisters who agreed with us 10 dent Handbook 10 present their per- Cuban relations, among other issues. come 10 a gathering ... we're about spective on campus life. "I wish that there had been a 2. You love the excitement of changing your major every g~up like this here when I first semester. strong sisterhood and fighting for "I think it's good to have a respect and justice." group raising a stink about campus came," said Susan Alvin, "because Following in the footsteps of safety issues," commented Dean then I might have felt less alone arid ... and the number 1reason to avoid the Career Services Office: Because your parents wouldn't have recently defunct groups like Sayre of Student Affairs, ..... even frustrated. We don't want women anything left to nag you about when they call!! Women Making Changes and Sis- if it's in my department." to continue to feel that they have ters of Diversity, Sisters for Jus- The group hopes to work no support from other women stu- tice is a no-nonsense, do-it-your- closely with those involved in ac- dents." This has been a Career Services Production, x243, located on your campus. Career Services hours are 9:00 to 4:30 Monday through self women's group. Each meet- tivities with Women's History Those interested in the group Thursday by appointment, evening hours by appointment only. ing has drawn 30-35 women from Month on campus in order to gel should contact Susan Alvin or Career Library hours are 8:30 to 4:30 Monday through Friday! the faculty, sororities, and inde- speakers (local activist Pam Davis Carla DeSalvo in order to find out pendent students. As Dr. among them) and other forums for meeting times and activities.
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