Page 123 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 123
Sports Friday, February 17, 1995, Page 7 After hard year, Freshman b-ball player promises Lowe has high hopes great future for WMC team By .JOSHUA FOSTER in blocked shots, and is tied tor sec- for wrestling Freshman Sta[fWriler Marshall has and in rebounding. Marshall is Will Conference sixth in the Centennial saved his best basketball for last, and in Ff percentage, and second in By Ross HOLLEHON sophomores, are in the 167 Terror fans could not be happier. shots blocked per game. S OriS Wriler weight class, but one of them Marshall's strong play has come at One weakness that Marshall It cannot be seen in his might be able to gel down to just the right time, helping the Ter- does have is to occasionally pick face nor actions, but John the 158 pounders. rors fight for a playoff berth in the up quick fouls that leave him sit- Lowe, WMC's head wrestling Whatever weight Centennial Conference. ting on the bench for long stretches. coach, has been through a Simmerer wrestles at, Lowe Expectations were high going He leads the team in fouls and bundle in his first season as a is expecting big things. "Phil into the year for the 6'6" forward, picked up two early against Terror. has been on a tear, destroy- who averaged over 25 points a game Franklin & Marshall that took him He has faced a first year ing matches that in high school. However, in his first out of the game for much of the first with a depleted team which could have been close," said few collegiate games, he seemed ten- half. once practiced with an - eager tative on the court, and was not al- "That has been one of my main A team ways a factor. But Marshall quickly improved a great deal this year difficulties when I have a bad ~:~~e~~u~~ee~~t:~ L~::'jUniOrS picked up his play and has now be- and has now become a fan rave. game," admitted Marshall. For the champion- i:~tv~~; "I've tried to be more aggres- Terror to keep being successfult. he come a fan favorite. ~~~om~:::, :n~s~~~ In his last six games the quiet sive and look for my opportunities must stay out of foul trouble. of those was during 'ship ... should WMC one of freshman has averaged IS points and a little more," said Marshall on his As for the future. teammate Pal winter break. Its best 7.3 rebounds in helping the Terror go recent play. Young had high praise for him. The pressure attract new chances at a 4-2. From the free throw line he has "He's played with more inten- "He'll be an outstanding college talent to the sity ... he has improved his re- player. .. He has some of the best t:~:~d:~!p:l~ga;t~ ~sh~~P~~:~~~~ ~:;tt~28~%~:~\U~~~~!~i;:~~~~~!~ bounding and team defense," natural talent that I've seen since team for the Ursin us, he recorded career highs in est neg auve im- Joe Flemming agreed head coach Nick Zoulias. I've been here." Terror fans hope pact. Lowe has and his 8-2 both points scored and rebounds with For the year, Marshall is av- that Marshall continues his strong kepi his jovial per- future. r e cor d 28 and 15, respectively. eraging 11.5 ppg, leads the team play right into the playoffs. sonality all season Heavyweight :~~h~:/fs~at~/s~:bilitYlothe lookstomake.~~\tm;r::~it:~ Loss drops Lady Terrors to third Western Maryland wrestling in his weight class, and Jus- By JOSH FOSTER ror bench 21-5 for the game. On the to match up with." program. tin Mikulski is on of Lowe's Sla//Writer offensive end. the Blue Jays played In the second half, after trading This sense of spirit will be best bets to win a conference Westminster-Inabanle for first place aggresively, coming away with II of- baskets forthe first ten minutes, WMC important with the Centennial championship after dropping intheCentenniaiConference thewomen fensive rebounds, many of them at key triedrostart acomeback. With thescore ,<;.,~,Rf_~~n..s,e~~.~mpJ.,ci,n,~h.!p "." from the....l50_weight-class to---Terrorro:~Kcllxillteamfellk,theBlueJays moments. 56-38, Sandi DeJager got hot. She hit coming up on February 18th at the 142 c.lass. of John Hopkins Bt-eclast Sarurday. "John Hopkins is an aggressive a three pointer to start a 15-6 run to Gettysburg College in Pennsyl- . "justin has been working The loss drops the Terror women team. They have a deeper bench then pull the Terror within 62-53. vania. The time of the season w.i th some different people from the first place tie they had shared we do, and it takes a toil," said head Afteronlyscoring 3 points in the has come when the wrestlers and seems to have a new con- with Hopkins and intothinlplace, haifa coach Becky Martin. 'They have a first half, DeJager came out on fire to work on strategy and special- Fidence heading into the meet game behind Gettysburg. group of people that makes it difficult See "Women's B-Ball" p. 8 ization rather than the heavy with some momentum," said 'Thoughtheyplayedtough,a 12 point duty general moves they have Lowe. halftime deficit forced the Terror to try been practicing since day one. - Th roughout the year, and catch-up all night long. WMCnever "After practicing all year Lowe feels the entire team led at any point during the game. CARRIAGE HOUSE LIQUORS against the same partners, ev- has met its goal and devel- The Blue Jays came out running to 113 W. MAIN ST. eryone knows the other's style oped strategically, physi- takea22-13Iead,butaKatieHaleythree WESTMINSTER, MD 21157 and that can hurt a wrestler's calf y, technically, mentally, point play started a 9-0 Terror run to tie PHONE: 848-3466 confidence going into a big and spiritually, and are ready the score at 22. That was the closest the meet," said Lowe concerning to put WMC wrestling on the score would be for the rest of the game. the change in practice methods. map. Hopkins outscored the Terror 19-7toend MILWAUKEE'S BEST 7.99/CS. CANS The practices are very im- A team championship thehalf,andsh0l.51.4% on their way to ponant with Lowe's goal of all will not only bring a new a 41-29 lead. MIKEY'S REG.flCE .99¢ QT. seven or eight wrestlers plac- level of pride 10 the team and Hopkins started thegame by using a LABATI'S 7.99!12PK. ing ar the meet. school, but will also put in press,whichledtoeightWMCtUITlovers BUD DRY 11.99/CS. CANS The freshmen include Jeff place a promising atmo- inthefirsteightminutesofthegame.1he MILLER HIGH LIFE 9.99CS. Kellmer wrestling at 190 sphere that should attract Blue Jays also used their speed to their BUD, COORS & pounds, and Steve Smiddy at new talent to the team for the advantage. MILLER $13.99/CS. CANS the 134 weight class. Rick future. WMC also hurt by the depth of the Estes and Phil Simmerer, both Hopklnsbench,whichoutscoredtheTer- c:.;p;s-C;R;,-u;.-2itiiiQS ,- HoCL;;';';, -Fl3302i - two 01 the rnDst recogntzed and NoW you can have ",,,O~~~€.!1~~"""~'8"':~~~~~..~~~~~m~J1:~~~;~~~~lf!~n:~ YES! Iwan'VlSA8/MASTDU:ARD
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